Tuesday 28 November 2017

Bøker On Etf Trading Strategier

7 Beste ETF Trading Strategies for Beginners. Exchange-traded funds ETFs er ideelle for begynnelsen investorer på grunn av deres mange fordeler liker lav utgift ratioer rikelig likviditet bredt spekter av investeringsvalg, diversifisering, lav investeringstærskel og så videre for mer se Fordeler og ulemper av ETFs Disse funksjonene gjør også ETFs perfekte kjøretøy for ulike handels - og investeringsstrategier brukt av nye handelsmenn og investorer. Her er våre syv beste ETF-handelsstrategier for nybegynnere presentert i ingen bestemt rekkefølge.1 Dollar-Cost Averaging. We begynner med den mest grunnleggende strategien første Dollar-cost-gjennomsnitt er teknikken til å kjøpe et bestemt fast dollarbeløp på en eiendel på en vanlig tidsplan, uavhengig av endringskostnaden for eiendelen. Nybegynnere investorer er vanligvis unge mennesker som har vært i arbeidsstyrken i et år eller to og har en stabil inntekt som de kan spare litt hver måned. Slike investorer bør ta noen hundre dollar hver måned a nd i stedet for å plassere den i en lavrente sparekonto, bør de investere den i en ETF eller en gruppe ETFer. Det er to store fordeler ved en slik periodisk investering for nybegynnere. Den første er at den gir en viss disiplin til spareprosessen. Som mange økonomiske planleggere anbefaler det, er det ypperlig fornuft å betale deg selv først, noe som er det du oppnår ved å spare regelmessig. Den andre er at ved å investere samme faste dollarbeløp i en ETF hver måned, vil den grunnleggende forutsetningen for dollarkostnadsverdi funksjonen du akkumulere flere enheter når ETF-prisen er lav og færre enheter når ETF-prisen er høy, og dermed utligne kostnadene til bedriftene dine Over tid kan denne tilnærmingen lønne seg så lenge man holder fast i disiplinen. For eksempel, si at du hadde investerte 500 på den første i hver måned fra september 2012 til august 2015 i SPDR SP 500 ETF SPY en ETF som sporer SP 500-indeksen. Da SPY-enhetene handlede på 136 16 i september 2012, ville 500 ha Jeg hentet deg 3 67 enheter, men tre år senere, da enhetene handlet nær 200, ville en månedlig investering på 500 ha gitt deg 2 53 enheter. I løpet av treårsperioden ville du ha kjøpt totalt 103 79 SPY-enheter basert på sluttkurs justert for utbytte og splittelser. Til sluttkursen 210 59 17. august 2015 ville disse enhetene ha vært verdt 21 857 14, for en gjennomsnittlig årlig avkastning på nesten 13,2 Asset Allocation. Asset-allokering som innebærer allokering av en del av En portefølje til ulike aktivakategorier som aksjer, obligasjoner, varer og kontanter for diversifisering er et kraftig investeringsverktøy. Den lave investeringsgrensen for de fleste ETFer generelt så lite som 50 per måned gjør det enkelt for en nybegynner å implementere en grunnleggende ressurs fordelingsstrategi, avhengig av investeringstidshorisonten og risikotoleransen. Som et eksempel kan unge investorer bli 100 investert i egenkapitalfondene når de er på 20-tallet på grunn av deres lange investeringstid e horisonter og høy risiko toleranse Men når de kommer inn i 30-årene og går i gang med større livscyklusendringer som for eksempel å starte en familie og kjøpe et hus, kan de skifte til en mindre aggressiv investeringsmiks som 60 i aksjer ETF og 40 i obligasjon ETFer. 3 Swing Trading. Swing handler er handler som søker å dra nytte av store svingninger i aksjer eller andre instrumenter som valutaer eller varer. De kan ta alt fra noen dager til noen få uker for å trene, i motsetning til dagbransjen som sjelden blir åpnet over natten se fordeler av Day Trading Vs Swing Trading Attributtene til ETFs som gjør dem egnet til swing trading er deres diversifisering og stramt budspørsmål. I tillegg, fordi ETFer er tilgjengelige for mange forskjellige investeringsklasser og et bredt spekter av sektorer, kan en nybegynner velg å handle en ETF som er basert på en sektor eller aktivaklasse hvor han eller hun har noen spesifikk kompetanse eller kunnskap. For eksempel kan noen med teknologisk bakgrunn ha en fordel i handel med en teknologi ETF som PowerShares QQQ Trust Series 1 QQQ som følger Nasdaq-100, eller iShares US Technology ETF IYW En nybegynnerhandler som tett sporer råvaremarkedene, foretrekker kanskje å handle med en av de mange råvare ETFene som er tilgjengelige, for eksempel PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund DBC Fordi ETFer er vanligvis kurver av aksjer eller andre eiendeler, kan de ikke vise samme grad av oppadgående prisbevegelse som en enkelt aksje i et oksemarked. Men på samme måte gjør deres diversifisering også dem mindre utsatt for enkeltlagre til en stor nedadgående bevegelse Dette gir en viss beskyttelse mot kapital erosjon, noe som er et viktig hensyn for nybegynnere.4 Sektorrotasjon. ETFs gjør det også relativt enkelt for nybegynnere å utføre sektorrotasjon basert på ulike stadier av konjunktursyklusen se Sektorrotasjon Essentials Anta for eksempel at en investor har blitt investert i bioteknologisektoren gjennom Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF IBB Wit h totalt avkastning på 327 i løpet av de foregående fem årene per 21. august 2015, kan investor ønske å ta overskudd i denne ETF og rotere inn i en mer defensiv sektor som forbrukerstifter basert på premisset om at de økonomiske og tyske markedssyklusene allerede var utvidet fra august 2015 Dette kan lett oppnås ved å kjøpe en ETF som Consumer Staples AlphaDEX Fund FXG.5 Short Selling. Short selger salget av et lånt sikkerhetsinstrument eller finansielt instrument, er vanligvis en ganske risikofylt satsning for de fleste investorer og dermed ikke noe mest nybegynnere bør forsøke å se hvor risikofylt er en kort salg. Det er imidlertid foretrukket å selge kort gjennom ETFs til å kutte enkeltaksjer på grunn av den lavere risikoen for et kort presse - et handelsscenario hvor en sikkerhet eller vare som har vært kortsluttede pigger høyere - samt den vesentlig lavere kostnaden ved å låne i forhold til kostnadene pådratt i å forsøke å kutte en aksje med høy kort rente. Disse risikoreduserende konsekvensene avledninger er viktige for en nybegynner Kortsalg gjennom ETFer gjør det også mulig for en næringsdrivende å dra nytte av et bredt investeringstema. En avansert nybegynner hvis en slik åpenbar oksymoron eksisterer som er kjent med risikoen for kortsiktighet og ønsker å starte en kort posisjon i fremvoksende markeder kan gjøre det gjennom iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF EEM. Vær imidlertid oppmerksom på at vi sterkt anbefaler at nybegynnere forblir borte fra dobbeltleverte eller tredobbelte levererte inverse ETFer som søker resultater som er like som to eller tre ganger den omvendte av dagens pris endring i en indeks, på grunn av den betydelig høyere risikoen som er knyttet til disse ETFene. For mer, se Short Selling ETFs fra Fidelity Investments.6. Sats på sesongmessige trender. ETF er også gode verktøy for nybegynnere for å kapitalisere sesongmessige trender. La oss vurdere to kjente sesongmessige trender Den første kalles selger i mai og går bort fenomen Det refererer til det faktum at amerikanske aksjer har historisk under utførelse utgitt over seks måneders mai til oktober, sammenlignet med november-april-perioden. Den andre sesongmessige trenden er gulls tendens til å vinne i månedene september og oktober, takket være sterk etterspørsel fra India i forkant av bryllupsåret og Diwali festival av lys som vanligvis faller mellom midten av oktober og midten av november. Det brede markedets svakhetstendens kan utnyttes ved å kortslutte SPDR SP 500 ETF SPY rundt slutten av april eller begynnelsen av mai, og avslutte den korte posisjonen i i slutten av oktober, rett etter at markedet swoons typisk for den måneden har skjedd. En nybegynner kan på samme måte utnytte sesongens gullstyrke ved å kjøpe enheter av en populær gull ETF, som SPDR Gold Trust GLD eller Comex Gold Trust IAU i sensommeren og avsluttende Legg ut stillingen etter et par måneder. Merk at sesongtrender ikke alltid forekommer som forventet, og stopp-tap er generelt anbefalt for slike handelsposisjoner for å dekke risikoen for store tap. En nybegynner kan occa sionally trenger å hekke eller beskytte mot ulemper risiko i en betydelig portefølje, kanskje en som er ervervet som et resultat av en arv. Anta at du har arvet en betydelig portefølje av amerikanske blåbrønner og er bekymret for risikoen for en stor nedgang i amerikanske aksjer En løsning er å kjøpe put-opsjoner Men siden de fleste nybegynnere ikke er kjent med opsjonshandelsstrategier, er en alternativ strategi å starte en kort posisjon i brede markeds-ETFer som SPDR SP 500 SPY eller SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average Units Series 1 DIA Hvis markedet faller som forventet, vil din egen blåspapirposisjon bli sikret effektivt, siden nedgangen i porteføljen din vil bli kompensert av gevinster i den korte ETF-posisjonen. Merk at gevinsten din også vil bli avkortet dersom markedet forventer, siden gevinster i porteføljen din vil motvirkes av tap i den korte ETF-posisjonen. Likevel tilbyr ETFer nybegynnere en relativt enkel og effektiv metode for sikring. Bottom Line. Exchange-handlet midler har mange funksjoner som gjør dem til ideelle instrumenter for begynnelseshandlere og investorer. Noen ETF-handelsstrategier som er spesielt egnet for nybegynnere, er dollar-gjennomsnitt, eiendomsfordeling, swing trading, sektorrotasjon, short selling, sesongmessige trender og sikring. Det maksimale beløpet av penger USA kan låne Gjeldstaket ble opprettet under Second Liberty Bond Act. Renten der et depotinstitusjon gir midler opprettholdt i Federal Reserve til en annen depotinstitusjon.1 Et statistisk mål for spredning av avkastning for en gitt sikkerhet eller markedsindeks Volatilitet kan enten måles. En handling vedtok den amerikanske kongressen i 1933 som bankloven, som forbyde kommersielle banker å delta i investeringen. Nonfarm lønn refererer til hvilken som helst jobb utenfor gårder, private husholdninger og nonprofit sektor USA Bureau of Labor. The valuta forkortelse eller valutasymbol for den indiske rupee INR, valutaen til India Th e rupee består av 1.Home Education Center Rookie ETF Investors. Rookie ETF Investors. You er en Rookie ETF Investor hvis du er en nybegynner og børshandlede midler, er relativt nye for deg. Du kan ha liten eller ingen direkte deltakelse i finansielle markeder Hvis du har noen erfaring, kanskje du startet med en kjøp og hold-tilnærming ved å bruke aksjer eller få føttene våte ved å investere i fond. Kanskje du overgår fra en full-service megler eller arbeidsgiver-sponset pensjonsordning til en gjør - Internett-megler som TradeKing Dine investeringsmål kan føre spekteret fra konservativ til aggressiv, men det er sannsynlig at du ikke forstår den fulde meningen og implikasjonene av disse synspunktene. Bare fordi du er en nybegynner, betyr det ikke at du ikke har høy forventninger til dine investeringer, og du er sannsynligvis ivrig etter å utvide din generelle markedskunnskap og investeringserfaring for å oppnå dine mål. Som sagt er mange nybegynnere ikke helt klar over tiden og engasjementet inv olved with investing Som en nybegynner kan du ha hørt om kapitalfordeling og pensjonsplanlegging, men forstår ikke hvordan disse prosessene fungerer, eller hvorfor de er så viktige å tenke gjennom Rookies, hører ofte om ETFer gjennom nyhetsprogrammer, økonomiske magasiner eller venner Du vil kanskje grave litt dypere, men du kan finne de finansielle markedene overveldende og ikke vet hvordan du skal begynne. På handelssiden av ting kan en nybegynner lokke til å handle ETF fordi sektoren den sporer er i favør eller opplever økt volatilitet Det kan imidlertid hende du ikke skjønner jo høyere volatiliteten, jo høyere ferdighetssettet er nødvendig for å håndtere slike posisjoner. Rookies kan ikke forstå likviditetsbegrepet, og hvordan dets betydning øker etter hvert som en forhandlers holdingsperiode faller. Røkene er spesielt sårbare å la følelser ta over når en handel eller investering har begynt Dette kan føre til at du holder på ETFs med tap, selv om årsakene til den opprinnelige investeringen har deteri orated Du kan ha funnet deg selv håper, kanskje til og med feilaktig forventer, vil en tapende ETF komme seg, slik at du kan komme tilbake til selv Hvis høyere priser returnerer, kan du ha trukket selgeren for tidlig, selge ETF på break-even eller bare liten fortjeneste Rookies har ofte hatt suksessfulle stillinger under sterke oksmarkeder, men i tøffere tider når volatiliteten er oppe og bjørn regner spillet, kan du føle deg med tap. Som ETF-nybegynner skjønner du ETFs representerer en kurv med investeringer, men du sannsynligvis vet ikke hva eiendeler er holdt av fondets leder, eller skjønner ikke at disse detaljene kan få ødeleggelse på investeringen. Rookies kan feiltakede tankeavgift for ETFer er alltid lavere enn verdipapirfond og vet ikke å se nærmere på provisjoner og kostnader forhold Det kan være skremmende å sammenligne verdipapirfond og ETF på en omfattende måte for å bestemme hvilken type investering som passer bedre under visse forhold. Rookies er kanskje ikke klar over at ETFs kan gå opp og ned i verdier e eller at aksjene dine kan bli verdt mer eller mindre enn deres opprinnelige kostnad. De unike risikoene for spesialiserte eller ikke-tradisjonelle ETFer er ikke alltid åpenbare. Det er fristende å bli tiltrukket av en ETF for sin vellykkede track record, men litt mer utfordrende for å tolke tallene og anerkjenne at tidligere resultater ikke er en indikasjon på fremtiden. Som en Rookie ETF Investor, her er grunnleggende du bør mestre. Grunnleggende om ETFs avgifter og utgifter, og hvordan ETFs kan påvirke dine skatter. Hvordan for å få et ETF s prospekt, enten via post eller online, og forstå det. Betydningen av en ETF s angitt gjennomsnittlig årlig avkastning. Slik får du og les grunnleggende sitater med et ticker-symbol bud, spør, størrelse, siste, endre, høyt lavt, åpent, nært og volum. Begrepet dollar koster gjennomsnitt, risiko og kostnader, og hvis det er riktig for deg. Hvordan T 3 oppgjør påvirker ETF-transaksjoner. Oppgav terminologi handling av kjøp eller salg, kvantitet, pris, type ordre, duration. Position terminol ogy lang, kort. Keep-faner på de store markedsindeksene S Men nøyaktigheten eller fullstendigheten er ikke garantert Informasjon og produkter er kun gitt på basis av best anstrengelser. Vennligst les de fullstendige faste inntektsbetingelsene. Fastinvesteringer er underlagt til ulike risikoer, inkludert renteendringer, kredittkvalitet, markedsverdier, likviditet, forskuddsbetaling, tidlig innløsning, bedriftshendelser, skattemessige konsekvenser og andre faktorer. Innhold, forsknings-, verktøy - og aksje - eller opsjonssymboler er kun til pedagogisk og illustrasjonsformål og ikke innebære en anbefaling eller oppfordring til å kjøpe eller selge en bestemt sikkerhet eller å engasjere seg i en bestemt investeringsstrategi. Fremskrivninger eller annen informasjon om sannsynligheten for ulike investeringsresultater er hypotetisk, ikke garantert for nøyaktighet eller fullstendighet, reflekterer ikke faktiske investeringsresultater og er ikke garantier for fremtidige resultater. Alt annet innhold fra tredjepart, inkludert Blogger, T rade Notater, Foruminnlegg og kommentarer gjenspeiler ikke TradeKings synspunkter og kan ikke ha blitt vurdert av TradeKing All Stars er tredjeparter, representerer ikke TradeKing, og kan opprettholde et uavhengig forretningsforhold med TradeKing. Testimonials er kanskje ikke representative for Erfaring fra andre kunder og er ikke en indikasjon på fremtidig ytelse eller suksess. Ingen vurdering ble utbetalt for noen attester som ble vist. Støtte dokumentasjon for eventuelle krav, inkludert eventuelle krav fremsatt på vegne av opsjonsprogrammer eller valgkompetanse, sammenligning, anbefalinger, statistikk eller andre tekniske Data vil bli levert på forespørsel. Alle investeringer innebærer risiko, tap kan overstige hovedstol investert, og fortiden til en sikkerhet, industri, sektor, marked eller finansielt produkt garanterer ikke fremtidige resultater eller avkastninger. TradeKing gir selvstyrte investorer med rabattmeglingstjenester, og gir ikke anbefalinger eller tilbyr investering, økonomisk, ben Al - eller skatteråd Du er alene ansvarlig for å vurdere fordelene og risikoene knyttet til bruken av TradeKing s systemer, tjenester eller produkter. For en fullstendig liste over opplysninger om nettbasert innhold, vennligst gå til. Forhandle valutahandel Forex tilbys selv - direkte investorer gjennom TradeKing Forex TradeKing Forex, Inc og TradeKing Securities, LLC er separate, men tilknyttede selskaper. Forex-kontoer er ikke beskyttet av Securities Investor Protection Corp. SIPC. Forex trading innebærer betydelig risiko for tap og er ikke egnet for alle investorer. Økende innflytelse øker risikoen Før du bestemmer deg for å handle forex, bør du nøye vurdere dine økonomiske mål, nivå av investeringserfaring og evne til å ta økonomisk risiko. Alle meninger, nyheter, undersøkelser, analyser, priser eller annen informasjon er ikke investeringsrådgivning. Les hele beskrivelsen. Vær oppmerksom på at spot gull og sølv kontrakter ikke er underlagt regulering under US Commodit y Exchange Act. TradeKing Forex, Inc. fungerer som en innledende megler til GAIN Capital Group, LLC GAIN Capital Din forex-konto holdes og vedlikeholdes på GAIN Capital som fungerer som clearing agent og motpart til dine handler GAIN Capital er registrert hos Commodity Futures TradeCing Forex, Inc. er medlem av National Futures Association ID 0408077.2017 TradeKing Group, Inc. Alle rettigheter forbeholdt TradeKing Group, Inc er et heleid datterselskap av Ally Financial, Inc Verdipapirer som tilbys gjennom TradeKing Securities, LLC, medlem FINRA og SIPC Forex tilbys gjennom TradeKing Forex, LLC, medlem NFA.3 Simple Momentum ETF Trading Strategies ETF Database Onsdag 10. juli 2013 Cory Mitchell. Momentum handelsmenn som ser etter sterke prisbevegelser for å hoppe inn på har omfavnet ETFs for deres brukervennlighet, kostnadseffektivitet og et helt mangfold av produkter som er tilgjengelige. Vanligvis handler momentum trading oppsett vil komme i form av trender, men de kan også komme fra et skift i momentum som sterk kjøp etter en skarp nedgang Momentum strategier kan brukes intradag, kapitalisere på trender som oppstår i løpet av minutter eller timer, eller strategiene kan være anvendt for å dra nytte av langsiktige trender. Både pris - og indikatorstrategier brukes til å finne momentum eller mangel på det, og kan brukes på både bullish og bearish markeder se Hvordan Swing Trade ETFs Relativ Svakhet Momentum Strategy Bearish Momentum. Relativ styrke refererer til til hvordan en ETFs prisbevegelser sammenligner med en annen s Hvis to ETFer faller i et bjørnmarked, og du vil gå kort, kort den svakeste en ETF som ingen vil eie. La oss anta at du er bearish på gullgruvearbeidere og vil ha for å få en kort posisjon, men du er ikke sikker på hvilke gullmindere ETF til kort Gjør en sammenligning for å se hvilken som utfører det verste siden du vil gå kort Hvis du vil gå lenge, ser du etter den som har det beste. F igure 1 viser markedsvektorer Gold Miners GDX sammenlignet med markedsvektorer Junior Gold Miners GDXJ I løpet av tidsrammen som vises, har GDXJ vært svakere enn GDX Hvis du velger mellom disse to ETFene, er det et bedre alternativ å ta en kort i GDXJ siden det er svakere se også Hvordan Å være en bedre bære kort vs Inverse ETFs. Figure 1 GDX vs GDXJ Purple Line Prosent Scale Source FreeStockCharts. To gå kort i ETF du har valgt basert på relativ svakhet, sørg for at en generell nedtrend er på plass og se etter oppføring En enkel men svært effektiv metode er å tegne en trendlinje langs en tilbaketrekning i downtrend, og deretter angi når prisen fortsetter å falle og bryter trendlinjen. Figur 2 Pullback Entry Technique Source Freestockcharts. Figur 2 viser potensielt hvor mange inngangspunkter det er i en sterk downtrend Alle de hvite linjene er trendlinjer for pullbacks når trendlinjen er ødelagt, det viser at salget fortsetter, og en kort posisjon kan tas. Sett et stopp over det siste høyt for å begrense ri sk, og hold posisjonen til en høyere sving høyt oppstår. Denne metoden kan også brukes i en uptrend Se etter ETF som utfører den sterkeste i en uptrend Tegn nedadgående trendlinjer langs pullbacks, når trendlinjen er ødelagt ved å kjøpe, gå lang Sett et stopp under den siste lavt og avslutt når en lavere sving lav oppstår Se også 17 ETFs for Day Traders Momentum Indicator Strategy Bullish Momentum Følgende tilnærming brukes best når momentumindikatoren 12 dagers standard har nylig nådd et ekstremt nivå, for eksempel 110 og høyere, eller 90 og lavere Når det svinger frem og tilbake mildt over 100, er signalene mindre pålitelige. Ekstra nivåer på momentumindikatoren signaliserer ofte at prisen er over-utvidet, og et vendepunkt kan snart komme. Basing En avgjørelse om dette alene kan imidlertid være farlig, siden prisen kan fortsette å løpe i lengre perioder. Derfor ser vi etter et ekstremt nivå i momentumindikatoren, etterfulgt av en divergens I I dette spesielle tilfellet ser vi etter en indikasjon på at sterk salg er i ferd med å vende seg til kjøp, og når det oppstår, kan vi hoppe på kjøpevognen se 5 viktigste diagrammønstre for ETF-forhandlere. Fig. 3 Momentumavvik i SPDR Gold Trust Source FreeStockCharts. Figur 3 viser denne rekkefølgen av hendelser som forekommer i SPDR Gold Trust GLD Da prisen faller, er det en nedadgående spike i momentum, fulgt flere måneder senere av en høyere lav. Dette er divergensprisen gjør lavere nedgang, men momentet går opp. Dette indikerer at det er en potensiell lang handel i ETF, men handelen trenger en utløser - og risikostyring. Når du har divergensoppsettet, er en enkel handelstrykker å tegne en trendlinje på momentumindikatoren, og skriv deretter inn lenge når trendlinje er ødelagt. Figur 4 Momentum Trade Trigger Source FreeStockCharts. På denne spesielle handelen ble den nedadgående trendlinjen som følger divergensen på momentumindikatoren brutt nesten nøyaktig på vendepunktet høyere i pris Denne nøyaktigheten vant t alltid oppstå, så et stopp-tap er nødvendig. Sett et stopp under den siste lave prisen, i dette tilfellet 148. Fortsett å holde posisjonen så lenge ETF-prisen gir høyere nedturer Når en lavere lav oppstår, som kan ses på den høyre høyre side av figur 4, gå ut av handel. Dette kan også brukes som kortslutningsstrategi. Du ser etter en kjøpsspike etterfulgt av avvik på momentumindikatoren lavere høyder. kort når momentindikatoren bryter under den oppadgående trendlinjen Stoppet er over det siste høye, og du holder posisjonen til en høyere svinghøye oppstår se 3 ETF Trading Tips Du mangler RSI-strategi Nøytral til Breakout Markets Noen ganger er ETF overveiende trendløs det s Flytte innenfor et område Mens dette ofte vises visuelt på prisdiagrammet, kan en RSI-indikator bidra til å bekrefte at et område forekommer, og også varsle deg når et trendingflyt begynner. Når du ser en ETFs pris som går fram og tilbake innen en pr isbånd i en lengre periode, vil du også sannsynligvis se RSI 14-dagers periode varierer mellom 80 og 20 Hvis handelen er veldig hakket, kan RSI til og med være tett til 50 lesninger. Når prisen går i en rekkevidde og RSI varierer mellom 20 og 80, blir du bedre til å handle med en strategisk strategi enn et momentum. En figur 5 viser dette i USA Oljefond USO Mens det er muligheter for å handle med se-sagene i pris, er disse generelt omgått av momentumhandlere til fordel for mer dynamiske trekk. Figur 5 USA Olje med RSI-kilde FreeStockCharts. Wait for RSI å bevege seg utenfor dette området før du tar fart. Ideelt sett bør en oppgang i pris føre til at RSI når over 80 og også bo over 40 I en pris nedtrend, bør du se RSI dip under 20 og vanligvis holde under 60.USO viste disse tendensene tilbake i 2012.Figur 6 USO med RSI Indikator Kilde FreeStockCharts. On venstre side av Figur 6vi ser prisen og RSI-spekteret, da både RSI og prisbrudd før lavt, signalering økende salgsmoment og nedgang. Etter å ha nådd under 20, gjør RSI kontinuerlig høyere lavt og høyere høyder til midten av august, og viser kjøpsmoment. For å inngå handel I løpet av opptrenden eller nedtrenden, bruk inngangs - og risikostyringsmetodene som er skissert i strategien for relativ styrke Svakhet Momentum, se ETF Call and Put Options Forklart Bunnlinjemomentstrategiene kommer i mange former og kan være basert på pris eller en indikator. Bruk momentstrategier i både opp og ned markeder for å maksimere mulighetene. I rolige og ikke-trendende markeder vil du sannsynligvis ønske å sitte på sidelinjen og avvente høyere potensielle handler. Når du handler momentum, kan gevinsten være stor, men det kan også risikoen som momentet skifter veldig raskt og alvorlig Kontrollrisiko med stoppstopp, og alltid handle med en utgangsplan i tankene. Last ned hvordan du velger riktig ETF hver gang med et gratis ETFdb-medlemskap, registrer deg for ETFdb-nyhetsbrevet for å få oppdateringer om lanseringer og analyser. Oppsigelse Ingen stillinger ved skrivingstidspunktet.

Forex Markedet Open Time Indikator

MetaTrader 4 - Indikatorer. Forex markedssessindikator - indikator for MetaTrader 4.Denne indikatoren trekker de store fire forex-øktene. Det er åpenbart at markedet vanligvis beveger seg i et smalt område under Sydney og Tokyo økt, og den flytter kraftig i London og New York-sesjon, så vi må ta forskjellige strategier i ulike økter. Denne indikatoren er designet for å tegne hver økt med fargelinjer. Den har 3 eksterne inngangsparametre. LokalGMT det er GMT-offsetet for din lokale tidssone. BrokerGMT det er GMT offset av megler s MT4.ShowText hvis sant, vil det vise hver økt basert på lokal tid i øverste venstre hjørne. Den blå linjen representerer Sydney-sesjon, den gule representerer Tokyo-sesjon, den grønne representerer London-sesjon og den røde representerer New York session. advise bruker det på M5 tidsramme. Jayaram Naick Bukke. Hi det er veldig fin indikator liten korreksjon for å bli modifisert er 1 hvis lokal tid det viser øverste venstre hjørne er å dekke gjemmer stearinlys ca n vi plasserer det litt der som boks slik at vi drar det til hvor som helst i diagram som boks 2 jeg kan se bare heltalltype kan du endre det til doubl type slik at jeg kan legge til min lokale tid ex her i India lokal tid er GMT 5 30 men det vurderer 530 så jeg kan ikke plassere 5hrs 30min 3 Kan du lage Vertikale linjer nøyaktig på diagramvinduet og si at teksten vertikale tekstnavn på sesjonen er åpen og lukkende Takk for din fantastiske indikator og din hjelpsomme jobber. N nyttig for min trading teknikk takk. Praktiserer manuell handel og denne indikatoren er veldig nyttig for handel jeg hadde brukt det 2 år siden da glemte og nå igjen jeg fant det takk til forfatteren takk Rgds, Pankaj. Nice jobb OldZ, jeg liker tilnærming din veldig praktisk indikator. Brukbar indikator, det lagret min tid En om intverdien av lokal tid, det gjør det ikke å skape mye effekt. Det kan bli re-kodet. Forex Market Hours. Forex markedstider Når du skal handle og når ikke til. Forex-markedet er åpen 24 timer i døgnet Det gir en flott mulighet for handelsfolk å handle når som helst på dagen eller natten Men når det ikke ser ut til å være så viktig i begynnelsen, er riktig tidspunkt for handel å være et av de mest avgjørende punktene for å bli en vellykket Forex-aktør. Når skal man vurdere å handle og hvorfor. Det beste tidspunktet for handel er når markedet er det mest aktive og har derfor det største volumet av handler. Aktivt handlede markeder vil skape en god sjanse til å fange en god handelsmulighet og tjene penger. Mens rolige, sakte markeder vil bokstavelig talt kaste bort tiden din av din datamaskin og ikke engang bry. Leve Forex Market Timer Monitor. Reviewed, forbedret og oppdatert 24. august 2012 Tilbakemelding velkommen. Forex trading timer, Forex trading time. New York åpner klokken 08.00 til 17.00 EST EDT. Tokyo åpner klokken 07.00 til 04.00 EST EDT. Sydney åpner klokken 05.00 til 02.00 EST EDT. London åpner klokken 03.00 til 12.00 EST EDT. Og så er det timer når to økter overlapper. New York og London mellom klokken 08.00 og 12.00 klokken EST EDT Sydney og Tokyo betwe no 7.00 pm 2.00 am EST EDT London og Tokyo mellom kl. 00.00 og 00.00 EST EDT. For eksempel vil handel med USD, GBP USD-valutapar gi gode resultater mellom klokken 08.00 og kl 12.00 på EST når to markeder for de valutaer er aktive. På de overlappende handelstimene finner du det høyeste volumet av handler og dermed flere sjanser til å vinne i valutamarkedet. Hva med din Forex megler. Din megler vil tilby en handelsplattform med en viss tidsramme tiden Rammen vil avhenge av landet der megleren opererer. Når du fokuserer på markedstider, bør du ignorere tidsrammen på plattformen, i de fleste tilfeller vil det være irrelevant, og i stedet bruke universell klokken EST EDT eller Market Hours Monitor for å identifisere trading økter hvis du har ikke valgt en Forex megler ennå, vi anbefaler Forex meglere sammenligning for å hjelpe ditt søk. Vi har gjort det enkelt for alle å overvåke Forex trading timer økter mens de er hvor som helst i verden. Last ned gratis Forex Market Ho urs Monitor v2 11 535KB Sist oppdatert 5. oktober 2006 Dette er et enkelt program rettet mot Eastern Standard Time. Last ned gratis Forex Market Timer Monitor v2 12 814KB Sist oppdatert 20. april 2007 Tidssone-alternativet er lagt til for de fleste nordamerikanske og europeiske land. Forex Market Timer. Forex Market Timer Converter antar lokale vegg klokke trading timer 8 00 AM - 4 00 PM i hvert Forex marked Ferier ikke inkludert Ikke beregnet for bruk som en nøyaktig tidskilde Hvis du trenger presis tid, se Vennligst send spørsmål, kommentarer eller forslag til. Hvordan bruke Forex Market Time Converter. Forex markedet er tilgjengelig for handel 24 timer i døgnet, fem og en halv dag i uken Forex Market Time Converter viser åpen eller lukket i status kolonnen for å indikere dagens status for hvert globalt markedssenter. Bare fordi du kan bytte markedet når som helst på dagen eller natten betyr det ikke nødvendigvis at du bør mest vellykkede daghandlere forstår at flere bransjer er vellykket hvis gjennomført når markedsaktiviteten er høy og at det er best å unngå tider når handel er lett. Her er noen tips for bruk av Forex Market Time Converter. Koncentrer din handelsaktivitet i løpet av åpningstidene for de tre største markedssentrene London, NewYork , og Tokyo. Most markedsaktivitet vil oppstå når et av disse tre markedene åpnes. Noen av de mest aktive markedstider vil oppstå når to eller flere markedssentre er åpne samtidig Forex Market Time Converter vil tydelig indikere når to eller flere Markeder er åpne ved å vise flere grønne åpne indikatorer i Status-kolonnen.

Forex Trading Hjelp Daglige Diagrammer

Forex trading strategi 17 Trading Off den daglige chart. Submitted av Bruker den 23 mars 2012 - 07 49.Gjort av Adam. Many handelsmenn elsker lokke av volatiliteten i forex markeder og foretrekker å handle intradag ved å åpne og avslutte stillinger innenfor Timer av hverandre Handler de daglige diagrammene er ikke så vanlig fordi mange handlende mangler nødvendig tålmodighet til å følge en handel i flere uker på slutten av sin logiske konklusjon. Det er mange ting som en handelsmann vil få ved å handle av de daglige diagrammene. I den første For eksempel må vi være godt kjent med at trenden er vår venn til den slutter. Den eneste måten å fastslå den virkelige trenden for en valuta er å se på det daglige diagrammet. Et typisk daglig diagrambilde vil vise prishandlingen i uker ved en tid Du kan da fortelle bare ved å se på diagrammet for å se om trenden er opp, ned eller i rekkefølge. Diagrammet ovenfor er det daglige diagrammet for USDJPY Det er veldig klart av inspeksjon at valutaparet er i en veldig st Rong opptrend etter en lang konsolideringstid som varet seg nær et år. Ved hjelp av kortsiktige diagrammer vil det ikke bli det riktige bildet. Det å redusere det daglige diagrammet vil redusere hyppigheten av handler, men vil også gi den som har mer tid til å vurdere en handelsoppsett og handle med større sikkerhet Handelsmål er større, og en handelsmann kan tjene penger fra noen få handler som vil langt overstige det han vil gjøre ved å jage pips over alt. En handel jeg elsker å ta av det daglige diagrammet er retracement trade Pullbacks er en vanlig del av handel fordi det vil alltid være tidlige fuglehandlere som kom inn i posisjoner veldig tidlig i trenden og vil se for å ta noen fortjeneste fra bordet. Når de avlaster sine stillinger, vil prisvirkningen av valutaen gå tilbake. Nå er jeg vanligvis interessert i fortsettelsen av bevegelsene i retning av trenden For meg å gjøre dette, må jeg vite hvor retracement vil komme til en slutt Med 5 poeng å velge mellom Fibonacci retten racing verktøyet, må jeg få en klar ide om hvor jeg skal gjøre min oppføring. Verktøyet som jeg har funnet mest nyttig er Stokastikkoscillatoren Når den krysser på overkjøpte eller oversolgte nivåer, gir det meg en klar indikasjon på nøyaktig hvor jeg skal gjøre mine oppføringer . Fra dette daglige diagrammet over, krysset stokastikkene på oversolgte nivåer på 24 1 på 50 Fibonacci retracement linje. En oppføring her ville ha produsert 250 pips som ved skriving dette 20. mars 2012. Dette er en enkel strategi som fungerer alle tiden Trade the retracements av det daglige diagrammet. Denne Forex trading strategi artikkelen ble gitt til oss av Adam at.3 Tips for Trading en daglig diagram. Identifisere trenden til å danne en trading bias ved hjelp av 6 måneders pris data. Time oppføringene dine, og vent tålmodig for trading opportunities. Managing risiko er et viktig skritt i handel Daglig Diagram, planlegge accordingly. Novice og veteran handelsfolk som prøver å handle Forex markedet med daglige diagrammer går inn i en rekke hindringer Ofte disse lengre sikt gr aphs kan være villedende og ha handelsmenn som faller for forutsigbare feil For å hjelpe til med å bekjempe noen av disse problemene, vil vi i dag gjennomgå tre nyttige tips for daglig karthandlere.1 Finn trend. Det første tipset for handel med et daglig diagram er å finne trenden En av fordelene ved å handle det daglige diagrammet ligger i Forex-markedets langtrekkede trekk. En måte å identifisere trenden på er å se på et halvt år av prisdata, eller omtrent 180 perioder, og deretter identifisere svinghøyde og nedturer opprettet av pris handling Selv om dette antall perioder kan flyttes opp eller ned til din smak, vil en referanse holde deg fra å se på for mye prisdata, noe som i betydelig grad øker vanskeligheten ved å finne trenden. Det er et eksempel på en 6 måned trend på EURAUD Å gå tilbake og referere til disse prisdataene på et daglig diagram gir oss mulighet til å identifisere markedsretningen, samtidig som vi skaper handelspartnere. Hvis trenden går opp, vil de daglige karthandlerne vente tålmodig og se etter muligheter til å bu y markedet Ikke på noe tidspunkt bør vi vurdere å handle mot trenden. Les Forex EURAUD 1866 Pip Daily Trend.2 Fortsett Pasient. Hvorfor gå gjennom alle smertene for å finne en trend, og ha en markedshandlingsplan hvis du ikke skal bruke det Daglige diagramhandlere trenger for å unngå feilen med å være i markedet nå Dette kan være utrolig vanskelig, spesielt hvis du ser på markeder daglig. Husk at handel med Daily Candles bare kan gi en eller to aktuelle posisjoner i en enkelt valuta par for et helt år Dette betyr å holde seg ute av markedet og holde din trading kapital fri til en mulighet kommer fram. Den enkleste måten å forbli pasient er å holde en handelsdagbok og bli med i et handelsområde. I min erfaring tillater dette deg å holde deg selv ansvarlig for å følge handelsstrategien din For eksempel hvis du handler med CCI på et daglig diagram, som eksempelet nedenfor, bør handelsregnskapet bare vise to oppføringer hvis rapporten din viser noe G forskjellig, det er på tide å revurdere handelsplanen. Les Forex EURAUD CCI-poster.3 Bruk større stopp og mindre utnyttelse. Trenere som handler på et daglig diagram, bør være oppmerksomme på større intradag-svingninger i markedet. Hovedfokuset på dette er å unngå å bli tatt ut av markedet for tidlig En indikator som en aktør kan bruke for dette er ATR Gjennomsnittlig True Range ATR kan hjelpe deg med å finne de gjennomsnittlige bevegelsene for et par i en gitt tidsperiode. Når denne verdien er funnet, kan du bruke en flere av ATR for å gå om å sette inn risikobeløp av ditt valg. Husk å bruke større stopp betyr ikke at du må sette mer kapital i fare. En referanse er å aldri risikere mer enn 1 av kontosaldoen din på en handel Ved å bruke denne regelen kan handelsmenn fortsatt handle konservativt, selv på et daglig kart, ved å begrense deres innflytelse. Selv om du handler med en stor eller liten kontosaldo, hvis du har problemer med dette, bruk mindre størrelser. --- Skrevet av Walker Eng land, Trading Instructor. For å motta Walkers analyse direkte via e-post, vennligst registrer deg her. Interessert i å lære mer om Forex trading og strategiutvikling Registrering for en rekke gratis Advanced Trading guider, for å hjelpe deg med å få fart på en rekke trading emner. Registrer her for å fortsette din Forex læring now. DailyFX gir forex nyheter og teknisk analyse om trender som påvirker de globale valutamarkedene. Oppgradering Daglig Diagrampris Handling Strategier Ned til Intraday. Pris handel handler er en veldig god handelsstrategi ved at den er fleksibel og kan handles over mange forskjellige tidsrammer og kan gjøres for å passe til mange forskjellige handelsmenn og deres livsstil. Det er mange mennesker som bor i en bestemt del av verden og kun kan handle en daglig tidsramme for diagrammer og for resten av dagen kan de ha arbeidsforpliktelser. For disse menneskene kan de jobbe og fremdeles handle ved å sjekke sine diagrammer en gang om dagen på slutten av dagen på New Yo rk close For andre i forskjellige deler av verden, kan de være i seng når dette skjer, og kan ikke komme til det daglige New York-nærlyset, og for disse handlerne kan de i stedet velge å bare handle 4 timers eller 8 timers diagrammer. Av denne grunn virker prishandlingshandelen bra, mens mange andre metoder og systemer de er veldig faste og satt i stein med de nøyaktige tidsrammer som må brukes ellers går alt ut av vinduet. Starter på Daily Price Action Chart. Det anbefales sterkt at handelsmenn starter sin handel på de daglige diagrammer ved hjelp av de riktige New York-tett 5 dagers nært diagrammer. Hovedårsakene til dette er at de daglige diagrammene kutter ut mye støy som de lavere tidsrammer har innenfor dem og for handelsmenn å lære å bli lønnsomt de er en flott tidsramme for å starte. Faktisk, når handelsmenn blir lønnsomme på de daglige diagrammene, reiser mange av dem aldri faktisk fordi de gir det beste fra begge verdener som er penger og tid. daglig diagrammer inneholder også flere data enn de mindre tidsrammene, noe som betyr at de åpenbart gir handlingshandlerne mer informasjon for å gjøre sine handelsbeslutninger. Hvis et 1 timers stearinlys har handlet i 1 time og har 1 timers verdi av prishandlingsinformasjon inne i det og et daglig stearinlys har handlet i 24 timer og har 24 timers verdi av pris handling informasjon innebygd i det, åpenbart det daglige stearinlyset viser pris handling trader en pokker mye mer om hva som har gått på. Et annet eksempel på denne forskjellen i tidsrammeinformasjon ville være om prisen dannet en stift over et daglig stearinlys sammenlignet med en stangstang over et 15-minutters diagram. Med stiften som dannes over det daglige stearinlyset eller over 24 timer, viser det en mye større og viktigere avvisning av pris enn om en stangstang ble dannet over et 15-minutters diagram. Stiften på det daglige diagrammet krever mye mer prisaktivitetsordre enn hva som måtte gå 15 minutters diagram for å snu pris rundt for å danne avslaget en d fullfør tappelinjen Dette er også grunnen til at de mindre tidsrammene skriver ut mye flere falske signaler. Prosessen til Forex Trading Lønnsomhet. Mange handelsfolk kommer ofte til Forex trading bare med to ting de ønsker å oppnå 1 for å gjøre mye av penger og 2 for å ha mye fritid, men så snart de blir bitt med handelsbuggen, som pleier å skje, er noe inni hodet klikk og de tror at hvis jeg kan gå til den minste mulige tidsrammen, kan jeg da gjøre så mange handler som mulig og tjene så mye penger som mulig og så raskt som mulig Problemet er at flyttingen til den minste tidsrammen normalt gjøres med den minste utdanningen og kunnskapen om pengehåndtering. I stedet for å sette handelsmannen på vei til rikdom og tjene mest mulig penger raskt, slutter det nesten alltid med at kontoen blir utryddet på rekordtid. Den gode tingen om handel med de daglige diagrammene er at det tillater handelsmenn å snu dette rundt. Disse dårlige vaner som trad elever har bygget opp fra å bruke tid på mindre tidsrammer kan repareres ved å flytte tilbake og lære disiplin og tålmodighet på de større tidsrammer. Disse handlerne må lære å gå fra overtrading til å jakte på de aller beste handler. Det kan også bety at de kan få det de kommer til handel for opprinnelig, kan de begynne å bruke mye mindre tid foran diagrammer og jobbe seg tilbake til lønnsomhet. Daglige diagrammer passer ofte til handelsmenn med jobber eller som bare vil gjøre andre ting i livet eller som bare kan sjekke diagrammer en gang per dag, men likevel vil være i stand til å kunne handle Forex markeder vellykket med daglige kart trading strategier handel på denne måten kan du få mest stressfri handel og betyr at du vil bruke minste tid foran datamaskinen Det betyr ikke at du får en mindre utgang En av de største mytene i Forex er at mer tilsvarer mer eller at jo mer handel vil likne mer fortjeneste, og det er ganske ofte det motsatte, spesielt med handelsfolk som ikke kan kontrollere sin overhandel. For de handelsmenn som lærer å kirsebær plukke de beste En pris handling handler på de daglige diagrammer og deretter fortsette til neste høye sannsynlighet oppsett kommer sammen vil gjøre langt bedre enn de handelsmenn som sitter og stirrer på datamaskinen i timer i slutten, er uendelig overtrading. Prisen kan vellykkes på alle tidsrammer. Prisen kan handles vellykket på alle tidsrammer, men det betyr ikke at alle handelsmenn burde rushing ut for å starte handel små tidsrammer Feilen de fleste handelsfolk gjør er at i stedet for å jobbe seg ned i tidsrammer, jobber de vanligvis opp. Traders trenger å tjene seg ned langs tidsrammer med erfaring og lønnsomhet når de går. Dette betyr at handelsmenn bør starte på daglige diagrammer Når en handler kan bevise at de er lønnsomme på de daglige diagrammene, kan de da flytte ned til de 4 timers diagrammer og handle disse e diagrammer til de er lønnsomme Denne prosessen kan gjentas så lavt som næringsdrivende ønsker å gå ned i tidsrammen, men som jeg sa ovenfor, velger mange handelsmenn faktisk ikke å gå lavere enn de daglige diagrammene fordi de gir det gode lønnsomheten og tid brukt til å være på diagrammer Andre handelsfolk vil kanskje komme ned til 15 minutters diagrammer som er helt opp til dem og deres trading style. If en handelsmann ønsker å jobbe ned til 15 minutters diagram og bli lønnsomt, må de tjene det å være Å være lønnsomt på de 15 minuttene er ikke bare et spørsmål om å bla på diagrammene og håper på det beste. Noen virkelig høye sannsynlighetssettinger kan bli funnet ned på intraday tidsrammer, men samtidig for de handelsmenn som ser etter ta snarveier og de handelsmenn som ser ut til å gå ned til de tidene før de er klare, det er mange oppsett som raskt vil spise inn på en konto før handelsmannen vet hvor det gikk. Det er mange flere sjanser til å spille s etups ned på de mindre diagrammene enn på daglige diagrammer og for de handelsmenn som tar snarveier og ikke er klare, er det en super rask måte å miste biter av en konto på, men for de handlende som tjener seg ned, kan det gi noe høyt Sannsynlighetssettinger for å starte jakt i løpet av intradag-sesjonene. De største feilhandlerne gjør ofte. Når handelsfolk flytter ned i løpet av dagen, må de være oppmerksom på feilene som er veldig enkle å falle inn i som kan skade deres handel. noen trader kan falle inn om en mindre tidsramme eller ikke er over handel. Traders må være spesielt oppmerksom på over handel på de mindre tidsrammer, bare fordi det på de mindre tidsrammene er flere muligheter til å handle og hvis en handelsmann gjør en tapt handel Det er flere muligheter til å gjøre hevn handler som virkelig kan skade deres konto Over handel er nummer én konto morder og det dreper super raskt også Dette er grunnen til at du trenger å bare arbeid deg ned i tidsrammer når det er lønnsomt, og hvis du på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt du sliter på en tidsramme, flytte tilbake til tidsrammen ovenfor til du er klar til å prøve igjen. Den største faktoren når du skal gjøre handel på intraday tidsramme du trenger å tenke på er prishandlingshistorien og hvor du spiller handelen fra. Det er helt kritisk at uansett hvilken tidsramme du spiller handelen på, gjør du fortsatt handelen fra en nøkkel daglig støtte eller motstandsnivå som jeg diskuterte i handelsleksjonen Komplett guide til merking av støtte og motstand Ved å gjøre dette vil det sikre at selv om handler er plassert på et 15-minutters diagram som handelen blir plassert fra et nøkkelnivå og ikke fra et svakt område som kan få din handel i trøbbel. Den siste store feilen er avhengig av eller leter etter et utløsersignal som for eksempel en stangstang eller forvirrende stang for mye. Utløsersignalene er bare bekreftelse som skal brukes som bekreftelse på at prisen er enig med det du trodde med andre ord prishandlingshistorien og området du gjør handelen fra er konge og det utløserssignalet som brukes er bekreftelsen for å inngå handelen. Ikke gjør feilen til mønsterhandleren om å bruke bare utløsersignalet å inngå handler. Hvis du vil handle prishandling på de mindre tidsrammene, så kan du, men du må tjene først. På samme måte som en doktor må studere eller en pilot må lære å fly, må du få erfaring først bli lønnsomme på de høyere tidsrammer og arbeid deg ned Det er banen. De daglige diagrammene er min personlige favoritt tidsramme fordi de tilbyr virkelig høy sannsynlighet oppsett, krever en liten tidsproduksjon og gir tid til andre ting mens markedet gjør sin beveger seg, men jeg liker også jakt på intradagoppsett når prisen har brutt ut og spilt tilbake til et viktig daglige område. Jeg har handelsrutine som ikke tar mer enn 1 time om dagen for å jakte på både daglige og intradagoppsett. Hvis du ønsker å lære hvordan vi handler de daglige kartoppsettene i medlemmene, samt de avanserte kartprisopsettingsoppsettene, sjekk ut Forex School Online prisaksjonskurs. Page. Related Forex Trading Education. Using en ukes Forex Trading System. Updated 16. august, 2016. Det finnes mange forskjellige typer Forex trading systemer, men underliggende hver av dem er et sett med regler. Reglene er i en grad forskjellig fra system til system, men i hovedsak er de alle variasjoner av samme system. Redusert til det enkleste, den systemet kalles momentum trading. If du tar en titt på noen gitt Forex eller aksjemarkedet diagram, vil du legge merke til at det er en serie opp og ned. Du vil også legge merke til at sjelden gjør valutaen eller egenkapitalen svinge opp og ned statisk Det er s alltid noe større samlet stigende eller fallende trend Denne større trenden er at Forex-ekvivalenten til Newtons første lov av bevegelsesobjekter som er i bevegelse, pleier å være i bevegelse, med mindre noe påvirkes av noen ekstern styrke. På samme måte i Forex Den tilsvarende regelen er at en stigende valutaverdi kan og sannsynligvis vil ha mange små oppturer og nedturer, men generelt innenfor en større, mer konsekvent økende verdi som fortsetter til noen markedshendelse eller ekstern politisk eller økonomisk begivenhet setter trenden i gang. En vinnende handel har et visst momentum som ikke garanterer, men antyder at neste trekk vil være i samme retning. Bestemmelse av hvordan man kan tjene på denne observasjonen er gjenstand for mange bøker, taler, programvareduksjoner og seminarer Noen av disse strategiene er tilgjengelige for en signifikant Avgift, men underliggende dem alle er noen kjente markedsfakta tilgjengelig uten kostnad. Avanserte handelsstrategier Vs Winning Trading Strategies. Some tradere bruker systemer som krever observasjons - og handelsjusteringer hvert par sekunder til hver få mikrosekunder, de fleste av disse er datastyrt og har beregningsgrad krav langt utover selv den mest kraftige personlige datamaskinen. Andre bruker handelssystemer som e ncourage trading på 5 til 15 minutter diagrammer eller daglige diagrammer Nybegynnerhandlere som forsøker å implementere disse systemene, gjør det ofte ikke bra, for det første fordi disse kortere terminsystemene generelt krever mer erfaring og handelsferdighet, men også fordi når de handler på kort sikt diagram, kan handelsmannen utilsiktet handle mot den større, mer betydelige overordnede trenden - den typen trend som ukentlige diagrammer er mer sannsynlig å avsløre. Handel mot trenden, unødvendig å si, kan være en oppskrift på katastrofe. Veil. Forex Trading Systems . Systemer basert på ukentlig kartlegging er en mindre arbeidsintensiv måte å delta i Forex-markedet. Forutsatt at du har en god grunnleggende forståelse av Forex markedet og ulike strategier for risikoreduksjon, vil du begynne å utvikle ditt eget ukentlige handelssystem ved å se på på noen diagrammer Disse er for det meste generiske diagrammer, allment tilgjengelige online fra meglerhus og handelshus uten kostnad Detaljert diskusjon av hver av disse indikatorene er utenfor omfanget av denne artikkelen, men hver av de følgende indikatorene er knyttet til en artikkel som beskriver dem mer detaljert Her lærer du grunnleggende ideen som ligger til grunn for hvert diagram eller indikator. Gjennomsnittlig gjennomsnitt Dette er den enkleste og mest populære av alle trendindikatorer. Flytte gjennomsnittlige diagrammer tegne veksten eller fallet av valutaverdien innen en gitt tidsramme Når en valutaverdi stiger eller faller over eller under det gitte gjennomsnittet i rammen, signaliserer dette en buy eller en sell. Stochastic Dette er forskjellig fra et gjennomsnitt med gjennomsnitt ved at det ikke ser primært på mengden av stigning eller fall, men snarere dens hastighet Hvor fort er dette oppstår Hvis stigningen øker, tyder dette på at valutaen har en underliggende styrke som trolig vil fortsette, i det minste til noe skjer som stopper det Hvis valutakursen mister momentum, kan dette tyde på at det er tid til å selge. Relativ styrke diagrammer vurderer oppgangen eller fallet av en valuta i forhold til andre valutaer Alth En bestemt valuta kan øke i verdi i forhold til valutaparet, hvordan sammenligner det med økningen av andre valutaer. En økning svakere enn andre stigninger kan tyde på svakhet og kunne være et salgssignal, selv om valutaen kan være over dens Bollinger Bands et registrert varemerke for sin oppfinner, John Bollinger er en annen kartingsindikator. Et Bollinger Bands-diagram er relatert til et Moving Averages-diagram, men bruker en mer komplisert kartleggingsprosess som inkorporerer standardavvik i beregningen. Ikke alle forhandlere vil være interessert i kompleksiteten i dette diagrammet, som ikke er så langt fjernet fra et flytende gjennomsnittskart, men hvis du er interessert i statistikk, kan mastering av Bollinger Bands kartlegging være et ekstra verdifullt evalueringsverktøy. Bruke Momentum Charts. En måte å begynne å bruke disse diagrammer er med det enkleste, glidende gjennomsnittet Hvis valutaen stiger over et bevegelige gjennomsnitt for en gitt tidsperiode, er dette et kjøpsignal, selv om ar Ather primitive one Hvis valutaen stiger over de bevegelige gjennomsnittene av to diagrammer av samme valuta, men med forskjellige tidsperioder, er dette et sterkere kjøpsignal. Ved hjelp av et stokastisk diagram kan du avgjøre om stigningstallet øker eller faller ved hjelp av en relativ styrke diagram, kan du sammenligne sin økning med oppgangen til andre valutaer. En sammenligning med de bevegelige gjennomsnittene av en annen relatert valuta - Euro vs pundet, for eksempel - kan gi et ekstra innblikk i den relative styrken til den valgte valutaen, US dollar. Det er ikke ofte at alle momentumindikatorer peker i samme retning noen ganger må du vente til de samlet sett blir mer fordelaktige. Hovedtallet å huske er å handle lite og være tålmodig. Hvis du vanligvis handler forex mini, bruk mye mikro mye istedenfor, fordi ukentlig kartlegging er lett å administrere, men prisforskjellene kan være betydelig større enn ved handel med diagrammer over kortere tidsperioder. Som med handel generelt, er du se stopper, sett mål og hold deg til din trading plan. Show Full Article. Continue Reading. Trading Forex ved hjelp av Daily Charts. Trading Forex ved hjelp av Daily Charts. Trading Forex ved hjelp av Daily Charts. Why er det så viktig å starte med daglige diagrammer. Med så mange alternativer tilgjengelig angående hvilken tidsramme vi skal bruke for å handle F orex fra, velger du hvilken tidsramme som er den beste tidsrammen for å starte vår Forex trading reise, er et interessant spørsmål. Frestelsen å slå på 1 timers diagrammer eller kanskje selv gå lavere og umiddelbart se etter handelsoppsett å danne, er veldig høyt. Det pleier å være tilfelle at mange nye handelsmenn følger denne trenden og helt overser de daglige diagrammene. Nå er disse alle helt naturlige følelser og ønsker å komme rett inn i Forex markeder er svært vanlig. Det er hovedsakelig fordi handelsmenn føler seg presset til å ta så mange handler som mulig å validere seg som handelsmenn Denne mangelen på disiplin og sult for å være stadig trading Forex markeder er en farlig vei å ta og lære å være tålmodig og vente på de virkelig sterke oppsettene på de daglige diagrammene er noe de fleste handelsfolk synes vanskelig å gjenkjenne forskjellige tidsrammer. La oss sammenligne dataene i et 1 timers stearinlys mot et daglig lys som har hatt 24 timer å danne og inneholder derfor 24 x 1 time lys. Mengden data i det daglige lyset vil være langt større og dermed produsere mye mer nøyaktige lys som skal brukes til å avgjøre dagens momentum i markedet. Derfor bruker du mer pålitelige Daglige lys vil gjøre leseprishandlingen mye mer konsistent. Frekvensen på hvor mange prisoppsettoppsett som f. eks. stenger, skjemaer på nedre tidsrammer, vil være mye høyere enn på de daglige diagrammene. Dette betyr at handelsfolk som fokuserer for mye på prishandlingen oppsettene selv vil finne det vanskelig å passere på en saftig tappestang på 1 time, selv om nivået det dannes på, ikke er en veldig sterk en. Området hvor prisoppsettene er den mest viktig faktor ved å bruke prishandlingen bare som en måte å gå inn i en handel, og det er derfor å bruke daglige diagrammer for å velge hvor vi vil finne bransjer, er så viktig. Å få dette feil vei rundt og fokusere våre oppmerksomheter på prisoppsettene, ignorerer hvor det dannes er en stor feil, forstår jeg når handelsfolk ser en pinlinjeform på et lavere tidsrom, det er veldig lett å bli begeistret og bestemme seg for å ta handelen, men det er her handelsmenn kan få stung. Studying a 1hr chart and comparing det med et daglig kart fremhever forskjellene som kan føre til at forhandlere finner det mye vanskeligere å bestemme trenden, markere og finne nøkkelstøtten og motstandsnivåene og vite nøyaktig hvor de skal lete etter handler. Økningen i støy funnet på 1 time diagrammer gjør det mye vanskeligere å lese prishandlingen nøyaktig. Det daglige diagrammet fjerner imidlertid mye av denne støyen og gjør diagrammene mye renere og enklere å lese, og dette er grunnen til å markere våre nøkkelnivåer fra de daglige diagrammer er så mye enklere. Advantager til å bruke daglige diagrammer. Hva er bra med å bruke de daglige diagrammer for å begynne å handle i Forex, er at du fortsatt kan være i din nåværende stilling for å se om Forex passer for deg. overvåke en daglig handel er svært lav og det vil ikke bare holde deg i å se på handel hele dagen, det bidrar også til å fjerne den følelsesmessige bergbanen som nye handelsfolk kan oppleve mens de er i en handel. Illusjonen om at vi må se hvert kryss på diagrammer er tull Vi har ingen kontroll over markedet, og det er derfor helt motproduktiv og unødvendig å undersøke hver eneste bevegelse. Du kan også høre noen handelsfolk klage på at antall daglige handler som presenterer seg hver måned, er for lave Ja, dette kan være tilfellet fordi vi nå ber om at bransjer har svært høye krav, og så har dette en innvirkning på antall handler som er tilgjengelige. Dette skal i sin tur fungere til fordel for oss og øke vår vinnesats som du nå bare tar det virkelig skiller seg ut, som skriker ut meg. Bruk de daglige diagrammene som vårt grunnskjema for å markere nøkkelnivåene av, er definitivt den beste teknikken. Det betyr at vi finner de veldig viktige nøkkelområdene hvor pris har en god sjanse til å bevege seg sterkt vekk fra det som er der vi ønsker å se etter handler å danne. Trafikk krever også at vi tar viktige beslutninger om oppføring, stopper tap, tar fortjeneste osv. og bærer dette ut på en 1 timers handel sammenlignet med en daglig handel vil bli helt annerledes Tempoet på en 1-timers handel vil være langt raskere enn en daglig handel og krever at du tar svært hurtige beslutninger under press. Vi vet alle at beslutninger under press kan føre til feil, og det er derfor daglige handler er et langt bedre utgangspunkt, noe som gir mer tid til å gjøre alle våre viktige beslutninger i et langt mindre presset miljø. Når du bruker lavere tidsrammer. Fremgangen til lavere tidsrammehandel bør være en prosess som starter av de daglige diagrammer og en gang behagelig, og deretter flytting til lavere tidsrammer. Å gå ned tidsrammer er et veldig nyttig verktøy, men bare en gang opplevd på de høyere tidsrammer er det lurt å våge lavere. Hvis du ikke kan handle de daglige diagrammene riktig sjansene for å få konsekvente gevinster fra lavere tidsrammer er veldig slanke. Det betyr ikke at nedre tidsrammer er overflødige, men det betyr bare at de krever større erfaring og kontroll som bare kommer i tide. Når vi har disse egenskapene på plass, er lavere tid Rammer kan nås. Tiltrengningen av å bruke de nedre tidsrammer før mastering av de daglige diagrammene kan også være ned til det faktum at stearinlysets størrelse er mindre og dermed redusere størrelsen på stoppet. Dette bør ikke betraktes som et pluss punkt men det spiller ingen rolle om stoppet tap er 10 pips eller 100 pips det beløpet vi risikerer, bør være det samme for begge handler. Men hvis du er en handelsmann som finner deg selv i en posisjon hvor du er i kamp ng på nedre tidsrammer for å få konsistente gevinster, vær så snill å ta mitt råd og flytte opp en tidsramme Slå av nedre tidsrammer og motstå fristelsen til å se på disse diagrammene. Det er mye bedre å begynne igjen på en høyere tidsramme og da en gang behersker flytte ned lavere hvis du føler det nødvendig. Derfor gir de daglige kartene ikke bare oss mer konsistente data og renere diagrammer for å vurdere Forex-markedene, men lærer også oss tålmodigheten og disiplinen som kreves for å handle Forex-konsernet konsekvent. bare hold igjen trang til å gå ned til nedre tidsrammer og lære å mestre dagens diagrammer først, veien til suksess vil være en sakte men stabil en Hvis du tror å lære å handle, er Forex en rask løsning, tenk igjen. er alt å gjøre med å ta små skritt og finne de eureka øyeblikkene som åpner øynene dine for hva Forex handler om. Dette kan høres rart, men jeg bruker en enkel teknikk hvor jeg forteller meg hver dag før jeg ser på diagrammene mine, jeg gjør det ikke ha ve for å handle i dag. Å ha en handelsmann og å fortelle meg selv om ikke å handle kan høres litt rart, men det er å fremme et tankesett som krever at markedet virkelig wow meg og produsere et skille ut handelsoppsett som jeg ikke kan ignorere. markedet som en hund etter halen sin, er ingen måte å handle Forexprisen kommer til deg, er en langt mer kontrollert teknikk. Det lærer deg ikke bare om tålmodigheten og disiplinen som kreves, men får deg også til å forstå at noen ganger er mindre mer når trading Forex. De lavere tidsrammer har sikkert et sted i handel med Forex, men det er langt sikrere å begynne på de høyere tidsrammene, som de daglige diagrammene, og få kunnskap og tålmodighet som kun kan læres førstegang gjennom hardt opptjent erfaring og mange, mange timer med å studere.

Aksjeopsjoner Lange Samtaler Og Setter

Ring valgmulighet og sette opsjon Trading. Put og Call Options En introduksjon. Les hva samtalevalg er, hva et sett er, og hvordan tjene penger med opsjonshandel. Det er enkelt, hvis du forstår det grunnleggende. Denne introduksjonen til samtaler og sett er skrevet av en erfaren handelsmann og er full av tips som vil hjelpe deg med å tjene penger trading alternativer. Det er fullt av eksempler som viser faktiske trading gevinster og noen få tap fra trading. Call alternativ og put option trading er lettere og kan være mer lønnsomt enn de fleste tenk Hvis du aldri har handlet dem før, så er dette nettstedet designet for deg Ikke bare er opsjonshandelen lett å lære, men handelsalternativer bør være en del av hver investors strategi. Denne introduksjonen til setter og samtaler gir alle definisjonene, forklaringene, eksempler og tips for virkelig handel som trengs for å hjelpe nybegynnerhandleren å lære å handle med dem vellykket. Hvis du fortsetter å lese, lærer du de grunnleggende strategiene for å maksimere gevinstene dine og minimere tap. Lang Call Exa mple. Trading Put - og call options gir en utmerket måte å låse på fortjeneste, maksimere gevinster på korte vilkår, lagerbevegelser, redusere samlet porteføljepris og gi ekstra inntektsstrømmer. Best av alt, trading dem kan være lønnsomt i oksemarkeder, bære markeder, og sidelengs markeder Hvis du handler aksjer, men du ikke bruker beskyttende setter å kjøpe et anrop eller hvis du aldri har solgt et dekket anropsalternativ, så tjener du ikke så mye penger som mulig, og du går glipp av noen gode fortjeneste. Den siste Volatilitet på aksjemarkedet har gitt uvanlig lønnsomme muligheter Mens aksjehandlere generelt misliker volatilitet, velger alternativhandlere volatilitet fordi det er lettere å skape lønnsomme handler når markedene beveger seg opp og ned hver dag. Når den gjennomsnittlige investor har nådd et komfortnivå handel lager, da bør han begynne å lære om put og call alternativer og hvordan å handle dem. Så, når han forstår grunnleggende og hvordan man kan handle dem med hell, da bør han implementere dem i sin vanlige handels - og porteføljeadministrasjonsstrategi og se hans fortjeneste øke. Begynnelsestid og opsjonshandler finner det imidlertid ofte vanskelig å overgå fra handelsaksjer til handelsalternativer fordi det er noe nytt terminologi og det krever en litt annerledes måte å tenke på prisbevegelser, men handel med dem er enklere enn du kanskje tror - forutsatt at du begynner med å lære det grunnleggende. Dette nettstedet er for akkurat det som lærer deg det grunnleggende. En ny vellykket handelsmann bør implementere en strategi som inneholder begge aksjer og alternativer Hvorfor er salgs - og anropsalternativer viktige Handel er viktig fordi de gir deg mulighet til å tjene mer penger enn å handle bare aksjer Det er tid for handelsaksjer og det er tid for handelsalternativer Men mesteparten av tiden bør du handle alle tre Fortsett å lese gjennom denne nettsiden for å lære de 10 beste tingene du trenger å vite før du begynner trading. Understanding put and call option handel er lett hvis du tar litt tid til å lese følgende sider som på en veldig klar og kortfattet måte beskriver de viktige definisjonene og konseptene du må lære. Dette nettstedet gir mange eksempler og mine personlige tips. Som en erfaren aksjeinvestor, opsjonshandler , og en livslang lærer, opprettet jeg dette nettstedet for å introdusere og forklare min handelskunnskap til den gjennomsnittlige investoren. Hvis du ikke har den grunnleggende forståelsen av opsjonshandel, kan det imidlertid også være veldig dyrt på grunn av det korte levetiden til et alternativ, fortjeneste og tap kan legge opp raskt Den typiske aksjeinvestoren som starter tradingalternativer har vanligvis ikke en god forståelse av kreftene på jobben, de mister penger på sine første få handler, og så kaster de hendene opp i luften og si det er for forvirrende - aldri igjen Fortsett å lese slik at dette ikke skjer med deg. Langt sett Eksempel. Det er som alt annet - du må forplikte seg litt tid til å forstå det grunnleggende. Så når du begynner unde Når du begynner å tjene litt penger på det, vil du begynne å nyte det og se frem til aksjemarkedets åpning hver morgen. Jeg har allerede hjulpet tusenvis av mennesker til å forstå hva et alternativ er og hvordan handle dem Jeg har skrevet denne introduksjonen til samtale og sette for å hjelpe deg med å lære hva de er, og for å vise deg hvor lett det er å handle dem. Hvis du leser sekvensielt gjennom koblingene i Innholdsfortegnelsen øverst til høyre på denne siden på mindre enn 60 minutter vil du få en veldig klar forståelse for. Jeg har gjort min første samtalehandel i 1985 og har vært trading call put alternativer helt siden jeg har en MBA i Finance, har jeg lest dusinvis av de beste bøkene , Jeg har abonnert på flere av de beste nyhetsbrevene, jeg har brukt mange av de beste rabattmeglerne nettstedene, og jeg har gjort tusenvis av handler i mitt liv. Nå, med dette nettstedet skal jeg dele med deg alle mine 29 års erfaring med å ringe og sette, av looki ng for det beste, å vite når du skal ta fortjeneste og når du skal la dem løpe, og dessverre for meg, men bra for deg, vil jeg også vise deg noen av de største handelsfejlene jeg gjorde. Få Started Trading Options. First av alt, la oss snakke om hva du trenger for å begynne å handle. Les hele veien gjennom innholdsfortegnelsen på denne nettsiden. Praksishandel på en virtuell handelsplattform. Åpne en rabattmeglerkonto, se min anbefalte liste over beste alternativmeglere. Du kan ikke t trenger mye penger, men du trenger minst 1000 for å komme i gang. Du må ha en ide om fremtiden for en aksje eller indeks. Du må kunne gjøre litt matematikk. Hvis du kan gjør disse tingene, da har du det som trengs for å gjøre din første handel. Hva er et langt Put. Et langt put er en opsjonsstrategi der et puteringsalternativ er kjøpt som et spekulativt spill i en nedgang i prisen på den underliggende egenkapitalen eller indeks I en lang sert handel, er en put-alternativ kjøpt på den åpne børsen med håp at den underliggende aksjen faller i pris og derved øke verdien av opsjonene, som holdes lenge i porteføljen. Et langt opsjonsalternativ kan også brukes til å sikre en lang aksjeposisjon. BREAKING DOWN Long Put. Et langt sett opsjon kan også være utøvet før utløpet dersom det er et amerikansk alternativ og gunstig for opsjonshaveren Dersom opsjonen utøves tidlig eller utløper i pengene, vil opsjonshaveren være kort den underliggende eiendelen. Alternativene kan enten selges før utløpet for en fortjeneste eller tap eller holdes til utløp, da investor må kjøpe aksjen til markedspriser og så selge aksjen til uttalt utøvelseskurs. Long Put Strategy vs Shorting Stock. Et langt sett er en gunstig strategi for bearish investorer, i stedet for å selge kort aksje En kort aksjeposisjon har teoretisk ubegrenset risiko siden aksjekursen ikke har nedskytet oppside. En kort aksjeposisjon har begrenset gevinstpotensial, siden et aksje ikke kan falle under 0 per aksje A lo Ng put-alternativet ligner en kort aksjeposisjon fordi fortjenestepotensialene er begrenset. I tilfelle av en kort lagerposisjon er investorens maksimale fortjeneste lik den opprinnelige salgsprisen. Det maksimale resultatet av en lang salgsopsjon er likvide Strike-prisen minus premie betalt for put-alternativet. Langtidsstrategien representerer et alternativ til å bare selge et aksjekort, og deretter kjøpe det tilbake til fortjeneste dersom aksjen faller i pris. Alternativer kan bli favorisert over kortslutning på grunn av økt likviditet spesielt for aksjer med mindre flyter eller på grunn av økt innflytelse og et maksimalt maksimalt tap, siden investor ikke kan miste mer enn premieene som er betalt. Maksimal fortjeneste er også avkortet og tilsvarer strike-prisen, med mindre premien er betalt for put-alternativet. Lang Put Alternativer til sikring. Et langt setealternativ kan også brukes til å sikre seg mot ugunstige trekk i en lang aksjeposisjon. Denne sikringsstrategien er kjent som et beskyttende put eller giftsett. For eksempel , antar at en investor er lenge 100 aksjer av hypotetisk konglomerat EFF Corp til en pris på 25 per aksje Investoren er bullish på aksjen, men frykter at aksjen kan falle i løpet av neste måned. Derfor kjøper investor ett sett med et streik Prisen på 20, som utløper i en måned Investorens sikringsselskap sparer tapet til 500 eller 100 25-20, mindre premie betalt for putene. Omvendt, hvis investoren var bearish på kort sikt og ikke eier aksjer av Selskapet kunne investereren ha kjøpt et put-alternativ på EFF Corp. Buy et anrop, strykpris A. Generelt vil aksjekursen være på eller over streik A. Hvem bør kjøre det. Veterans og høyere. NB! Mange rookies begynner å handle Alternativer ved å kjøpe kortvarige samtaler utenom penger. Det er fordi de pleier å være billige, og du kan kjøpe mange. Men de er nok ikke den beste måten å få føttene våte på. Når du skal kjøre den . Du blir bullish som en matador. Den søte flekken. Lageret går gjennom taket. Om Security. Options er kontrakter som kontrollerer underliggende eiendeler, ofte aksjer Det er mulig å kjøpe egen eller lang eller selge skrive eller kort et alternativ til å starte en stilling. Alternativer handles gjennom en megler, som TradeKing, som betaler en provisjon ved kjøp eller salg av opsjon kontrakt. Opptak Basisene er et flott sted å starte når du lærer om alternativer Før handelsalternativer nøye vurderer dine mål, risiko, transaksjonskostnader og avgifter. Strategien. En lang samtale gir deg rett til å kjøpe den underliggende aksjen til aksjekurs A. Calls kan brukes som et alternativ til å kjøpe aksjer direkte Du kan tjene penger hvis aksjene stiger uten å ta på seg alle de ulemperrisiko som vil oppstå ved å eie aksjen. Det er også mulig å få innflytelse over et større antall aksjer enn deg kunne ha råd til å kjøpe direkte fordi samtaler alltid er billigere enn aksjene selv. Men vær forsiktig, spesielt med kortsiktige utenom-pengene-samtaler Hvis du kjøper for mange opsjonskontrakter , du øker faktisk risikoen. Alternativene kan utløpe verdiløs, og du kan miste hele investeringen, mens hvis du eier aksjen, vil det vanligvis fortsatt være verdt noe unntatt for visse bankbeholdninger som forblir navnløse. Maksimal potensiell fortjeneste. Det er teoretisk ubegrenset fortjenestepotensial, hvis aksjen går til uendelig Vær oppmerksom Vi har aldri sett en aksje gå til uendelig Sorry. Maximum Potential Loss. Risk er begrenset til premie betalt for anropsalternativet. Break-selv ved Expiration. Strike A pluss kostnaden for call. TradeKing Margin Requirements. After handel er betalt for, ingen ekstra margin er nødvendig. As Time Goes By. For denne strategien, er tidsforfallet fienden det vil negativt påvirke verdien av alternativet du kjøpte. Implisert volatilitet. strategien er etablert, du vil ha implisitt volatilitet for å øke. Det vil øke verdien av alternativet du kjøpte, og reflekterer også en økt mulighet for en prisvingning uten hensyn til retning, men du Jeg håper at retningen er oppe. Opptaker Guy s Tips. Ikke gå over bord med innflytelse du kan få når du kjøper samtaler. En generell tommelfingerregel er dette. Hvis du er vant til å kjøpe 100 aksjer per aksje, kjøp en opsjonskontrakt 1 kontrakt 100 aksjer Hvis du er komfortabel med å kjøpe 200 aksjer, kjøp to opsjonskontrakter osv. Hvis du kjøper et anrop, kan du vurdere å kjøpe kontrakten i penger, siden det er sannsynlig at du får et større delta det vil si endringer i opsjons s verdi vil korrespondere tettere med eventuelle endringer i aksjekursen. Du kan lære mer om delta i Møt grekerne. Prøv å lete etter et delta på 80 eller høyere hvis mulig. Alternativer for penger er dyrere fordi de har egen verdi, men du får det du betaler for. Markeds øyeblikksbilde Se hva som skjer i markedet akkurat nå, inkludert store indeksgrafer, mest aktiva, bransjeytelse og den nyeste buzz. Profit Loss Calculator. Få en grundig og visuell forståelse av valgmulighetene for handelens overskudd og tappotensialet - før du plasserer det. Støtfanger Det har aldri vært enklere å finne aksjer som passer dine investeringsmål. Lag og lag dine egne tilpassede skjermer for å finne akkurat hva du vil..Relaterte strategier. Kristus Tree Butterfly with Puts Du kan tenke på denne strategien som samtidig kjøper en lang spredning spredt med streik D og B og selger to bjørn sette spredninger med streik B og A Fordi det lange spredningen hopper over streik C. Lang kalender Spredt med samtaler Når du kjører en kalender spredt med samtaler, selger og kjøper en samtale med samme utsalgspris, men samtalen du kjøper vil ha en senere utløpsdato enn anropet du selger. Du tar. Langkalender Spread with Puts Når du kjører en kalender spredt med setter selger og kjøper du en legges med samme utsalgspris, men putten du kjøper vil ha en senere utløpsdato enn hva du selger, du tar.

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Aci Forex Club Finansiell Ninjatrader Støtte og motstands Forex Im Jahre 1998 Fusionierten unter dem Namen ACI, Financial Markets Association, der 1957 Gjenvinte FOREX Club Deutschland und der 1992 Vår horisontale rydningsmodell gir tilgang til et bredt spekter av utførelsessteder, og leverer enestående valg og effektivitet til markedsplass For å diskutere sponsing av ACI UK-arrangementer, pedagogiske og sosiale, eller en bredere ACI-sponsorpakke-kontakthendelser Selskapets styrke som leverer data, nyheter og analyser gjennom nyskapende teknologi, er raskt og nøyaktig kjernen i Bloomberg Professional-tjenesten, som gir sanntid finansiell informasjon til mer enn 320.000 sub scribers globalt. Bloombergs verdensledende, omfattende FX-løsning gjør det mulig for deg å utvikle handelsideer og overvåke markeder med sanntidsprising, nyheter og sofistikert analyse. 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Med introduksjon av portefølje marginer på tvers av OTC og oppførte produkter, vil deltakerne generere enda større effektivitet fra vår Open Access tilnærming til Aci Forex Club Financial Key til både valutamarkedet og rentemarkedet globale markeder, er EBS Broker Tec en markedsledende leverandør av e-handelsteknologi og løsninger, som gir kundene tilgang til flere eksekveringsalternativer og varierte, verdifulle å laste ned en signalindikatorprogramvare Bloombergs verdensledende, omfattende FX-løsning gjør det mulig for Bloomberg, den globale virksomheten og finansiell informasjon og nyhetsleder, at ACI Australia ble etablert i 1979 som en tilknyttet ACI The Financial Markets Association. Opprinnelig kjent som The Australian Forex Association it Stock Market Likviditet og fast verdi Im Jahre 1998 fusionierten unter dem Namen ACI, Finansmarkedsforeningen, der 1957 GJELDET FOREX Club Deutschland und der 1992 L, en diversifisert internasjonal utvekslingsgruppe som sitter i hjertet av verdens finansmarked. For å være på toppen av spillet i utenlandsk valuta, må du gjøre det rette for handel , sikrings - og investeringsbeslutninger raskt Når du er klar til å utføre, tilbyr FXGO sømløs utførelse på en provisjonsfri handelsplattform. Aci Forex Club Financial Min binære valgstrategi Forklaring Bloomberg, den globale virksomheten og finansiell informasjon og nyhetsleder, gir innflytelsesrike beslutningstakere en kritisk kanten ved å koble dem til et dynamisk nettverk av informasjon, mennesker og ideer. 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ACI UK er veldig takknemlig for hver enkelt av sine sponsorer for å støtte våre medlemsaktiviteter gjennom året Aci Forex Club Financial Leverer de to gruppens teknologi, ressurser, nettverk og omfattende skala for raskt å bringe nye produkter og tjenester til markedet, gir EBS Broker Tec eksepsjonell verdi til et globalt mangfoldig fellesskap av profesjonell trening i Urdu del-100 siden introduksjonen av buy-side clearing, har mer enn 276 billioner fiktiv blitt ryddet ved hjelp av swap clear, tre ganger den nærmeste konkurrenten kjøper binære opsjonssignaler det ACI FMA har hatt en synlig og aktiv rolle i dannelsen av nye adferdskodekser for FX marked Daniel Corrigan CEO, European Trade Repository, CME, Darryl Hooker Leder av strategiske valutainitiativer, EBS, Igor Marich Administrerende direktør, FX M M, MOEX, Mathias Schotte Senior salgssjef, SWIFT, Daria Dergunova Russlands leder og CIS FX Sales, Bloomberg, Eduard Poltavsky direktør, Hotspot FX Sales, KCG Europe Limited, Paulina Alenkina, Russlands leder CIS Sales, Fast ACI Russia - The Financial Markets Association er en sosial union av profesjonelle finansielle markeder som deltar i regulerte institusjoner. Det er smart å investere i Penny Stocks. Aci Forex Club Financial. KFMA ble grunnlagt i 1977, under navnet Forex Club Kuwait, og har nå 160 Kuwait Financial Markedsforening er medlem av ACI-The Financial ACI MONGOLIA Finansmarkedsforeningen Slide background Slide thumbnail ACI Mongolia har vært klubber Se IMG5795 Research View. What er børs og hvordan det fungerer i Pakistan. Yet en annen børs kjent som Islamabad Stock Exchange ble etablert i Islamabad, hovedstaden Pakistan den 25. oktober 1989, med hovedformålet med etableringen av en handels - og oppgjørsinfrastruktur, informert mation system, dyktige ressurser, tilgjengelighet og et rettferdig og ordnet marked som er rangert med de beste i verden og for å imøtekomme behovene til mindre utviklede områder i den nordlige delen av Pakistan. Alle disse tre børsene hadde separat styring, handelsgrensesnitt, indekser , noteringskriterier etc og dermed ikke hatt gjensidige linker til hverandre Hva er børs og hvordan det fungerer i Pakistan Er binærvalg Trading Juridisk i India App 25. november 2013 Hovedårsakene, som har gjort Pakistan s aksjemarked en av de beste Forfatteren jobber for tiden som egenkapitalfondsleder ved JS. Samtlige tre børser har tidligere operert som en ideell organisasjon med gjensidig struktur hvor de respektive medlemmene hadde handel samt eierskapsrett. Den første indeksen som ble introdusert i KSE, var basert på femti selskaper og var kalt KSE 50-indeksen LSE var den første børsen i Pakistan for å bruke Internettputerisert handelssystem kalt Karachi Automated Trading System KATS var jeg oppnådd i 2002 med en kapasitet på 1 0 millioner handler per dag og muligheten til å gi tilkobling til et ubegrenset antall brukere. Vær oppmerksom på at børsoperasjonene i Lahore Stock Exchange Ltd Børs Ltd er blitt integrert for å danne pakkebørs. Børs og hvordan det fungerer i Pakistan aksjehandel for nybegynnere trening for å kjøre 12 januar 2016 I en lovende utvikling, har de tre børsene i landet blitt fusjonert til en Pakistan Stock Exchange Men det virkelige arbeidet vil begynne når applaus og selvtillit gratulerer dør Fusjonen A breif informasjon om Pakistan Stock Exchange PSX Nå trenger TREC-innehavere ikke å være aksjonær i PSX, heller ikke en PSX-aksjonær er pålagt å være TREC-holder av PSX 25. november 2013 Hovedårsakene som har gjort Pakistan s aksjemarked en av de beste Forfatteren jobber for øyeblikket som en egenkapitalfondsleder ved JS. Det var lisensiert som børs 7. januar 1992.Trade Platform Startfx 2 Forex. Denne strukturen har i sin tur skapt interessekonflikt og oppfattes som å bringe investorens interesse i fare. Hva er børs og hvordan det fungerer i Pakistan Som forutsatt i henhold til Demutualization Act, har regulatoriske funksjoner blitt separert fra kommersielle funksjoner i PSX, slik at regulatoriske funksjoner er ikke kompromittert for å oppnå kommersielt mål om å generere på aksjemarkedet i Tuvalu 12. januar 2016 I en lovende utvikling har de tre børsene i landet blitt fusjonert til en pakke i Pakistan, men det virkelige arbeidet vil begynne når applaus og gratulasjoner dør ned Fusjonen ISE TOWERS REIT MANAGEMENT BEGRENSET Formelt kjent som Islamabad børs Islamabad 44000, Pakistan UAN 9251 111-473-473 Binære opsjonshandlere Hjem 25. november 2013 Hovedårsakene, som har gjort Pakistan s aksjemarked en av de beste Forfatteren jobber for øyeblikket som en aksjefondsleder ved JS Mens TRECs representerer handelsrettigheter, PS X-aksjer representerer eierskap. Handel pleide å bli gjennomført på åpent utkrysningssystem. I oktober 1970 ble Pakistans regjering i henhold til verdipapir - og børsforordningen fra 1969 opprettet en annen børs i Lahore som svar på behovene til den provinsielle provinsen Punjab Hva er børs og hvordan det fungerer i Pakistan Konversi Bilangan Pecahan Decimal Ke Binærvalg Det hadde i utgangspunktet 83 medlemmer og ble plassert i en leid bygning i det overfylte Bank Square-området i Lahore. Hva er børs og hvordan det Virksomhet i Pakistan Derfor ble børsutvekslingskorporatisering, Demutualization Integration Act, 2012 kjent som Demutualization Act, utlyst av Government Pakistan Stock Exchange PSX 2016 - Børser er enheter som gir trading fasiliteter for meglere og handelsmenn, for å handle aksjer og andre As gitt under ovennevnte Demutualization Act, nå har medlemmer opphørt å være medlemmer av PSX, og de har vært et problem d Trading Right Rights Sertifikater TRECs og PSX s eierskap aksjer, og dermed skille handelsrettigheter fra eierskap rights. Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited PSX tidligere Karachi børs garanti Limited KSE ble etablert 18. september 1947 Bare fem selskaper ble opprinnelig notert med en total betalt - opp kapital på 37 millioner rupees Hva er børs og hvordan det fungerer i Pakistan Videre skal ifølge lovens bestemmelser, etter demutualisering, personer som representerer TREC-innehavere i PSX-styret ikke være i flertall, og loven forutsetter også avhendelse av aksjer av TREC-innehavere holdt i sine blokkerte kontoer til strategiske investorer og allmennheten finansinstitusjoner innen en viss tid Trading 15 Minute Turbo Coursera Som et resultat ble disse tre børsene fusjonert sammen for å danne en ny kombinert børs kalt Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited PSX som startet sin virksomhet 11. januar 2016 under denne nye tittelen Forex Formas 123 Karachi gren av Pa Kistan Børs ligger på Stock Exchange Road i hjertet av forretningsområdet Karachi. 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Hvorfor bør jeg betale for fotografering når jeg kan? gjør det selv HS, Tukholman Fotografiska din seuraavaksi ulkomaille Tukholman museokartan uusimpia tulokkaita på valokuvataiteelle omistautunut Fotografiska Valokuvaaja Meeri Koutaniemen kuvasarja på saanut kunniamaininnan Saksan Unicefin jrjestmss Vuoden valokuva - kilpailussa Museo aikoo tarjota ENSI maaliskuun valtiopivvaaleihin asti ilmaisen sisnpsyn Digital Photography School, Best Photography Tutorials for nybegynnere i 2014 Kamera linser forklarte brennvidde, blenderåpning, stabilisering og mer Kuukkelin maa kirja nosti Hautalan suomalaisen luonto - og etenkin lintukuvauksen krkinimeksi Topp ti liste fra Sotheby s salg 175 Mesterverk for å feire 175 Ye ars of Photography Kamera Bild, Christian Rnberg Fotografen som alltid er klar Etel-Suomen Sanomat, Jkuikan Nkeminen Oli Lahtelaiselle Luontokuvaajalle Talven Thtihetki Kuvattu ylhlt pin, kuvattavan kasvot eivt ole nkyviss Hakija på pyytnyt tekynoikeusneuvostolta lausunnon, miten tekijnoikeudellisesti arvioidaan kuvien nkymist keskustelu-palstalla keskustelun yhteydess Suomen Kuvalehti, Tss kuvassa på Luojamme NASA og National Geographic er en av de toastuvasti julkaisseetene som har blitt utgitt av Olympus 9mm f 8 Fisheye Body Cap Review Online Share Trading Australia Asenna Profit Forex Robot HSBC Bank Australia For en kopi av vilkårene knyttet til HSBC Online Share Handelstjeneste klikk her og Finansielle tjenester Valokuvasta saatu sormenjljen kuva på riittvn tarkka, jotta sill voidaan avata lypuhelin tai tietokone, joka på suojattu sormenjlkitunnistuksella, Krissler sanoi Chaos Kommunikasjon Kongresser viikonlopun aikana Hautala ikuisti linnut 30 år siden ti kuvakirjaksi Ode to Light Making Streetfotografi i en kynisk alder av Amy Touchette Kokosimme kuvagalleriaan kymmenen parasta lintukuvaa vuoden ajalta Alaston nainen istuu tuolilla, jalkojen vliss Carolan kuva, alastoman naisen toinen ksi herojen vliss Suomi på huonoin kikata kuvata, du kan bare få en ny kuvata ollenkaan, ei tule pime, oululainen sanoo Metsvainio på kuitenkin kehittynyt pohjoisessa kansainvlisesti arvostetuksi astrokuvaajaksi, ilman alan koulutusta tai luonnontieteiden opintoja Viime vuodenvaihteen ilotulitusten yhteydess Sattui kuitenkin 11 sairaalahoitoa vaatinutta silmvammaa, niist kaksi ilotulitteiden ampujille, kaksi lapsille ja seitsemn katsojille MTV, Lukijat nestivt vuoden parhaat uutiskuvat yksi ylitse muiden Kynttiliden valaistessa pohjalaisten er en av de mest kjente vennene i verden, og har et stort utvalg av venner og familie. 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Det er ikke et problem, men det er ikke så godt. Roundup 9 Kule svart-hvitt-fotoapplikasjoner Siis millaista ksittely på tehty, en saatiin tuollainen kuva Yle Uutiset, Ulkomaat, Valokuvaaja Jane Bown på kuollut Ei eroa kamera, er en sensory 20 megapikseli, zoom Sakko rapsahtaa, jos matkalla napattuun valokuvaan satt til politiet tilanteessa, jossa viravallan edustaja voi joutua vaaraan Ilta-Sanomien elkkeell oleva toimituspllikk Erik Rissanen yrkt knt mustaa Valkoiseksi Online aksjehandel Aust Ralia Asenna Yle Uutiset, Luonto, Hannu Hautala Tuntee Kuukkelit Kamera Bild, De ser det usynlige å se på bilder med bilder Håper du får en karaffel til å koble til maksimal lydstyrke på kameraet. 290,00 euro 10 essensielle tilbehør til ditt nye kamera Yle Uutiset, Luonto, Parhaimmat Kunder som er interessert i kuvagalleriassa vuoden upeimmat lintukuvat Amscot Stockbroking er en full handels - og clearingdeltager for Australias ledende børser. 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Bitcoin has emerged as one of the hottest investments around Now, as Bitcoin trading continues to evolve, it is also being linked up with another hot investment market, Forex, which involves the trading of currencies While Bitcoin itself aims to be a currency, there are some important differences between Bitcoin trading and traditional Forex trading. Forex trading refers to the trading of currencies In a globalized world, companies and organizations must be able to quickly exchange currencies in order to facilitate global operations and purchases A large comp any like General Electric can have operations in literally dozens of countries This means that General Electric must be able to quickly access various currencies in order to pay local staff and make purchases, among other things. The Forex market is the largest and most liquid investment market in the world Most of the traders are large institutions, corporations, and governments who conduct trading to facilitate their various operations Some investors, however, also trade in Forex with the goal of making money off of fluctuating exchange rates. Currencies are traded in pairs This means that one currency is exchanged for another So USD Euro and Euro USD refers to two separate trading pairs The first currency refers to the base currency , which means that USD is the currency being bought, and Euro is the currency being sold In the USD Euro pair, you are using Euros to purchase dollars If you use Euros to purchase dollars, you are essentially betting that the dollar with rise in relation t o the Euro, and the Euro will likewise fall. Forex is considered to be a more stable market to invest in Currency exchange rates generally move very slowly and only change at moderate paces over time While traumatic world events, such as the collapse of a national economy, or a major financial crisis, can cause exchange rates to rapidly move up and down, most of the time currencies remain quite stable in comparison to other investment vehicles such as stocks. Investors, however, make money off of fluctuations in markets Generally, the more volatile prices for an investment are, the more opportunities there are to make and lose money This is why Bitcoin Forex trading is becoming more and more popular At the moment, the amount of speculation and number of concerns i e security, government intervention surrounding the currency mean that Bitcoin prices are highly volatile This makes Bitcoin an investment vehicle more similar to stocks, commodities, and other highly speculative investments gi ving it the ability to gain larger profit and loss. Most Forex trading is conducted through dedicated Bitcoin exchanges, such as MtGox which allow you to buy Bitcoins Forex trading differs from a traditional Bitcoin exchange in that it is non-executable and you buy Bitcoins in pairs This means that you cant simply withdraw your Bitcoins and use them to make purchases Instead, you invest in a dedicated financial instrument, in this case a currency pair. Lately, Forex brokers are beginning to get involved in Bitcoin and are setting up Bitcoin trading pairs similar to those found on traditional Forex platforms Like other trading pairs, a Forex pair will allow you to buy and sell Bitcoins in relation to other currencies This means that you could potentially profit off of the rise in the value of Bitcoin and the drop in the value of the US dollar, or vice versa. Popular Bitcoin Forex trading companies that supply CFD services include Plus500 and Avatrade Oanda, one of the worlds largest Forex brokers, has added Bitcoin to its conversion tool but has so far declined to make Bitcoin a tradable currency Still, the mere fact that Oanda is engaging with Bitcoin is good news and adds credibility to the currency When trading CFDs your capital may be at risk This method of trading is suitable for experienced traders. 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Trend collapsing seems to be the go to strategy here, which isnt as easy as theyre making it out to be They have it labeled out in a simple 4 step process. Step 1 Spot the trend. Step 2 Spot the beginning of the end for that trend not as easy as you may think. Step 3 Wait for the breakout. Step 4 Profit from the collapse. Easy enough right Well go back and check some chart history and see how often this really happens and if its as obvious as displayed in the pic above. What results Why would they need results for a 2000 mentoring service sarcasm off. Just a heads up, I have seen a few reports of people finding it extremely difficult to cancel their subscription with this product So I assume Hector also offers a monthly payment instead of the full 2000 Becareful with this one guys. 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If you have experience with Forex Knights or know something people might find important please feel free to share in a comment below It may help someone save or make a lot of money so dont hold back Because of the influx in forex robots and forex systems being released right now, our reviewing as been slowed but our user comments have not Make yourself at home and write a comment, or ask a question for the community to discuss You will be surprised the information and knowledge you may unveil. If you want to submit a forex trading product or broker that is not listed on our site, please use the Submit A Forex System form or Submit Your Own Articles There are many private and underground forex robots and systems out there they I just dont have the time to look for So if you know of any, or a place to find them please feel free to share and I will make a post about it for the community to discuss. Ok guys lets get the ball rolling, here at ForexFBI we encourage our visitors to discuss your Forex Knights experiences, strategies, thoughts, whatever. A Trading Quiz on Price Action Trading P art 2.Last week we posted a trading quiz on price action trading which went over 3 charts on 3 separate instruments I did not show the prices, nor the time frames of the charts, so you had to rely upon your pure price action trading skills to read the charts. The task was to analyze each chart and determine if you would either a trade with trend, b trade counter-trend, or c no trade at all. You were also asked as to why youd trade each chart the way you did, at what levels, and what you saw in the charts from a price action perspective. We got a lot of really good answers, and I offered a 50 discount off any course to the winner i e the person I thought offered the best overall answer closest to mine. Before I get into the winner, Im going to share with you how I traded each chart or didnt , what I was reading in the price action and why I traded the way I did. Lets jump into the charts First Ill post below the charts I shared last week Then Ill show you the actual instrument, time frame, a long with how I traded each chart. Price Action Chart 1.Price Action Chart 2.Price Action Chart 3.Details Around Each Chart. All the charts you saw above were the 1hr charts In order, they were the.1 German Dax 30.2 French CAC 40.3 Japanese Nikkei 225.The blue line was my typical 20 EMA which I often use as dynamic support and resistance Lets show each chart individually as to how I traded it and what I was reading in the price action. Chart 1 German Dax 30 No Trade. In the chart above, we have the large breakout candle and long upside wick at the first blue arrow in the top right of the chart I was looking for a counter-trend pullback but wanted the price action to drift correctively up towards the wick highs However, this never happened as it just remained inside the middle of the candle and lower edge of the wick hence in the middle of a range. Selling near 9650 was a potential option, especially with 3 wicks near there before the sell-off, however, if the heaviest sellers were up at the top of the wick, id have to put my stop above there, and thus would have had a poor risk reward ratio since the natural downside target would have been 9578.Including the spread, the most R I could have gotten out of the trade if 9578 was going to hold would have been.1 4R, which is not what I like to see when trading counter-trend. Ideally I can get 3-4 R per counter-trend trade otherwise its not worth it due to the lower probability nature of CT trades. Hence, I let the counter-trend short go. Regarding the with trend trade option the best trade idea would have been to buy at 9578 assuming it would hold I actually did not buy this, mostly because I was already in trades on the other two charts and this one seemed the least favorable to me. To be frank, I probably would have gotten stopped out if I did Why. Because I would have placed my entry near the 9578 level with no more than a 20 point stop The reason for my stop placement in role reversal setups off a level is if the level is truly going to hold, then you should not need a large stop above below it. Depending upon the volatility and price action around the level will determine how big my stop is 20 points should have been more than enough Regardless, had I traded this, I would have been stopped out easily. As you can see, the pullback became quite impulsive heading into the level, and went 1 full bear bar past it, sub 9550 Had I traded this, I would have lost 1R. You will notice a red line near the top left of the chart This was a 2nd entry option to trade with the trend but I missed that one as well I like to mark certain places on a chart where I could have added a position, or taken a trade. The reason for this is, when you review your trades at the end of the week looking at these patterns will eventually go into your trading database in your brain. By seeing these charts with potential trade ideas, the next time a similar setup comes up, you increase the chance youll a recognize the trade opportunity, and b pull the trigger. Chart 2 CAC 40 Buy off Support on Corrective Pullback. In this chart above, youll notice at points 1 and 2 the price action reacted really cleanly off the round number and 4400 level Notice on the pullback after point 2, we see strong buying interest emerge from the bottom of the consolidation just below 4400.This leads to a strong breakout up to A, and then a very corrective pullback If you contrast this to the Dax chart above, minus the 1 large bar bar in the corrective pullback from A to B, the bars heading into the 4400 level were not getting bigger, but smaller. This usually means the selling pressure is being absorbed by the buyers If the sellers are increasing in strength, the candles should be the same size, or getting larger But instead they werent, signaling the order flow was still with the bull side as they were likely buying a few points above the level. When I see corrective pullbacks like this heading into a key level Im going to buy that in favor of the trend with a stop below the key level. Including the spread, my entry was 4405 and targeting 4495 which I had mentioned in prior commentaries I chose 4495 as I wanted to be a few points below the big figure at 4500 With a 15 point stop and 80 point target total profit was 5 3R in 5hrs. Chart 3 Nikkei 225 Counter-Trend Sell. In this chart above, I felt this was the most prime for a good counter trend trade Why. Looking at the chart above, notice the triple rejection off 15804 with the blue arrows A-C What interested me in trading this one counter-trend, was two key points.1 The impulsive selling after the rejection at 15804 at B, and. To be honest, the best setup was at c, placing an entry to sell at this level This offered the higher risk to reward setup, especially if the impulsive selling from B was sellers truly taking control. I missed this trade, and feel like I should have gotten it, but I didnt. But then the pullback after the long tailed pin bar from C was incredibly corrective This matched the impulsive selling at B theory the bears were taking over control short term. The weak corrective pullback after c also suggested the bulls were unlikely to re-attack 15804 after failing 3x If anything, theyd wait for a deeper pullback level which to me was 15645.As I was watching this corrective pullback just before my entry, my gut was telling me this was going to sell off towards 15645 The key now was where would I place my stop. The only way this would have worked out with a healthy R R ratio, would have been with a tight stop And that option really only existed if I could place my stop above the prior bull candle to my entry. Basically I was sensing the corrective pullback was about to end, and if my timing was right, I could have a tight stop and solid R profit. I placed my entry at 15755 with my stop 20 points above, and a 100 point target. Turns out my timing was right, as the index sold off, and never recovered above the 20 EMA 15 hours later, I hit my target of 15655 just a fe w points above the projected support for 100 points and 5R profit. You will notice the pullback to the level was a little slow, meaning there was a mix of bear and bull candles This is common in counter-trend trades, because you are fighting the natural order flow in the market in this case bullish. Contrast this to the with trend trade on the CAC 40 which was all bull candles, thus virtually no selling orders present in the market on the way up. Now could I have bought off the 15645 key support level for the Nikkei 225 chart Probably, and that would have been quite prudent of me, especially if I was assuming the uptrend was still favored. Whether I would have lost or won that buy is irrelevant One trade by itself is irrelevant The question is will that trade profit over 100 or 1000x, and my read is yes This is why you have to trade and think in probabilities. You will notice many of these charts were all displaying similar behavior When presented with several charts displaying concordant p rice action context and opportunities, I always prefer to trade the ones with the most clear setups, and the greatest strength in favor of my trade. The strongest counter-trend trade to me was the Nikkei 225 The strongest with trend trade was the CAC 40 trade, hence why I traded them. We cannot be afraid to trade counter-trend There are times when trading counter-trend offers some really good opportunities, and we have to take those trades. As a whole, counter-trend setups are a lower probability setup in contrast to trading with the trend. Because of this fact, I prefer looking for larger R trades because the lower accuracy will be offset by the higher profit long term. We also want to make sure there is a confluence of price action elements in our favor when trading counter-trend If you were just a typical pin bar, engulfing bar or inside bar trader, you would have missed all these setups. It is the most ludicrous idea to me and other professional traders that you only take trades when 3 s imple patterns emerge. This faulty assumption is that there are only 3 good trade setups in this giant market, with all the different incarnations in the price action. Im not sure about you, but that sounds like a ridiculous idea to me. NOTE For some great book which annihilates the idea there are only 3 price action patterns to trade, read Mike Bellafiores book The Playbook. You will also notice I was trading pure support and resistance levels not any particular price action 1-2 bar pattern I was reading the price action context in real time, not sitting idle waiting for some simple patterns before Id engage the market. By waiting for some magic 1-2 bar patterns to emerge, you isolate yourself off from really good trade opportunities that occur all the time In many cases, these other price action setups I speak of offer higher risk reward setups than the patterns themselves. Also, you will notice how clean the price action was in many of these charts They were all on the 1hr chart, but you will see these types of setups on any time frame from the weekly down to the 5 minute or 1 minute chart. The skill of learning to read and trade price action in real time can be applied to any time frame However, if you spend your time only trading 1-2 bar price action patterns, you will never build this skill set. Lastly, you do not have to wait around for days to gather a 2 or 3 R trade Waiting for weeks or almost a month to get a simple 2R is a complete waste of time and your capital The feedback loop before finding out if your trade was correct or not severely slows down your learning process. Imagine a football player, golfer, or piano player waiting for weeks or months just to find out if one play, golf-stroke or run of the keys was correct or not That should point to you how damaging this is for your learning process. Food for thought. Announcing the Contest Winner. There were some really good answers here with many of you showing really good price action skills Because of this, Im giving a 50 discount to the winner off any course , a 40 discount to 2nd place and 30 off for everyone else who participated For those that did, make sure to email me for your discount via the Contact Page and how to take advantage of i t. Based on all the answers, Id give the nod to Falco for the best answer most complete and closest to mine Hence Falco can get a 50 discount off any course Id give 2nd place to Larry so hell get a 40 discount off any course Congrats to both of you. Id like to thank you all for participating, taking time to really think about this, and dig into your price action skills Trading in hindsight is always easy, but having to make decisions when the charts dont look perfect or form the ideal setups is where you are really challenged Ironically, this is how the price action looks most of the time on your charts. This is why it is helpful to engage in many learning opportunities, other than watching videos, reading lessons, and then making trades Your learning and training has to be multi-faceted, including live forward simulation trading, time to review your trades, along with building your pattern recognition skills. As traders, we must always test our skills no differently than a professional at hlete is constantly testing theirs This constant training and testing which never stops is what elevates our abilities to profit in this market and continually find a greater edge This is what is required for those who want to trade successfully. Portfolio Management - Strategic vs Tactical Asset Allocation. Strategic asset allocation calls for setting target allocations and then periodically rebalancing the portfolio back to those targets as investment returns skew the original asset allocation percentages. The concept is akin to a buy and hold strategy, rather than an active trading approach. Of course, the strategic asset allocation targets may change over time as the client s goals and needs change and as the time horizon for major events, such as retirement and college funding, grows shorter. Tactical asset allocation allows for a range of percentages in each asset class such as stocks 40-50.These are minimum and maximum acceptable percentages that permit the IA to take advantage of ma rket conditions within these parameters. Thus, a minor form of market timing is possible, since the IA can move to the higher end of the range when stocks are expected to do better and to the lower end when the economic outlook is bleak. The article Asset Allocation Strategies contains information on the various asset allocation strategies, from strategic and tactical, to other strategies such as constant-weighting, dynamic and insured. On the test, strategic asset allocation may be linked with a passive investment style see the Portfolio Styles section below , while tactical asset allocation is linked with an active investment style. Step 3 Test and Validate. After you change your address is Step 2, PipHut will send your sms address a validation code Enter that validation code and you are all set. I can t find my carrier on the list Can you send me SMS signals. Yes The list is by no means exhaustive, most carriers offer the service for free even if they don t advertise it If you can t find y our carrier on the list you can contact your carrier to get the address fastest or we are happy to email their customer support and then we ll add that carrier to our list. I didn t receive the validation code. Make sure your SMS address is correct Send a test email to your SMS address to see if you receive it If you are sure it is correct then add no-replypiphut to your whitelist or safe senders list to ensure our alerts get through. This tab contains information about created alerts The alerts are intended for signaling about events in the market Having created alerts, one may leave the monitor as the client terminal will automatically inform about the server event. All alerts in this tab are represented as a table with the following fields. Symbol symbol, whose data is used to check for the condition specified If the Time parameter is selected as a condition, the symbol does not matter. Condition condition under which the alert will trigger. Counter the current amount of alert triggerings. Limit maximum permissible amount of the alert triggerings. Timeout the period of time between alert triggerings. Event the action to be performed an audio signal, a file executable in operational environment, or a message sent by email. Context menu of this tab is used for managing alerts. Create open the alert creation window The same action can be performed by pressing the Insert key. Modify modify a selected alert The same action can be performed by a double click on the alert or by clicking on it and pressing the Enter key. Delete delete a selected alert The same action can be performed by pressing the Delete key. Enable On Off enable or disable a selected alert When disabled, an alert is not deleted, but becomes inactive. Auto Arrange when this option is enabled, the size of columns is selected automatically. Grid show hide grid to separate fields with alerts. Creating and Modifying Alerts. To create or modify an alert the corresponding context menu command should be executed or the Insert o r Enter key should be pressed After that the following window will appear. The window contains the following alert settings. Enable enable alert triggering If this option is not checked, other fields will be unavailable for editing. Action action performed when an event happens. Sound play a sound file. File run an executable file. Email send an email to the email specified in the terminal settings. Notification send a push notification to a mobile device Sending push notifications requires specification of the MetaQuotes ID in the terminal settings MetaQuotes ID is a unique identifier, which is assigned to each mobile terminal during installation on a device Push notifications are an effective means to notify of events, they are instantly delivered to the mobile device and are never lost The message text is specified in the Source tab. Expiration in this field, one can specify a lifetime for the alert At the specified time the alert will be automatically deleted The local computer time should be indicated here. Symbol symbol, whose prices will be used to check the condition If the Time parameter is selected as a condition, the symbol does not matter. Condition condition under which the alert will trigger. Bid i f the Bid price goes lower than the given value, the alert will trigger. Bid if the Bid price exceeds the given value, the alert will trigger. Ask i f the Ask price goes lower than the given value, the alert will trigger. Ask if the Ask price exceeds the given value, the alert will trigger. Last if the last price is lower than the given value, the alert will trigger. Last if the last price is higher than the given value, the alert will trigger. Volume if the volume of a last executed deal is lower than the given value, the alert will trigger. Volume if the volume of a last executed deal is higher than the given value, the alert will trigger. Time when this time comes, the alert will trigger The local computer time in HH MM format for example 15 00 should be indicated here. Valu e value of price, volume or time, reaching which the alert will trigger. Source depending on the type of action performed when an event occurs, one of the following is specified here. a sound file in or. an executable file in the or format. an email template If you select Email, a click on this field will open a window for writing a template of an email to be sent to the address specified in the terminal settings You can also just write an email text message in the format email subject email text. a text of a push message The maximum message length is 255 characters. Timeout time between alert triggerings. Maximum iterations maximum amount of times the alert repeats triggering. The Test button allows to check the usability of the selected alert For changes to come into effect, one must press the OK button. Creating a Message to Be Sent. If mail sending is selected as the action upon alert triggering, the window of message creation will be opened after a click on the button. In the To field one sh ould indicate the mail address to which the message will be sent In the Subject field the message subject should be specified Below is the field for entering the message text Using Macros of the context menu various macros can be inserted into the text. Symbol financial security for which the alert is set up. Bid High the highest Bid price for the chart period for stock symbols. Bid Low the lowest Bid price for the chart period for stock symbols. Ask High the highest Ask price for the chart period for stock symbols. Ask Low the lowest Ask price for the chart period for stock symbols. Last the last price, at which a trade was executed for stock symbols. Last High the highest price, at which a trade was executed for the chart period for stock symbols. Last Low the lowest price, at which a trade was executed for the chart period for stock symbols. Volume volume of trades executed for the chart period. Volume High maximal value of an executed trade volume for a trade session for stock symbols. Volume Low minimal value of an executed trade volume for a trade session for stock symbols. Volume Bid volume of a Buy trade closest to market for stock symbols. Volume Ask volume of a Sell trade closest to market for stock symbols. Time time of the last quote receipt. Bank supplier of financial security liquidity. Login number of the current account. Balance current balance value. Equity current equity value. Profit current profit value. Margin current margin value. Free Margin current free margin value. Positions list of all positions that are currently open. Orders current active orders pending orders unfilled orders to execute a trade at market. After the alert message is created, the Apply button should be pressed. Creating and Managing Alerts on Chart. Alert can be quickly created right on a chart To do it, execute the Alert command in the chart context menu. If the menu is opened above the current price the alert is created with condition Bid selected price, below the current price Bid selected price Alerts created from charts are automatically set to expire The expiration time depends on the chart timeframe. For minute timeframes the expiration is set in hours The number of hours corresponds to the number of minutes in the timeframe For example, the expiration will be set to 1 hour on M1 timeframe, to 5 hours on M5 timeframe, to 30 hours on M30 timeframe, etc. For hourly timeframes the expiration is set in days The number of days corresponds to the number of hours in the timeframe For example, the expiration will be set to 1 day on H1 timeframe, to 2 days on H2 timeframe, to 6 days on H6 timeframe, etc. On a daily timeframe the expiration will be set to 24 days. On a weekly timeframe the expiration will be set to 2 weeks. On a monthly timeframe the expiration will be set to 2 months. Alerts are displayed via red arrows on the right side of charts of the corresponding instruments. The price level of an alert can be modified directly on the chart Just drag the alert arrow using a mouse. Ch anging alerts on the chart can be disabled by enabling Disable dragging of trade levels option in the terminal settings. Forbi simple Forex System. Forbi simple Forex System. It uses only 2 custom indicators my improved strategy and 1 filter indicator to avoid trading in flat market The stops of this forex strategy are very tight depends on trading timeframe and the profits are relatively high from 3 to 10 times higher than stops Etc stops on H1 timeframe is 30 pips, average profit per trade 66 pips, and 94 success ratio. There are 1000s trading strategies many of them are complex, have many filters and most of the strategies ends up being inefficient generating too little signals and false signals But this forex trading system is one of the few which a truly profitable you will see it yourself. Forex Trading Online Frequently Asked Questions And Answers. What Is Forex Trading Online. Forex is a premier currency trading vehicle for local and global investors The sophisticated platform allows traders to access their account, conduct research, and place trades from virtually any location Mobile applications are compatible with most smartphones and tablets When investors set up a new account, they are given access to updated information about investing in foreign currency and general trading guidelines. What Is A Currency Trading Platform. Every investment traded publicly or privately must be entered through an appropriate platform Experienced brokers and novice individuals are both able to place orders to buy, sell, or trade through a software program In the past, these orders were turned into viable transactions when commissioned brokers and registered representatives physically took the paper orders to an elevated stage, or trading platform, for execution Today, a trading platform typically represents the avenue in which an investor chooses to place their orders Forex trade requests can be placed online using a traditional desktop, laptop computer, or other electronic mobile device The manner of investing may differ from one investor to another, but the way orders are entered is usually similar across all trading platforms Individual investors have different needs and expectations, so they will choose the most suitable trading platform to meet their specific criteria Some of the most commonly compared features of various trading platforms include charts, real time quotes, research options, and professional suggestions Hands on investors want to have instant access to relevant information and real time trading data from around the world Busy professionals and experienced investors who prefer to let an advisor handle their trading requests usually prefer not to be inundated with unnecessary information and data that will not impact their immediate trading decisions or their overall investment styles Regardless of their investment style, there is at least one trading platform that matches the personality of every specific investor. What Are The Special Featur es Of A Forex Trading Platform. The most important aspect of any trading platform is the ease of use for investors Education can come from many sources, and results are never guaranteed in any publicly traded investment opportunity, but a user friendly platform enables investors to take control of their financial portfolio with a sense of confidence Key factors that impact an investor include the presence of trading tools and the absence of hidden fees Investors want enough information available for their personal use and research to make an informed decision before investing Savvy traders are likely to research specific economical factors for countries before choosing to invest in the nations currency Each transaction will have some cost associated with it, but some platforms and investment firms charge investors an additional service fee or account maintenance fee either per transaction or per month. Customer service is another determining factor for investors who are seeking an invest ment platform Many companies and software programs feature a mixture of personal associates and searchable database tools for investors to reference when they have a problem or simply want more information The relationship management piece is also important if an investor encounters a technical problem with the website or have a question about a specific investment opportunity An efficient and reliable trading platform that offers a balance of self-service options, such as education onsite or through external links, and the availability of expert assistance is the perfect blend for most investors Since there are so many options available for investors who want to experience the world of Forex trading, it makes sense for newcomers to spend time finding the most suitable Forex trading platform according to their specific needs and preferences. Who Or What Is An Authorized Forex Dealer. Several regulatory authorities serve to oversee the daily interactions of investment firms and registered representatives who conduct business on behalf of their customers Federal guidelines typically provide the framework around which a nongovernmental body or organization enforces and upholds the law These agencies provide multiple support outlets for consumers, clients, investors, and investment firms They ensure the prompt and accurate transmission of orders and information In addition, they provide checks and balances to remove any unfair advantages that may result from business practices that deviate from the normal and standard operating procedures Another role for governing agencies is to ensure that trades are conduced ethically and methodically, in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Because of the precise and sensitive nature of international trading and foreign currency trading, investment firms and financial representatives must be educated and experienced before being authorized to perform transactions on behalf of investors Part of the training includes administering a standardized test to evaluate knowledge in specific areas of the investment and finance genre Continuing education requirements must be met annually in order for a registered representative to remain actively licensed to practice in their specified territory Due to the potential risk involved in currency trading, only authorized Forex dealers are permitted to provide information, post daily results, update tracking charts, and perform other research on behalf of currency traders The authorized Forex representatives are able to conduct business for an individual or an investment company Consumers can invest with confidence, knowing that their transactions are being process according to all applicable laws and international regulations. How Can I Get Started With Online Forex Trading. Investors who are new to foreign currency investments or trading in general, find the free practice account to be enlightening and informational Investors can choose a Forex trading mock acco unt that is funded with a basic minimum investment that can be traded according to real time information about the international trading market Clients make trades based on the data available and are able to see how their decisions would have translated in the real world if they were using real money instead of the fictitious account The trial account serves to give investors a chance to become familiar with trading currency and also to learn how to review information and understand the streaming data. Real time information, including prices and recent transactions, are a vital part of trading on any stock or commodities exchange Timing is everything when it comes to these ever changing markets, and in a volatile market even a few seconds can make a big difference between a profitable investment and a substantial loss The lessons learned with a free practice account can help investors avoid common mistakes that newcomers often make The real time streaming quotes can also help new invest ors get used to recognize the various symbols and country flags so they are able to view their screen at a glance and make educated choices about buying or selling foreign currency Trading with real money is much easier after an investor has a chance to play the market and developing trading strategies with pretend money before investing their hard earned money in an unknown market. What Are Spot Metals. Gold, silver, precious, and industrial metals are frequently traded because they offer a universal value that is not necessarily dependent upon a specific country, business, or industry While there is no such thing as a spot metal, these precious metals are sold at what is typically referred to as a spot price The denomination of precious metals usually consists of a coin, bar, or bullion and will be specified somewhere in the transaction details Investors who wish to dabble in the precious metals industry should take the necessary precautions to ensure they are confirming the purchase p rice and the amount of metal to be delivered or traded. Every metal has a melt value that holds standard across the material and helps originating countries maintain a consistent placeholder for the value of the specified metal The melt value is always calculated the same way in every country and equals the amount of the metal in the transaction by the spot price of the metal at the time the transaction was conducted A metal sold at a premium represents the cost of the bar, coin, or bouillon that exceeds the melt value Investors who deal in precious metals know that the spot price is based upon immediate delivery This is an important factor to consider with precious metals because their prices vary greatly within a single business day Traders can conduct transactions within a variety of precious metals within their Forex trading platforms if the carrier of the platform allows the transactions Profits are made in precious metals when the value of the metal increases between the time of o riginal purchase and the subsequent sale, or when an investor is able to hold the metals until they can be sold at a premium. In What Ways Can I Manage The Funds In My Account. There are multiple ways to fund and manage Forex trading accounts Generally speaking, most trading platforms allow users to create accounts online and link their trading accounts to a major credit card, internet banking option, or checking account There may be more stringent requirements for commercial accounts as opposed to personal checking or savings accounts Automatic drafts make monthly contributions and regular trading activities convenient for frequent traders Online trading platforms place a high priority on security measures for account maintenance and automated transactions so users can invest with confidence their their personal information is delivered through state of the art encryption methods Brokerage houses and investment firms that offer Forex trading may accept payments in person at local banks or branches. Once an account has been established and the identification of the account owner has been verified, trading activity can commence according to the account balance in the Forex trading account Settlement times will vary based on the method of payment used In most cases, the same methods of payment can be implemented for withdrawals and deposits When traders want to withdraw some of their earnings, they may be able to request a bank to bank wire transfer or an automatic transfer into their checking or savings account Alternatively, when a withdrawal request is not time sensitive, investors may request that a check in the amount of the sale proceeds be mailed to their address of record. How Is Currency Trading Different From Other Investments. There are many different types of investment vehicles, but no single avenue is suitable for every investor Day trading volatile stocks and saving for retirement through an employer sponsored plan are both examples of investment vehicles th at represent opposite ends of the spectrum Independent investment options appeal to specific traders based on their overall risk tolerance While some traders are willing to risk large deposits in hopes of the potentially higher rewards, other investors view this uncertain strategy as a form of gambling They are not comfortable taking risks regardless of the possible payout Even within an actively managed account, these investors probably prefer mutual fund investments over commodities or currency trading. The main difference between stocks, bonds, commodities, and currency investments are the underlying product or service being offered None of these investment options are instantly visible or tangible to the investor Stock certificates represent ownership in a company relative to the total number of shares of stock owned by a shareholder Corporations and government agencies may also issue bonds as a way to raise capital for a specific project or event Bonds represent payment due from th e issuer to the bondholder and includes a specific expiration date and interest rate, which are listed on the face of the bond certificate The underlying commodity would technically be available upon the demand of the owner, but traders typically prefer to buy and sell rather than collect the actual commodity Currency trading in effect transfers ownership of position rather than the actual currency being traded Investors are essentially placing transactions based on their understanding and expectation of how the value of one nations currency will compare to the currency of another specific country within the specified time period The end result of these transactions do not necessary mean that an investor is going to be paid with the currency of a foreign country. What Does It Mean To Trade On Margin. Many online brokerage accounts and Forex trading platforms allow customers the option to trade on margin This process may also be referred to as trading on leverage or leveraging accounts Th ere is more risk associated with trading on margin, so this method of trading should be approached with caution and limited to experienced investors When a person leverages their position and decides to make a transaction request on margin, they are not required to have the full balance for the worst possible outcome of the transaction in their trading account at the time the request is made Although this is very convenient for frequent traders who want to place time sensitive orders, it can also result in a negative account balance if the trade settles in a manner that the investor did not expect. Most trading platforms allow investors to trade on margin, but warn against the risk of this investment style Software programs and brokerage houses may require that any debit balance is cleared and a trading account is brought to a positive balance before the investor is able to commence trading In addition, the margin amount may increase for an investor who repeatedly trades on margin and f ails to restore the account balance in a timely manner The amount of the margin, or percentage of reserves that must be met before a margin transaction can be placed, may also increase for investors who frequently place leveraged account transactions Trading platforms reserve the right to limit or prohibit margin and leverage transactions without notice. What Is A Rollover Transaction. There are a few investment terms that have the propensity to create confusion because they have different definitions based on the specific genre in which they are being discussed For example, a rollover IRA is created when an individual transfers funds from an existing individual retirement account or from an employer sponsored account into a new account This process essentially serves to shift the location of assets but does not incur any tax penalties or the realization of gains or losses when the same underlying investments are transferred to the new account. In a Forex trading account, a rollover has a much different definition Under the circumstances of trading foreign currency, the term rollover refers to the position an investor holds in their investment portfolio Most trades and transaction request in foreign currency take two business days to settle The settlement period includes a portion of time where the funds are not present in the investment portfolio or in the currency market When an investor conducts a transaction with another trader, he or she has two days to rollover their position and deliver the amount of currency specified in the transaction to the buyer The new owner must be able to take ownership of the currency at the end of the rollover period Some trading platforms and software programs offer assistance to investors by automatically rolling over funds to meet the settlement period requirements for trades made during the course of the day. What Do I Need To Know About Forex Trading Online. Charts are one of the main ways that information is transmitted in the fina ncial world Most notably, line charts, bar charts, and candlestick charts are used to represent market trends and activity. They offer a picture of market activity based on specific criteria such as time period, price fluctuation, and trading frequency Although Forex investing does not necessarily require an exhaustive understanding of charting, some traders prefer to be somewhat well versed in the core concepts of charting. Whether investors choose to review published charts or create their own handiwork charting their personal progress, they will likely choose one of the three main types of charts previously mentioned Regardless of the style preference a user has, they can utilize any of these charts to review information and make informed trading decisions. Line charts are the most widely used charting styles, because they are clear and easy to understand Different points are plotted along the chart and can be connected with a single line to express a relationship or change in data. Mos t daily reporting tools use line charts to represent a change in closing prices from one day to the next Bar charts are somewhat similar to line charts in that they express data along a constant line They are useful for looking at multiple data reports over a specific time period in a condensed and specific manner. Bar charts can be used to exhibit information for a wide span of time, from one hour to a full month or longer Candlestick charts are named for the unusual shape that consists of a large body of information that is tethered on either end by a solid line that represents a wick from a candle. These charts are predominately used to compare opening and closing prices for a particular currency and are not typically used to compare prices over a long time period. Should I Develop A Forex Trading Strategy. Trading in foreign currency is not a new industry and there are several tried and true methods of successfully timing trades to earn profits Although no method is completely foolproo f, considering a trading strategy is important for a first time investor Forex trading platforms that offer trial or mock accounts give investors a chance to play around with a few different strategies and even set up guess games where they randomly choose countries and execute trades These transactions are entertaining and risk free because the investor does not have any real funds at stake When it comes time to invest real money, most investors prefer to have a better strategy than blindly selecting random countries. Experienced traders in foreign currency often look for specific data when considering how and when to execute a new trade Support and resistance levels are an important factor in almost every trading strategy because they are good indicators of how the market will perform next Support levels are created when a downward trend spikes back up to a specific point The flat line is considered a support level, meaning the market will support the most trades when the price teeter s near this point Resistance levels work much the same way, except in the opposite direction When a specific currency that is trending upwards suddenly reverts back to a lower point on the price line, it is said to have met resistance Both of these concepts mirror general economic principles that are well founded and thoroughly researched. What Is Trend Trading. Financial advisors in most other investment vehicles recommend against market timing Novice investors who attempt to time the market often fail for two basic reasons First, when the market for a specific industry or company stock is very volatile, the market can change drastically within a few minutes Even when investors are monitoring the market throughout the day, most real time synopses are reported in twenty minute intervals Making trades based solely on the most recent activity could be a gamble, and many investors learn this lesson after facing a significant loss The second way that day traders and inexperienced investors c an lose money when trying to time the market is through transaction fees Depending on the type of account they have established, the number of transaction fees assessed through frequent trading may outweigh the potential profits from the actual trades. Forex trading platforms are different from many other investment options. They actually work in real time and traders must find creative strategies based mostly on market timing While other factors do come into play, the most reliable information in foreign investment trading comes from recent executions Trend trading focuses on the general direction a market is moving and is marked with higher than average closing prices. Beginners find that trend trading is successful for their purposes. Those with a higher risk tolerance and more experience with foreign currency investing may dabble in counter-trend trading This is more complex and attempts to enter the market at the precise moment when an existing trend is expected to reverse or slow dow n More research is required for this technique, but the rewards are higher relative to the increased risk. What Are Some Common Mistakes That New Traders Make. Investing can be a rather intimidating experience, especially for new traders Since foreign currency trading is even more complex than regular stock trading, many Forex trading platforms offer new users a chance to experience the currency exchange on a mock account before they actually invest money into their accounts One of the most common mistakes that investors make is trying to analyze every detail of every foreign currency transaction This overindulgence creates confusion and often becomes so overwhelming that traders become afraid to take any action Another common problem occurs when investors do not take the time to learn anything about the foreign currency market and make rapid, unplanned trade executions These two paradigms represent flip sides of the same coin and both scenarios can spell trouble for new investors Trader s use or fail to use information at their disposal and either never make a trade or make a series of irresponsible trades. Since there is a fairly equal possibility to gain or lose money on any investment, new and experienced traders must weigh the risk and reward before conducting any transaction Failure to recognize that a loss is plausible at any time causes investors to act more like gamblers than responsible financial stewards Margin and leverage options make the concept of losing money even less realistic to investors who have radical tendencies and view these account features as a viable form of credit Moderation is the key to any investment, and traders should not wager more than they are willing to lose on any single transaction. What is a Forex Scam. Foreign currency futures and options contracts can be traded legally on an exchange or board of trade approved by the CFTC In addition, trading can be conducted legally where one or both parties to the trading is a bank, insurance c ompany, registered securities broker-dealer, futures commission merchant or other financial institution, or is an individual or entity with a high net worth Currency trading is not limited to these boards, exchanges, banks or insurance companies but anyone engaged in the exchange of currencies who is not regulated falls under the jurisdiction of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC. The CFTC has witnessed the increasing numbers and growing complexity of financial investment opportunities in recent years, including a sharp rise in foreign currency trading scams While much foreign currency trading is legitimate, various forms of foreign currency trading have been touted in recent years to defraud members of the public Forex currency trading scams have increased in number recently and the problem has become so bad that the CFTC has released an advisory. Currency trading scams often attract customers through advertisements in local newspapers, radio promotions or attra ctive Internet sites These advertisements may tout high-return, low-risk investment opportunities in foreign currency trading, or even highly-paid currency-trading employment opportunities The CFTC urges you to be skeptical when promoters of foreign currency trading claim that their services or account management will earn high profits with minimal risks, or that employment as a currency trader will make you wealthy quickly. Forex scams are so numerous and take so many forms that it makes more sense to tell you how to identify a Forex scam than to atempt to list them As you will see Forex scams have a lot in common with other investment scams with the main theme being Getting Rich Quick with no risk to the investor Anyone that makes this kind of promise should be avoided and possibly reported to the CFTC.1 Stay Away From Opportunities That Sound Too Good to Be True. Get-rich-quick schemes, including those involving foreign currency trading, tend to be frauds. Always remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch Be especially cautious if you have acquired a large sum of cash recently and are looking for a safe investment vehicle In particular, retirees with access to their retirement funds may be attractive targets for fraudulent operators Getting your money back once it is gone can be difficult or impossible.2 Avoid Any Company that Predicts or Guarantees Large Profits. Be extremely wary of companies that guarantee profits, or that tout extremely high performance In many cases, those claims are false. The following are examples of statements that either are or most likely are fraudulent. Whether the market moves up or down, in the currency market you will make a profit. Make 1000 per week, every week. We are out-performing 90 of domestic investments. The main advantage of the forex markets is that there is no bear market. We guarantee you will make at least a 30-40 rate of return within two months.3 Stay Away From Companies That Promise Little or No Financial Risk. Be s uspicious of companies that downplay risks or state that written risk disclosure statements are routine formalities imposed by the government. The currency futures and options markets are volatile and contain substantial risks for unsophisticated customers The currency futures and options markets are not the place to put any funds that you cannot afford to lose For example, retirement funds should not be used for currency trading You can lose most or all of those funds very quickly trading foreign currency futures or options contracts Therefore, beware of companies that make the following types of statements. With a 10,000 deposit, the maximum you can lose is 200 to 250 per day. We promise to recover any losses you have. Your investment is secure.4 Dont Trade on Margin Unless You Understand What It Means. Margin trading can make you responsible for losses that greatly exceed the dollar amount you deposited. Many currency traders ask customers to give them money, which they sometimes refer to as margin, often sums in the range of 1,000 to 5,000 However, those amounts, which are relatively small in the currency markets, actually control far larger dollar amounts of trading, a fact that often is poorly explained to customers. Dont trade on margin unless you fully understand what you are doing and are prepared to accept losses that exceed the margin amounts you paid.5 Question Firms That Claim To Trade in the Interbank Market. Be wary of firms that claim that you can or should trade in the interbank market, or that they will do so on your behalf. Unregulated, fraudulent currency trading firms often tell retail customers that their funds are traded in the interbank market, where good prices can be obtained Firms that trade currencies in the interbank market, however, are most likely to be banks, investment banks and large corporations, since the term interbank market refers simply to a loose network of currency transactions negotiated between financial institutions and other larg e companies.6 Be Wary of Sending or Transferring Cash on the Internet, By Mail or Otherwise. Be especially alert to the dangers of trading on-line it is very easy to transfer funds on-line, but often can be impossible to get a refund. It costs an Internet advertiser just pennies per day to reach a potential audience of millions of persons, and phony currency trading firms have seized upon the Internet as an inexpensive and effective way of reaching a large pool of potential customers. Many companies offering currency trading on-line are not located within the United States and may not display an address or any other information identifying their nationality on their Web site Be aware that if you transfer funds to those foreign firms, it may be very difficult or impossible to recover your funds.7 Currency Scams Often Target Members of Ethnic Minorities. Some currency trading scams target potential customers in ethnic communities, particularly persons in the Russian, Chinese and Indian immig rant communities, through advertisements in ethnic newspapers and television infomercials. Sometimes those advertisements offer so-called job opportunities for account executives to trade foreign currencies Be aware that account executives that are hired might be expected to use their own money for currency trading, as well as to recruit their family and friends to do likewise What appears to be a promising job opportunity often is another way many of these companies lure customers into parting with their cash.8 Be Sure You Get the Companys Performance Track Record. Get as much information as possible about the firms or individuals performance record on behalf of other clients You should be aware, however, that It may be difficult or impossible to do so, or to verify the information you receive While firms and individuals are not required to provide this information, you should be wary of any person who is not willing to do so or who provides you with incomplete information However, keep in mind, even if you do receive a glossy brochure or sophisticated-looking charts, that the information they contain might be false.9 Dont Deal With Anyone Who Wont Give You Their Background. Plan to do a lot of checking of any information you receive to be sure that the company is and does exactly what it says. Get the background of the persons running or promoting the company, if possible Do not rely solely on oral statements or promises from the firms employees Ask for all information in written form. If you cannot satisfy yourself that the persons with whom you are dealing are completely legitimate and above-board, the wisest course of action is to avoid trading foreign currencies through those companies.10 Warning Signs Of Commodity Come-Ons. If you are solicited by a company to purchase commodities, watch for the warning signs listed below. Avoid any company that predicts or guarantees large profits with little or no financial risk. Be wary of high-pressure tactics to convince you to send or transfer cash immediately to the firm, via overnight delivery companies, the internet, by mail, or otherwise. Be skeptical about unsolicited phone calls about investments from offshore salespersons or companies with which you are unfamiliar. Prior to purchasing. Contact the CFTC. Visit the CFTCs forex fraud web page. Contact the National Futures Association to see whether the company is registered with the CFTC or is a members of the National Futures Association NFA You can do this easily by calling the NFA 800-621-3570 or 800-676-4NFA or by checking the NFAs registration and membership information on its website at nfa futures basicnet While registration may not be required, you might want to confirm the status and disciplinary record of a particular company or salesperson. Get in touch with other authorities, including your states securities commissioner nasaa , Attorney Generals consumer protection bureau naag , the Better Business Bureau bbb and the National Futures Association n fa futures. Be sure you get all information about the company and verify that data, if possible If you can, check the companys materials with someone whose financial advice you trust. Learn all possible information about fees charged, and the basis for each of these charges. If in doubt, dont invest If you cant get solid information about the company, the salesperson, and the investment, you may not want to risk your money.11 More Information and Contacts. Questions concerning this advisory may be addressed to the CFTCs Office of Public Affairs at 202 418-5080modity Futures Trading Commission. Three LaFayette Centre.1155 21st Street, N W. Washington, D C 20581.Where to report Forex and Commodities Scams. Didn t run with too much trouble with them so I would have gave them 4 or 3 stars however after they changed my account from a standard account to mini WITHOUT telling me, I phoned them to ring that I noticed the connection has been set to mini and I suspected they moved my account but their representative outright LIED to me and said that it was their label and that I was in fact still on a standard account. Mini accounts are dealing desks, while standard account are NDD They told me that I needed to apply to change it back I didn t ask to switch in the 1st place. A few days ago, FXCM had a breach by a hacker apparently concerning sensitive user information so I decided to call them to withdraw my funds but phone support website portal were down for a few hours. Also, note that FXCM has HUGE debts because of the CHF crash, their future is not so bright so I would advise you to stay away from them and choose a more financially stable broker. Since the deregulation of the forex trading industry in 1997, there has been a massive proliferation of internet based spot forex brokers While this scenario might be a good thing in terms of the availability of choice for traders, too much of a good thing can also be bad This is because it can be difficult to sift out the bad from all the brokers out there, as basically everyone is offering the same kind of service However, all this started to change when a broker called eToro introduced the concept of social trading to the world in 2010 with the launch of their OpenBook social investment platform With this innovative social trading platform, traders can now easily copy the trading strategies of their more successful peers without having to have a solid foundation in trading the spot forex market. Since the debut of their OpenBook social trading platform, eToro has gone on to improve the functionality of their platforms Now, eToro have provided their traders with 3 ways in which they can trade the markets namely with eToro WebTrader, eToro OpenBook and eToro Mobile Trader. Regarded as the most popular forex social trading platform in the world, eToro OpenBook platform lets you follow the progress of other traders as well as lets you interact with them in real time and puts the power of networking into the palm of your ha nd With the integrated Copy Trader feature, you can copy the trades of your more successful peers automatically in real time as well. A web based powered trading platform, eToro WebTrader provides you with all the tools that you need to analyze your trades as well as letting you synchronize with OpenBook to copy the trades of others. eToro Mobile Trader. With the introduction of eToro Mobile Trader apps, traders can now also access the power of social trading with their smartphones and mobile devices. Now in addition to forex, traders can also trade a selection of commodities and stocks with eToro s trading platforms. At eToro, you have a choice of two different types of trading account, standard trading account and Islamic trading account. Standard Trading Account. Opening a trading account at eToro is easy as they only require a minimum initial deposit of just 50 You can fund your trading account using the following methods. Withdrawals at eToro can only be done after your have verified your account Once you have verified your account, you can withdraw using the same method that you used to deposit your money into your trading account Take note that the minimum amount to be withdrawn is 20 There is also a small fee payable when you make a withdrawal The fee is dependent on the amount to be withdrawn and ranges from 5 to 25 The stipulated processing time for a withdrawal request is up to 5 business days. For Muslim traders who want to trade the forex market according to Shariah principles, they can choose to open an Islamic trading account with a minimum initial deposit of 1000 With the Islamic account, no interest is imposed on overnight positions and no commissions are payable as well. For those of you who want to try out eToro s trading platform fist, you can always sign up for their obligation free demo account The demo account lets you try out all the features on eToro without having to risk any real money Instead, you will be trading with 10,000 virtual cash supplied w ith the demo account. At eToro there are no commissions payable Instead, traders have to pay a slightly wider spread on all their trades With the exception of Bitcoin transactions 1 pip spread , the typical spread at eToro starts from a minimum of 2 pips for the USD JPY currency pair and 3 pips for the EUR USD, USD RUB USD CHF and USD CAD For less frequently traded pairs, the spreads can go up to as high as 14 pips. Customer support services at eToro are provided in several major languages and are available 24 5 Contact with the support team can be done through email, live chat or the telephoneprehensive Training Academy. Ground Breaking Social Trading Platform. Multiple choices of trading platforms. Regular Attractive Promotional Offers. Limited Choices of Forex Pairs. Their Platforms are Non Customizable. Trading Charts lack sophisticated tools. There is no doubt that eToro s social trading platform is the most innovative change that has occurred during the past few years They have single-han dedly transformed a stressful trading endeavour into a fulfilling experience which feels more like game for everyone The OpenBook platform can be said to be tailored made especially for novices of online trading who are unsure of how to start. Forex trading or more commonly known as FX trading is globally recognized as trading currencies In terms of volume, forex trading is by far the largest market in the world. Forex trading is largely unregulated in that there is no centralized exchange for trading There are many levels of participants including large investment banks, hedge funds all the way down to retail traders. Forex trading is largely affected by interest rates, economic growth of individual countries as well as geopolitics, trade flows and capital flows and mergers and acquisitions A higher interest rate generally results in a stronger currency and higher inflation results in a weaker currency In forex trading, the dollar is considered the benchmark currency. CITIBANK WORLD MONEY CARD. Citibank World Money Prepaid Card. Travelling Abroad Say goodbye to the hassles of carrying traveler s cheques and worries of losing cash Load your foreign exchange on the Citibank World Money Prepaid Card and use it like your regular Credit Debit Card abroad Available in US Dollars, Euro, Pound Sterling, Singapore Dollars Australian Dollars. Top reasons to use Citibank World Money Card.24x7 International Toll Free Numberplimentary Concierge Services. Travel Assistance, Anytime, Anywhere. First trip to your travel destination Go prepared Use the concierge for helpful information such as information on vaccination, travel visas, currency exchange rate, country specific local weather information, cultural customs and protocol information as well as risk assessment recommendations for specific travel destinations Government issued traveler advisories is also available on request. Not sure of Visa requirements for the impulsive last minute additions to your itinerary Get information on co untry specific passport. a long position when the price crosses from below and closes above the moving average. a short position when the price crosses from above the moving average and closes below. A trade can only be placed if it coincides with the current trend. a long position must have a positive moving average slope. a short position must have a negative moving average slope. no trade should be placed if there is a flat moving average slope. With these parameters in place, we are given the following trade signals. Although it appears that several valid trade signals have been generated, you still need to determine when and where to exit these positions In order to do this you can use a variation of a moving average channel, one that is based off of the ATR. The channel seen above is created by offsetting the moving average by a factor of the current ATR in both the positive and negative direction You can use this channel to make your primary decisions on exiting your position We base thi s off of the theory of mean reversion, with the assumption that when the price moves beyond a certain ATR range it is likely to reverse It is important to note here that past performance are not indicative of future results In this example, the two critical levels that will be used are the 1 and 1 5 ATR values. The closest channel to the moving average represents a value of 1 ATR The outer channel represents the 1 5 ATR level and will used as our target exit point Based on where the price is in relation to the ATR channels, we are able to determine our additional exit conditions Below is a list of exit rules. The position will be closed if the price crosses the moving average to the side opposite of the entry position and reaches the 1 ATR level on that side. The position will be closed if the price crosses the moving average to the side opposite of the entry position and closes on that side. The position will be closed if the price reaches the 1 5 ATR level. The position will be closed if the price crosses the 1 ATR level on the entry side and closes. below the 1 ATR line for long position. above the 1 ATR line for short position. Based on our entry and exit conditions, we would have seen the following results. Typically this strategy works best in a trending market however it is still able to be applied overall market conditions Additionally, the longer the time frame used, the more accurate this strategy has been in the past Again, historical results are not indicative of future performance There are many variations to this strategy that can be customized to a particular trading style In particular, the use of a different type of moving average or a longer time frame for the moving average can greatly affect the overall strategy, specifically the frequency of your entry signals When used in conjunction with proper money management skills and rigorous discipline, this strategy provides a unique opportunity that can lead to potentially successful trade set ups. Matthew Cherr y is a forex market analyst for TradersChoiceFX Many more of his latest articles can be found on the TradersChoiceFX Forex Blog You can download a free Metatrader Practice Account from TradersChoiceFX and get instant access to a special report that will teach you how to use a Forex bonus program to improve your success as an FX trader. KNOWING FOREX CAPITAL MARKETS DALLAS BETTER. Forex Capital Markets Dallas. In forex trading there are some essential elements you need to know and comprehend one of these elements is forex capital market as the forex capital markets dallas Forex capital markets simply mean a market or headquarter, in which the entire foreign exchange activities take place In other words, there is impossible for any forex trading activities without the existence of such capital market If you are a newbie in forex trading business, you will probably find quite a lot of capital market other than forex capital markets dallas yet for some reasons, this capital market is actually one of the best and most recommended capital markets around Here are some information about forex capital markets dallas, including the benefits and where can you find it, so you know this capital market better. As other capital markets the forex capital markets dallas is also offering the basic features, services, and other foreign exchange trading business activities This forex capital market is giving a kind of forex account for forex business newbie, which is including all services as other senior forex traders From such forex capital markets dallas you can do any forex trading activities along with other traders However, there are some aspects that make forex capital markets dallas different from other capital markets aspects also make this capital market is much recommended than other markets. First, the forex capital markets dallas offers forex trading account which has much more features than other forex capital markets around even ones that are more popular This forex capital m arkets dallas is probably one of the few capital markets that are providing professional and expert in forex trading, which will give you some suggestions and advices on your forex trading activities By that it means, forex capital markets dallas is actually helping you on reaching success in your forex trading business. If you are interested to make a forex trading account in forex capital markets dallas, and you have no idea what to do, here are some suggestions you should apply First, you need to find and read some more additional information about the forex capital markets dallas, which you can actually find in the cyber world You just have to go to online forex trading forum or article, which is usually written by senior or professional forex traders If you want to make an account online, you probably have to find forex capital markets dallas s official site, and make an immediate forex account Yet if you want to visit the market directly, you need to go to the actual headquarter I f you do not know the location, asking some helps from online map or GPS is recommended. FOREX SWAP INVESTOPEDIA. HOW DOES FOREX SWAP INVESTOPEDIA WORKS. Forex Swap Investopedia. Forex Swap Investopedia is a simultaneous purchase and sale of identical amounts of one currency to other currencies with two different value dates Usually, Forex swap is used in finance In general, the function of FX swap is the same as other forex trading software However, this Forex Swap Investopedia has two major legs of structure The first structure is a spot foreign exchange transaction The second structure is a forward foreign exchange transaction Both structures are really influence to the forex trading. Indeed, it becomes one of common structures in forex trading, especially forward-forward trade These structures of Forex swap are used for transactions in different forward dates Therefore, you may find the different between Forex Swap Investopedia and other Forex platform software from it However, it doesn t a serious matter for you The most important thing is you know how Forex Swap Investopedia works on your Forex trading business All right, if you are asking about the used of FX swap, you will get the answer here. Forex Swap Investopedia is usually used for institutions to fund their foreign exchange balance If you see from the used of FX swap, you can assume that this platform software has very significant roles In other hand, forex transaction settles, the holder is left with a positive or long position for one currency only Moreover, FX swap is a negative or short position in other currencies In other word, two sides, positive long position and negative short position need to be considered Beside that, Forex Swap Investopedia will collect or pay some overnight interest on the forex balances. Then, after getting forex balances Forex Swap Investopedia will close the foreign balances out and re-institute them for the following day Beside both functions, FX swap also can be used as tom - next swaps, doing the opposite, buying or selling a foreign amount settling for the following day as well as selling or buying it back settling the day after tomorrow Therefore, institutions will collect their interest or overnight paid refer to the cost of carry Forex Swap Investopedia need to be known by the traders. Indeed, forex traders have to know how much holding a currency position on daily basis They should realize it through Forex Swap Investopedia and know the currency positions It may positive position or negative one Traders will try to find foreign balances as clear as possible over Forex Swap Investopedia. FOREX TRADING HOURS GMT. Forex Trading Hours GMT. ABOUT FOREX TRADING HOURS GMT If you are new in the world of forex foreign exchange trading, there are many things you need to know and comprehend well one of the essential things you need to know and comprehend is about the Forex Trading Hours GMT There are some reasons of why you should know and comprehend such one of the main factors in all kinds of forex trading First, the Forex Trading Hours GMT allows you to know when you can involve in forex trading by that it means, you also know when you are to be online, and when you can take some rests Besides, knowing Forex Trading Hours GMT is generally helping you to get the most effective and efficient result There can be no doubt that this is one of your most essential factor in forex trading, and to be succeed in this business field. There is actually another type of forex trading hour, beside Forex Trading Hours GMT the EST Trading hour EST Eastern Standard Time forex trading hour is pretty much from Greenwich Mean Time trading hour, in some aspects First, the basic main time in EST is in Eastern, while GMT is in Greenwich Second, the forex traffic in EST forex trading hours and in Forex Trading Hours GMT is also different And if you are about to choose either forex trading hour, GMT forex trading hour is much more recommended Besides more people in fore x trading are using the Forex Trading Hours GMT, this trading hour is also giving a more exact time than another trading hour. If you do much prefer Forex Trading Hours GMT there are some additional things and information you should know about this trading hour, including when it opens and closes, as well the time division In general, forex trading market opens 24 hours a day, 6 days a week the Forex Trading Hours GMT itself mostly opens at 10 pm and closes on Sunday and closes at 5 pm on Friday With such trading hours, there can be no doubt that there are many business activities you can do to take your business to success As the EST trading hours, the Forex Trading Hours GMT also consists of 4 divisions of time they are Europe, America, Asia, and Pacific. If you are finding any information of Forex Trading Hours GMT from online sources, you will find out that there are at as much three sessions available in this forex trading hours they are London session, US session, and Asia session And apparently, London and US Forex Trading Hours GMT session are two forex trading hours that are much more recommended, than Asia Forex Trading Hours GMT. FOREX ALGORITHMIC TRADING STRATEGIES. FOREX ALGORITHMIC TRADING STRATEGIES. Forex Algorithmic Trading Strategies. Investment is a great idea for many people around the world in getting profit Profit here can be referring to personal or material There are such ways that people are able to do in doing investment One of example is participating in Forex What forex is actually about Forex Foreign Exchange Trading is an outstanding investment activity where it can give high potential profit to each runner In other hand, forex is also an act of placing a bet of trading through the future price of the currencies Therefore, because of this reason, currency has very important function on the forex trading itself Indeed, it is the matter of fact that forex becomes a great challenge to every investor online to create a good analysis, good strateg y, and others actions in order to get the maximum profit. By using Forex Algorithmic Trading Strategies systems, programs as well as trading platforms, the traders can follow every price of currency s changing accurately They will just concern on rising of the currency price or falling It means that, in doing forex trading the traders will always see every single changing of the currencies For example, if one of currency price is rising, the traders will take high periods then buy In contrast, if the price is falling, they will take low periods then buy. However, this case is not a serious problem because by using trading platform, the traders can easily to see the right signals from the readiness to inject pre-programmed orders Thus, they will know when reducing the time lag and when it is executed In other hand, the function of algorithmic software is to help the traders to find the forex, which is the most in the markets via indicator analysis as well as chart Hence, they will know th e exact comparison of the currencies, and then start to trade From that brief explanation about, of course, the existence of information is very important, further information of forex trading Information becomes the key whether the traders can get high and potential profit or otherwise, they will get financial loss. Therefore, it is very important for all traders to find the accurate information on the best currency price you wish to trade through central bank policy, economy statistics, political stability and many more The point is those factors being one of important information sources to the traders In addition, by using algorithm the traders will easily to analyze, predict as well as determine a final decision Only two terms, the currency is rising alternatively, the currency is falling. FOREX XMAS HOURS. TRADING IN FOREX XMAS HOURS. Forex Xmas Hours. So now you pretty aware of the potential of Forex Trading, and you are currently doing forex trading and quite successfully at that to o but then come the holiday christmas and you became confuse right away how can you Trading in Forex Xmas Hours this is your main subject of confusion, because Trading in Forex Xmas Hours or even in any holiday hours is tend to be tricky and will put you in confusing place immediately, many Forex website is closed and out of service during the designated Forex Xmas Hours, and your forex brokers are out of usual services too because they also want to enjoy their holidays without doing business these are some of the problems regarding Trading in Forex Xmas Hours that no wonder will make you quite confused but confuse no more because lucky you here we are gonna reveal the secret of Trading in Forex Xmas Hours. Trading in Forex Xmas Hours is simply just not the same as trading in normal non Xmas hours, due to the closure of the market Trading in Forex Xmas Hours is little bit trickier than anything normal Especially In Holidays, or known as Trading in Forex Xmas Hours forex traders eventual ly enter a period of high risk trading Trading in Forex Xmas Hours considered to be less appropriate trading times, as in this certain time period a lot of forex professionals traders retreat temporarily from the market to enjoy the holiday And with more and more traders leaving the forex markets, the volatility will suddenly goes up. So much for the end of year trading high caution is generally advised Depends on your tolerance whole month year-end can be considered too risky so the approach to Trading in Forex Xmas Hours is just a little bit different and even harder than ever maybe it is good to just stop your forex trading activity during Forex Xmas Hours but what if you actually have to or must doing some crucial forex trading activity during Forex Xmas Hours, you need to read this guide to rid off your confusions and what even better is turned out, during Forex Xmas Hours, you have a potential way to multiple your usual business profits, find out how to multiple or increase your t rade while Trading in Forex Xmas Hours. The strategy you can use during Trading in Forex Xmas Hours is simple, you do your Trading in Forex Xmas Hours on other continent or other country that doesnt celebrate Christmas, maybe you can try to Trading in Forex Xmas Hours on such middle eastern countries, or east asia country in general where there are big opportunity to step up and gera up during christmas holiday that will maximize the Trading in Forex Xmas Hours experiences for you. FOREX TRADING HOURS PACIFIC TIME. Forex Trading Hours Pacific Time. FOREX TRADING HOURS PACIFIC TIME FOR BEST TRADING TIME F orex trading hours Pacific Time must be one of the points understood by all people in forex trading business and they who centralize the business in the area of Pacific Time zone The areas of Pacific Time are such as the United States and also Canada Therefore, the people who want to reach success of the countries forex trading, knowing the forex trading hours Pacific Time and following th e market well may bring you to the success. Forex trading hours Pacific Time is the information you should know to make you have the right times to monitor the forex trading market and take the best decisions in any condition of the market In the forex trading hours Pacific Time, each major forex trading market will operate in different time The time will be different when you run the business in the market of United Kingdom with the business running from United States That is why the understanding of the forex trading hours Pacific Time is necessary so that the business can be run perfectly. The differences of the forex trading hours Pacific Time should be understood well before you start running the business anywhere you are To run the forex trading well, at least you should have the list of the major forex trading market and the forex trading hours Pacific Time so that you can start the trading and the monitoring in the right time The forex trading hours Pacific Time will also become the best time to do the forex trading By trading in the best hours, you may get the best profits from this business. Just get the forex trading hours Pacific Time before you start trading on the foreign exchange business Forex trading is about trading the currencies of many countries in the world Of course, the business should be supported by the knowledge of the forex trading hours Pacific Time too so that you can start the business in the best trading hours Therefore, just get the best place where you can get the best software for forex trading business as well as the forex trading hours Pacific Time to get the most profitable business of foreign exchange trading. FOREX TRADING HOURS CHART. Forex Trading Hours Chart. A BRIEF ON FOREX TRADING HOURS CHART Forex Trading Hours Chart is a helpful tool especially when some hours of the day are busier than others It means that, according to Forex Trading Hours Chart the activity of Forex trading at those hours is greater price rise and fall var ies every day and some days of the week are busier than others as a common rule It does not matter whether in London, United States or Tokyo the pip range movements for all majors are likely to be larger towards the middle of the week Generally speaking, it is during Tuesday and Wednesday one can see the highest pip variation for all major at Forex Trading Hours Chart. So that the important lessons you need to learn about Forex Trading is not only deal with how to trade at the Forex market but also when to trade the Forex market, and for this you need the Forex Trading Hours Chart. Although Forex trading is open 24 hours a day, you still need Forex Trading Hours Chart to help you with Because open 24 hours a day does not mean Forex is at all time active the whole day You can make money in the Forex when the market moves up or when it moves down On the other hand, you will have a hard time when you try to make money at the time the market does not move at all Forex Trading Hours Chart wil l help determine when the best times of the day is to trade. Ahead of looking at the best times to trade from Forex Trading Hours Chart you must look at what a 24 hour a day in the Forex world is The Forex is divided up into three major trading sessions the U S Session, the London Session, and the Tokyo Session In between each session, there is a period of time in which two sessions are open at the same time For instance from Forex Trading Hours Chart, you can see that the Tokyo and London markets are open from 3-4 a m EST, while the London and U S markets are open from 8-12 p m EST So obviously, those are the busiest times because there are two markets are open at the same time Forex Trading Hours Chart mentioned that the London session more often than not shows the most movement. Like any other chart, Forex Trading Hours Chart is a study of some data In the Forex data circumstances the Forex Trading Hours Chart presents the historical price trends and mechanism in a graphic illustratio n The presentation of the Forex Trading Hours Chart frequently differ at the same time as the unpredictable frequencies on which Forex sector run and also to the enormous amount of data from all over the globe Though apparently Forex Trading Hours Chart seems to be quite hard to understand but actually currency charts are similar to the stock charts. FOREX TRADING HOURS SUNDAY. Forex Trading Hours Sunday. WHY SHOULD TRADERS AVOID FOREX TRADING HOURS SUNDAY Forex Trading Hours Sunday is one part of Forex trading hours which Forex traders should avoid Besides Forex Trading Hours Sunday, Forex traders should also avoid world s holiday times for in such times, the volume will be limited greatly Though it is true that Forex is always open, yet in some areas in the world, there are some hours that are better for trading Forex compared to other days Forex trading works 24 hours a day in five week days except for public holidays However, since our world has different time divisions due to the spr ead locations of nations, Forex Trading Hours Sunday is possible to do in almost all of countries So, forex trading hours vary based on the different time zones Forex Trading Hours Sunday is thus possible to do for those who are working with Forex traders in different time zone Yet, Forex Trading Hours Sunday will somehow quite risky for it gives limited chance a profit from Forex. Simple knowledge like such Forex Trading Hours Sunday case is essential to grasp by those who want to join the tight business of Forex Forex trading is definitely a profitable facility that people online business runners can take for boosting their profit Those who are dealing with online business for years will agree that Forex is the best system that can really give profit in a quite great amount Yet, there are some things that people can pass for reaching success with Forex One of the essential things to master is to understand terms like Forex Trading Hours Sunday Knowing the best hours of Forex trades wi ll be beneficial for this will determine the profit that they will earn Forex Trading Hours Sunday will give people the bad trades or the vice versa if the traders know how to maximize such moment Forex traders should really get notice the best time to trade for them to trade by making use some facilities of time converters to check Forex Trading Hours Sunday. FOREX TRADING PLATFORMS COMPARISON. Forex Trading Platforms Comparison. CHOOSING FOREX TRADING PLATFORMS COMPARISON Nowadays, there are many ways that we can do to get some or even a bunch of extra income The thing that we have to know is what we can do, where to, and how to make it works One way to add up the extra income is doing business There are many options of business that we can use as a source of extra income By the availability of internet, the business can even be done without any limitation of time and space This is beneficial to start doing the business, like foreign exchange Foreign exchange, or simply called as forex is now becoming one of the largest business done by many people This gives lots of opportunity to the businessman to earn extra income by analyzing the market and by being a great strategist This will all come reality when one can do a great forex trading platforms comparison. Forex trading platforms comparison is your way or investors early stage in this business Forex trading platforms comparison becomes highly important since any result of the comparison will be in which an investor will invest some amount of capital and to let it roll and result on surplus It can be also said that the broker of which one you get from the forex trading platforms comparison, is one determining factor whether you will win or loose There are hundred lists of forex trading platforms comparison that you will find when you search them in the internet Yet, this list is often put you into a second of dizziness to choose which of it will be where you trust your money There are, however, many ways to to do for ex trading platforms comparison and get the most suitable broker for you The first thing you have to consider while doing the forex trading platforms comparison is to know whether the broker holds a legal license Choose a legal broker will keep you away for any future problems and is avoidable for any other loss Then, in making forex trading platforms comparison, you can learn about the quality of the broker which can be easily seen from any other reviews The better the reviews given to the broker, the more reliable it is as your broker In your forex trading platforms comparison, find also a broker which does not require you to give such big amount of deposit in the first investment Since you are a newbie, youd better to find this kind of broker to prevent you too many loss it is a business that you have to remember that there are big opportunity to get loss as well. There are many other things that you have to consider in doing forex trading platforms comparison The more you know what forex is and the more information you get about how important it is to make a good forex trading platforms comparison your opportunity to win and earn more money through this business is wider. Free Training Programs. With many families across the country struggling financially, the need for free training programs to develop or enhance employment opportunities, is more important than ever Free training allows potential employees to develop, upgrade or fine tune the skills necessary to either advance or seek employment. Free training programs are available in a wide variety of subjects They can range from specific skill sets, such as phlebotomy training and hvac technician training, or can be as broad based as free nursing training programs and child care training programs. When seeking the best free training program for your needs, seek out those offered by reputable and or recognized organizations These include places and foundations such as the Red Cross, your local college campus, gover nmental continuing education programs and more There are a wide variety of training programs that do charge a tuition fee, but will offer steep discounts to military service people and their spouses as well as those on social services benefits Dont be afraid to ask Free training programs are out there and the opportunity for advancement is at your finger tips. Free Training Programs. With many families across the country struggling financially, the need for free training programs to develop or enhance employment opportunities, is more important than ever Free training allows potential employees to develop, upgrade or fine tune the skills necessary to either advance or seek employment. Free training programs are available in a wide variety of subjects They can range from specific skill sets, such as phlebotomy training and hvac technician training, or can be as broad based as free nursing training programs and child care training programs. When seeking the best free training program for you r needs, seek out those offered by reputable and or recognized organizations These include places and foundations such as the Red Cross, your local college campus, governmental continuing education programs and more There are a wide variety of training programs that do charge a tuition fee, but will offer steep discounts to military service people and their spouses as well as those on social services benefits Dont be afraid to ask Free training programs are out there and the opportunity for advancement is at your finger tips. Free Training Programs. With many families across the country struggling financially, the need for free training programs to develop or enhance employment opportunities, is more important than ever Free training allows potential employees to develop, upgrade or fine tune the skills necessary to either advance or seek employment. Free training programs are available in a wide variety of subjects They can range from specific skill sets, such as phlebotomy training and hvac technician training, or can be as broad based as free nursing training programs and child care training programs. When seeking the best free training program for your needs, seek out those offered by reputable and or recognized organizations These include places and foundations such as the Red Cross, your local college campus, governmental continuing education programs and more There are a wide variety of training programs that do charge a tuition fee, but will offer steep discounts to military service people and their spouses as well as those on social services benefits Dont be afraid to ask Free training programs are out there and the opportunity for advancement is at your finger tips. Free Training Programs. With many families across the country struggling financially, the need for free training programs to develop or enhance employment opportunities, is more important than ever Free training allows potential employees to develop, upgrade or fine tune the skills necessary to eithe r advance or seek employment. Free training programs are available in a wide variety of subjects They can range from specific skill sets, such as phlebotomy training and hvac technician training, or can be as broad based as free nursing training programs and child care training programs. When seeking the best free training program for your needs, seek out those offered by reputable and or recognized organizations These include places and foundations such as the Red Cross, your local college campus, governmental continuing education programs and more There are a wide variety of training programs that do charge a tuition fee, but will offer steep discounts to military service people and their spouses as well as those on social services benefits Dont be afraid to ask Free training programs are out there and the opportunity for advancement is at your finger tips. Free Training Programs. With many families across the country struggling financially, the need for free training programs to develop or enhance employment opportunities, is more important than ever Free training allows potential employees to develop, upgrade or fine tune the skills necessary to either advance or seek employment. Free training programs are available in a wide variety of subjects They can range from specific skill sets, such as phlebotomy training and hvac technician training, or can be as broad based as free nursing training programs and child care training programs. When seeking the best free training program for your needs, seek out those offered by reputable and or recognized organizations These include places and foundations such as the Red Cross, your local college campus, governmental continuing education programs and more There are a wide variety of training programs that do charge a tuition fee, but will offer steep discounts to military service people and their spouses as well as those on social services benefits Dont be afraid to ask Free training programs are out there and the opportunity f or advancement is at your finger tips. Free Training Programs. With many families across the country struggling financially, the need for free training programs to develop or enhance employment opportunities, is more important than ever Free training allows potential employees to develop, upgrade or fine tune the skills necessary to either advance or seek employment. Free training programs are available in a wide variety of subjects They can range from specific skill sets, such as phlebotomy training and hvac technician training, or can be as broad based as free nursing training programs and child care training programs. When seeking the best free training program for your needs, seek out those offered by reputable and or recognized organizations These include places and foundations such as the Red Cross, your local college campus, governmental continuing education programs and more There are a wide variety of training programs that do charge a tuition fee, but will offer steep discounts t o military service people and their spouses as well as those on social services benefits Dont be afraid to ask Free training programs are out there and the opportunity for advancement is at your finger tips. XEMarkets is one of the newer online Forex brokers to enter the industry In 2009, this company began offering services and has since become a top choice for many new traders internationally The company is a licensed and registered broker in the Republic of Cypress and offers services that are compliant with EU regulations At XEMarkets, traders will have the ability to download and install one of the most popular platforms being used, Metatrader 4 With this platform, new traders will benefit from demo accounts and real accounts and will have the ability to use and back test expert advisors In addition to this platform, XEMarkets has other platforms that are available, including Webtrader, Android, Blackberry, iPad, iPhone and MAM With this many platforms, it is possible for traders a ll over the world to use a PC or mobile device to connect with their accounts at any time and conduct trades. Since many new traders will be opening accounts at XEMarkets, there is an exceptional customer support team in place Offering professional services and assistance, the support team can be contacted 24 hours a day and offers services in multiple languages so that all international clients will receive the help they need. The trading options that are available at XEMarkets are exceptional and traders will be able to trade over 100 currency pairs There are also competitive spreads and the average EUR USD spread will equal 1 9 pips In addition to using the platform to conduct traders, registered traders will also be able to place phone trades by using the 24 hour support services. The minimum deposit amount at this broker is a bit higher than others, offering a 100 deposit minimum While this is still a low cost to begin investing, it may not be the right amount for some new traders wh o have limited budgets However, traders who do choose XEMarkets will find that the resources available and the ongoing support will definitely be worth the few extra dollars when opening an account. While most traders will make their money from the trades that are conducted, they will have the chance to earn free cash for additional trades through the bonus offers and loyalty reward program that is offered at XEMarkets This is just another way for the company to give back to loyal traders and welcome those that are new. XE MARKETS Review. XeMarkets is a Forex broker founded in 2008 that maintains headquarters in Cyprus, EU XeMarkets is a STP Forex Broker offering CFDs, Commodities, Energy etc XEM offers also many trading platforms, plus mobile traders, while automated trading and scalping are both allowed Their trading conditions are good in standard lot and above accounts The XeMarkets MT4 runs steadily and the order execution is considerably fast with low slippage Their asset index is r elative wide while you may trade commodities and popular indices like Nasdaq and Dow Jones through their MT4 platform The broker supports also PAMM accounts for managed-account traders They offer usually a deposit bonus of 30 but from time to time they offer also 100 credit bonus Keep in mind that a credit bonus can generate profits in favor of a trader, but it can not be withdrawn In overall XeMarkets is a top choice for the semi-advanced and advanced Forex trader. XeMarkets Asset Index. XeMarkets Typical Spreads TRading Commissions. XeMarkets Mobile Trading. XeMarkets Minimum Deposit. Enjoy Trading Privileges. XEMarkets is an up and coming forex broker, offering its services in many languages There are. various exceptional trading conditions this broker offers, including tight spreads, welcome bonuses. over 100 tradable assets and top quality support Our team explored the XEMarkets website. trading platform and features to their full extent Take a look at the review below to see what this. Name XEMarkets Website xemarkets Founded in 2009 Headquarters Limassol, Cyprus The Owner Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd Regulation FSA UK, BaFin Germany, CySEC Phone 357 25 029 900 Email supportxemarkets Minimum Lot Size 0 01 Micro Lot Maximum Leverage 1 888 Minimum Deposit 5 Minimum Trade Amount 0 01 Micro Lot Maximum Per Trade 50 Standard Lots Languages Available English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, French, Japanese, Greek, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Malay, Turkish, Swedish, Italian, Polish, Korean, Russian, Indonesian. There are a diversifty of trading Platforms available at XEMarkets including the MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 4 for MAC, WebTrader, iPhone Trader, iPad Trader, Droid Trader, Mirror Trader, and MAM Trader. XEMarkets offers traders the MetaTrader 4 platform, boosting the chance of flexibility Take. note that the MT4 is a favorite among experienced forex traders Additionally, less experienced traders will enjoy getting a lot of practice with this platform The MT4 has a wide variety of features and tools. The execution of trades is simple, and you may trade in over 20 languages Therefore, accessibility to international traders is not an issue at XEMarkets Our team tested out the MetaTrader 4 platform and it was very efficient The trades were executed straight way, and with no requotes. XEMarkets provides its traders a number of great features New features are becoming available all the time, as this broker strives to stay ahead of its competitors XEMarkets openly displays its welcome bonuses on its homepage There is a 30 Welcome Bonus on all deposits I guess you cant really complain about these special features Islamic accounts are available with this broker, showing just what type of outreach they do to their diverse client base You can also use the hedging feature in the trading accounts on the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. There are 5 types of accounts Demo, Micro, Standard, Executive, and Islamic trading accounts The Demo account is suitable for people who want to get a feel of what trading with XEMarkets is really like The Micro account is suitable for beginners that want to trade freely The Standard account is catered to traders with trading experience, and minimum deposits are 5 However, the website claims that deposit rates are flexible according to the client The Executive account is accessible with a minimum deposit of 100,000, but this rate is flexible according to the. conditions offered to you The Islamic accounts are available to Muslim customers who wish to trade in a swap free setting. Th ere are many means of contacting XEMarkets during market hours You may get in contact with them through live chat, call back, various email addresses and international support numbers The great thing is that the emails and numbers are under specific categories on the website, which allows you to easily contact the relevant department. Our team got in contact with XEMarkets via a number of methods, and we can proudly say that they impressed us All our questions were answered immediately through email, phone and live chat They seemed to be a well-trained team and willing to help their clients every step of the way. New XEMarkets customers will be happy with how easy it is to find their way around the website You can find where you want to be in a speedily manner, and without any difficulties You can obtain detailed information about the company and the forex market on the website, features which other broker are often too willing to hide. The registration process only took a few minutes and the instructions were clear There are many deposit and withdrawal methods this broker offers its clients It is important to note XEMarkets covers fees and charges of all payment methods XEMarkets accepts deposits via Credit Cards, Bank Wire transfer, Local Bank Transfer, MoneyBookers Skrill, Webmoney, Neteller, MoneyGram, Western Union, Sofort, and iDEAL. We have to say that XEMarkets is one of the top brokers weve ever reviewed This broker does not have many floors The big positive we clearly saw is the diversity of the 5 trading accounts available such as the Executive and Islamic Accounts In spite of this, the features available via the website are of the highest quality In addition, the support team makes it for us, as they are available to assist their clients every step of the way If you are looking for a straightforward trading experience, then visit XEMarkets today. One - or Three-Day Market Timing Trading and Investment Course at Online Trading Academy Up to 98 Off. One 3-day in - class market timing course. Taught by expert traders, investment course divulges strategies to time investments properly, potentially leading to high-probability gains. Without sound advice, its difficult to make financial decisions such as deciding how many pork bellies you should trade and how many you should save for stocking stuffers Manage your assets with this Groupon. Choose Between Two Options. 29 for a one-day in-person Market Timing trading and investment course up to a 1,000 value. 59 for a three-day in-person Market Timing trading and investment course up to a 3,000 value. Covering several topics over the full three days, the Market Timing course divulges the strategies to time investments wisely, potentially increasing the probability of gains even within volatile markets Students learn investing and trading nuances, including how and why prices move and the advantages of targeting different types of assets, while personal coaches help determine the best way to put the courses information into an actionable business plan. Forex Trading in Indonesia. Ever wondered how a person living and earning in Indonesia pay his client who lives in United States If the person pays in dollars then would he benefit in the transaction or incur a Similarly, would time and day be factors which will influence the total amount to be paid There might be numerous questions, but all of them have a common solution through Forex trading The foreign exchange market or the Forex is a nothing but a form of exchange for the global trading of international currencies The foreign exchange market helps us in international trade and investment by making possible currency conversion To put it in simple terms, we can say that a Forex transaction comprises of a party purchasing some quantity of currency by paying some amount of another currency Hence, the person living in Indonesia will buy some quantity of US currency that is Dollars by paying certain amount of his own currency that is Rupiah The exchange rate depends on lots of other factors which play an important role in deciding the total amount to be transferred. The exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market or the Forex, where trading takes place 24 hours a day except weekends The exchange rates are nothing but the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for the other Considering the above example we can suppose that the person wants to transfer or exchange 7500 Rupiah from his client If the interbank exchange rate is 7500 Rupiah for US , then the person has to pay US 1 to make a transfer of 7500 Rupiah The exchange rate can be divided into spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate Spot exchange rate is nothing but the current exchange rate while the forward exchange rate is the exchange rate that is quoted and traded today but for future date delivery and payment Mostly the exchange rate cannot be determined accurately, but some algorithms can be developed to get a close estimation The exchange rates depend on factors like market psychology, economic conditions and political factors. The political factors and economic conditions are key factors which one should keep in mind before making a transaction Also, the leverage and volatility of the Forex market can encourage big losses among the traders Therefore, proper research and practice should be carried so as to convert the loss due to volatility into greater profits Hence, forex trading Indonesia is the best way of investing on es money. FOREX TRADING MALAYSIA. Malaysia has continuously improved its economic growth since its independence It has created various opportunities throughout the world Being the largest exporter of Palm oil in the world, Malaysia has created various commodity exchanges around the world Along with the local markets, the forex industry has also seen drastic success in Malaysia Introduced in early 2000, the forex industry in Malaysia has caught many interested business to arrive and exchange currencies with them Many foreign brokers were attracted to the growing forex business in Malaysia, and hence established trading relationships directly with the local markets The 5000 minimum account sizes attracted many brokers to get started with forex trading along with foreign brokers the local brokers too started participating in the trading activities in the local market Currently, there are huge marketing channels for the forex brokers in Malaysia But, there are some cons which are associated with forex trading in Malaysia. The increase of traders and marketing channels in Malaysia also increased the number of unregulated brokers which were involved in scams in Malaysia The number of fraud cases and scams increased which forced the government of Malaysia to take strict action against fraudsters Therefore, the government of Malaysia, the Malaysian central bank, and the bank Negara arrested and raided various individuals accused of fraud cases The central bank after January 2010 has prevented traders from sending money outside Malaysia and also posted various warnings about forex trading on its official website This step has drastically decreased the number of foreign brokers present physically in Malaysia Although the Malaysian government has not regulated the forex trading, hence the local markets are still prospering in Malaysia Online forums are one of the most used methods by new comers for becoming IB s Apart from the traditional online portals, social media are also inc reasingly used for advertisement Hence, many new brokers have come who are using the social network as an opportunity to market social based. The foreign exchange market deals with exchange of Malaysian currency Ringgit with other currencies The rate of currency prices depend on factors like economic and political factors of Malaysia Apart from the government and other leading corporates in Malaysia, Maybank is a famous foreign exchange advisory services provider in Malaysia It has extensive networks in the international market and has good foreign risk management techniques The currency prices or exchange rate of Malaysian Ringgit constantly keeps on changing as per other currencies. Machine Learning-based Stock Trading Strategies. Jul 30, 2014 6 30 PM. This location is shown only to members. Main talk Machine Learning-based Stock Trading Strategies Dr Tucker Balch, Lucena Research. Abstract Dr Tucker Balch will review Lucena Research s approach to building Machine Learning-based trading st rategies The presentation will include several example strategies developed at Lucena Tucker will also talk about some of the challenges for ML in this domain and lessons learned. Tucker Balch Ph D is an associate professor of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, and CTO of Lucena Research His course at Coursera, Computational Finance, Part I has been taken by more than 100,000 students worldwide At Georgia Tech he teaches courses in Artificial Intelligence and Finance Balch has published over 120 research publications related to Robotics and Machine Learning His work has been covered by CNN and by New York Times His graduated students work at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citadel, AQR, and Yahoo Finance. Lightning talk Verbs of data science Abe Gong, Jawbone. Abstract Almost everything you ve read and heard about data science focused on nouns algorithms, software, infrastructure, etc that data workers use, or products that they make Noun-based texts teach tools and technical skills, b ut do not teach about time Therefore, they have little to say about scheduling, deadlines, efficiency, and return on investment fundamental concepts that separate abstract thinkers from productive doers This lightning talk will kick off the evening with thoughts about the verbs of data science how to arrange your workflow to get more data work done, on deadline. Options Advisory Services. Considering options trading for financial independence Already trading options but need tips to improve your position You have come to the right place. Chuck Hughes, with almost 30 years of successful trading and proven results, offers Options Advisory Services that can aide you in selecting the right stock mix for your portfolio is important to minimize risk and maximize returns Options trading strategies employed include Investing with the Trend and the EMA System. Make wise investments with Chuck Hughes Options Advisory Services and obtain the 4 to 1 Rewards Risk Ratio that other clients have experienc ed. Advantages of Options Trading. Flexibility Options trading allows you to come up with a variety of option trading strategies that help you to take advantage of the market situation, from violable to stagnant markets and conservative to high-risk situations. Hedging Because of the nature of options trading hedging allows you to offset potential losses that may be caused by another investment in your portfolio. Leverage By choosing options trading over stocks, investors can control a much larger number of stocks for the same amount of money This means investors can have a bigger reach with a smaller investment. Risk Control Options trading gives investors the ability to control and diversify their investments allowing them to manipulate the level of risk you would like Options trading is suitable for both risk takers and risk averse investors. With Chuck Hughes Options Advisory Services you will be able to come up with a good options trading strategy and gain the financial independence tha t you have always wanted So please contact us to find out how our Investment Advisory Services consisting of Wealth Stock and Options components, can benefit you. Tap into Chuck s Trading Knowledge NOW. Forex Risky Business. Tuesday, December 18, 2007.Recently, there has been a rise in Forex transactions Forex trading can involve a high degree of risk and may be more suitable for market professionals rather than the average retail investor Forex, stands for foreign exchange trading It usually means the right to buy or sell a certain amount of foreign currency at a fixed price in US dollars In order words, you are betting on the way exchange rates will change. Check To See If Brokers And Firms Are Licensed. Brokers and firms that trade Forex must be licensed with the National Futures Association NFA To check if the broker or firm that you are working with is licensed, please visit the National Futures Association BASIC Search Forex may be traded on an exchange that is regulated by the Commod ity Futures Trading Commission CFTC or off-exchange. Investigate The Details Before Investing. Forex transactions generally are not guaranteed or insured and are risky Investors who invest on margin, or take out a loan for part of the investment, should be especially careful They could lose their investment as well as have to pay back the loan Off-exchange transactions are especially risky because many Forex scams are modeled to look like legitimate off-exchange transactions. To protect themselves from unnecessary risk, investors should investigate before they invest, be on the lookout for red flags, get the transaction details in writing, ask the salesperson if they are licensed with the NFA or the CFTC, and verify with the NFA and the CFTC Red flags include guaranteed returns, promises of outrageous returns, statements that Forex is low risk, statements suggesting that the investor should cash out other investments or refinance their home to invest, and secret or special investment arra ngements. If You Think You re A Victim, File A Complaint. Depending on its structure, a Forex transaction may be regulated by the CFTC, the NFA, or DFI If you think that you are a victim of a fraudulent Forex scheme contact an attorney and file a complaint with the CFTC the NFA and DFI. To learn more about Forex, please view CFTC Forex brochure. Establishing a business presence on the Internet can be a lucrative way to sell, market, and advertise your business s goods and services The following topics provide details on how to start and manage an online business.1 Start a Business. Regardless of where you choose to operate your business, certain general requirements always apply Before you can begin completing specific online business steps you must follow the basic rules for starting a business Use these tools and resources to help take you from preparing your business plan and to becoming a successful business owner.2 Register a Domain Name. A domain name is the web address of your online business Choosing and registering a domain name is the first step to starting an online business After you ve chosen the name you d like to register, the process is simple and cost-friendly Where to register your name is up to the discretion of individual businesses. Be careful to avoid possible security risks by becoming aware of potential scams The Federal Trade Commission issued a consumer alert about Domain Name Registration Scams. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is the non-profit corporation that has technical oversight of Internet protocol address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions It provides current news on issues surrounding domain names.3 Select a Web Host. A web host provides you with the space and support to create your website Choosing the host that best suits a business is up to the discretion of that business Costs and abilities, such as site maintenance, search registration, and site development, vary from host to host but it is important for it to be both reliable and secure.4 Design Your Website. The website of your online business is extremely important to its success Because you don t have a physical location, this is considered your store front Websites can be designed personally, by hiring someone to work as your site designer, or by using an independent design firm. Be sure to comply with U S trademark and intellectual property laws The same laws and regulations apply to online businesses as regular businesses Search for trademarks currently in use to avoid infringing on another company s rights on your website.5 Begin Advertising and Marketing. Similar to the traditional market place, online businesses cannot be successful without customers For online businesses, these customers come in the form of site visitors or viewers Generating the highest amount of traffic possible on your website will create the highest chance that those visitors will become customers Register with search engines and use keywords that will drive the most traffic to your site. Advertising and marketing on the internet is regulated very similarly to the real world, and many of the same rules apply The Federal Trade Commission has created several guides to help online businesses comply with these regulations.6 Comply with Online Business Regulations.7 Find State and Local Compliance Information. In addition to Federal requirements, businesses must know and comply with state and local laws and regulations Select your state, county, and city to determine what s required of your online business.8 Learn Federal, State, and Local Tax Requirements. Online business are required to follow the same federal, state, and local tax laws as regular businesses If you are operating your online business in a state that charges a sales tax or levies a gross receipts or excise tax on businesses you may have to apply for a tax permit or otherwise register with your sta te revenue agency Online businesses are responsible for collecting state and local sales taxes from their customers when applicable, and paying these taxes to state and local revenue agencies.9 Understand International Trade Laws. Operating internationally requires many additional considerations from finding overseas markets and suppliers to shipping and tax regulations Follow international trade laws for online business to be sure you are in compliance with all regulations.10 Additional Startup Resources. These guides provide additional information relevant to starting and operating an online business. Access to this web page has been blocked. Reference Error 18 a43c5168 1447571821 4c76121.If you feel you have received this message incorrectly, please send us an email or. Just call 800-BANK-BBT 800-226-5228.Support for BB returning to the workplace where the hazards in that workplace have changed during the worker s absence or a worker that has relocated to a new workplace where the hazard s in that workplace are different from the hazards in the worker s previous workplace. Ensuring that an appropriate Safety Orientation occurs is the responsibility of the supervisor The supervisor should be very familiar with the work tasks that will be performed, the hazards associated with those work tasks and the processes and procedures that have been developed to mitigate the hazards. The supervisor should review the information contained in the position specific Safety Orientation package on a regular basis and or at a minimum, prior to the new employees first day at the workplace, to ensure that it is accurate and up to date Based on the components of the Safety Orientation, a Site and Branch Specific Safety Orientation Manual should be created which should include all information outlined on the Safety Orientation Checklist and supported by the Safety Orientation Checklist Supporting Document template should be assembled for the new employee A copy of this manual, including the i nformation documented during the Safety Orientation meeting, should be provided to the employee following the meeting. Delivery of the site and position specific safety information as outlined on the Safety Orientation Checklist should be completed and documented on the first day of employment Throughout the Safety Orientation, the supervisor should be documenting any immediate training needs the new employee requires, to safely conduct their work, on the employees Safety Training Plan Training in the areas indicated on the training plan must be conducted prior to the employee performing any hazardous work tasks associated with the position. Safety Orientation and Safety Training will be performed and documented by the employees direct supervisor and or delegate and will include. A Site Specific Safety Information captured on the Safety Orientation Checklist Supporting Documentation template and included in the Site and Branch Specific Safety Orientation Manual.1 Emergency Procedures. Usin g an up-to-date map, show and explain to the new employee. the emergency evacuation plan, including the route that he she should take to exit the building from his her work space and the muster point outside the building. locations of fire alarms and extinguishers. Physically walk the evacuation route with the employee, pointing out the fire alarms and extinguishers and the posted evacuation route nearest his her workspace Provide the employee with additional information as to viable exits in case he is not at his workspace when required to exit the building If there any anomalies in your workplace, such as exits that are unusable, explain and show the new employee their location. Provide the employee with the information contained in the Emergency Preparedness element of your departmental safety plan. Go over the first aid requirements, as per Yukon OHS Minimum First Aid Regulations, for the worksite and provide the first aid attendant contact information On the up-to-date map, go over the clearly marked location of the first aid kits first aid book and any other first aid equipment required at the workplace Walk the employee to these sites. Show the employee the location of the Health Safety Bulletin Board and review the information that is regularly displayed on it The location can also be marked on the map.3 Reporting Incidents and Near Misses. Review the MINOR - Incident and Near Miss Investigating and Reporting template and explain your expectations for completion and the procedure for processing the reports Provide a link to the Incident and Near Miss Investigating and Reporting element of your safety program Explain to the employee his right to refuse unsafe work , your support of this right and the procedure to follow in doing so, as per OHS Act, Section 15, G A M Policy 3 38, Corporate Health and Safety and Collective Agreement, Article 32, Section 32 07, Right to Refuse Work.4 Joint Health and Safety Committee Members or Safety Representative Contact Information. Explain the Department Branch Joint Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety Representative requirement as it pertains to your department or crown corporation Review the membership and contact information provided in the employees Site or Branch Specific Safety Orientation Manual Show the employee the location of the Health Safety Bulletin Board and review the information that is regularly displayed The location can be marked on the map. B Position Job Specific Health and Safety Training Requirements. Review the certificates required by the employee to perform his work ie drivers license, crane operator certificate Copy the certificates for their personnel file and document the expiry dates on the Safety Orientation Checklist Those certificates that are required, and not held by the employee, should be listed on the Safety Training Plan template and will begin to form the employees training plan If a certificate is required in an area, the employee will have to attain the certif icate prior to performing the job duty.6 Safe Job Procedures and Safe Work Practices. Review the list of Safe Job Procedures SJP and Safe Work Practices SWP that are pertinent to the position, with the new employee Determine, through the safety orientation discussion, which SJP and SWP that they are fully trained and competent in theory and practical and in which they require further training It is helpful to have a mini-quiz developed for each SJP SWP in order to assure both yourself, as the supervisor, and the employee that he has a full understanding of the SJP SWP as well as the supervisors expectations that they are understood and followed If you have any concerns as to the employees skills, abilities, knowledge and understanding in any of the areas, put the SJP SWP on the Training Plan Training of a SFP SWP can be performed by the supervisor or a co-worker who has demonstrated clear knowledge and understanding of the topic Training will include a theory and practical component Tra ining to be completed prior to the employee performing hazardous work on his own.7 Personal Protective Equipment or Work Equipment. Review and deliver the list of Personal Protective Equipment PPE and work equipment that has been assigned to the employee Ensure that the manufacturers instructions accompany the assigned PPE and work equipment Explain to the employee that it is your expectation that he review and follow all manufacturers instructions Review and discuss the PPE Maintenance Record document provided to the employee in his orientation manual The discussion should include the employees knowledge and understanding of how the PPE and equipment functions and their ability to use it in a safe and effective manner If you have any concerns as to the employees skills, abilities and knowledge, document the requirement for training on the specific PPE or work equipment on the Training Plan Training can be performed by the supervisor or a co-worker who has demonstrated clear knowledge a nd understanding of the topic or it can be done in a more formalized course setting Training will include a theory and practical component Training to be completed, prior to the employee using the PPE or equipment or completing the job duties that require the use of the PPE or equipment.8 Yukon Occupational Health Safety Act and Regulations. Review and discuss the specific Yukon OHS Act and Yukon OHS Regulations that the employee is to know and understand in relation to his position Discussion should include an understanding of the interpretation of the specifics as it pertains to his job duties If you have any concerns as to the employees skills, abilities and knowledge, document the requirement for training on the specific OHS Act or Regulations on the Training Plan Training can be performed by the supervisor or a co-worker who has demonstrated clear knowledge and understanding of the topic Training will include a theory and practical component. C Corporate Health Safety Management Sys tem Corporate Bank.9 Corporate Health and Safety Management System CHSMS Overview. On the computer, show the employee the YG Health and Safety Management System Corporate Bank website Provide a link in the Site and Branch Specific Safety Orientation Manual Review briefly how to navigate the website. D Department Health and Safety Management System.10 Review all elements of your Departmental Health and Safety Management System DHSMS. Provide a link to the document in the Site and Branch Specific Safety Orientation Manual The elements of the DHSMS can be reviewed by the supervisor or a co-worker who has demonstrated clear knowledge and understanding of a particular element This can be a co-worker within the employees new branch or it can be a co-worker outside of the employees immediate branch The department could make certain employees the expert on certain aspects of the DHSMS and they could deliver that particular element to all new employees Over time as each element is reviewed the emp loyee and person providing the training will initial the appropriate section on the Safety Orientation checklist The review may provide the appropriate level of training for some elements and more formalized course training may be required for some of the elements This will vary from department to department and from position to position dependent upon the mandate of the department branch or position. Injuries, accidents and lost days not only threaten productivity and increase costs but can also have a significant effect on employee morale The Strategy Center is able to ramp up quickly in response to your safety training needs If your organization needs safety training to meet state or national safety laws, The Strategy Center can provide these quality services and training at a fraction of the cost of other vendors Training can be customized for groups as small as one or two or large, corporate organizations All training is customized based on a comprehensive assessment In addition to core safety training, The Strategy Center team can assist in developing a sound safety plan, which is key to reducing and preventing accidents, and in turn increases productivity and profitability. OSHA standards require that employers. Maintain conditions or adopt practices reasonably necessary and appropriate to protect workers on the job. Be familiar with and comply with standards applicable to their establishments and. Ensure that employees have and use personal protective equipment. BREAKING DOWN Hedge. Hedging is analogous to taking out an insurance policy If you own a home in a flood-prone area, you will want to protect that asset from the risk of flooding to hedge it, in other words by taking out flood insurance There is a risk-reward tradeoff inherent in hedging while it reduces potential risk, it also chips away at potential gains Put simply, hedging isn t free In the case of the flood insurance policy, the monthly payments add up, and if the flood never comes, the policy holder r eceives no payout Still, most people would choose to take that predictable, circumscribed loss rather than suddenly lose the roof over their head. A perfect hedge is one that eliminates all risk in a position or portfolio In other words, the hedge is 100 inversely correlated to the vulnerable asset This is more an ideal than a reality on the ground, and even the hypothetical perfect hedge is not without cost Basis risk refers to the risk that an asset and a hedge will not move in opposite directions as expected basis refers to the discrepancy. Hedging Through Derivatives. Derivatives are securities that move in terms of one or more underlying assets they include options swaps futures and forward contracts The underlying assets can be stocks, bonds commodities currencies indices or interest rates Derivatives can be effective hedges against their underlying assets, since the relationship between the two is more or less clearly defined. For example, if Morty buys 100 shares of Stock plc STOC K at 10 per share, he might hedge his investment by taking out a 5 American put option with a strike price of 8 expiring in one year This option gives Morty the right to sell 100 shares of STOCK for 8 any time in the next year If a year later STOCK is trading at 12, Morty will not exercise the option and will be out 5 he s unlikely to fret, however, since his unrealized gain is 200 195 including the price of the put If STOCK is trading at 0, on the other hand, Morty will exercise the option and sell his shares for 8, for a loss of 200 205 Without the option, he stood to lose his entire investment. The effectiveness of a derivative hedge is expressed in terms of delta sometimes called the hedge ratio Delta is the amount the price of a derivative moves per 1 00 movement in the price of the underlying asset. Hedging Through Diversification. Using derivatives to hedge an investment enables for precise calculations of risk, but requires a measure of sophistication and often quite a bit of capi tal Derivatives are not the only way to hedge, however Strategically diversifying a portfolio to reduce certain risks can also be considered a rather crude hedge For example, Rachel might invest in a luxury goods company with rising margins She might worry, though, that a recession could wipe out the market for conspicuous consumption One way to combat that would be to buy tobacco stocks or utilities, which tend to weather recessions well and pay hefty dividends. This strategy has its tradeoffs if wages are high and jobs are plentiful, the luxury goods maker might thrive, but few investors would be attracted to boring counter-cyclical stocks, which might fall as capital flows to more exciting places It also has its risks there is no guarantee that the luxury goods stock and the hedge will move in opposite directions They could both drop due to one catastrophic event, as happened during the financial crisis or for unrelated reasons floods in China drive tobacco prices up, while a strike in Mexico does the same to silver. Managing Commodity Price Risk Using Hedging and Options. Table of Contents. This Factsheet provides an overview of commonly-used price risk management tools as well as concise and easily understandable definitions of terms used by those providing risk management advice. Purpose of Futures Markets. Futures markets are price discovery and risk management institutions In futures markets, the competing expectations of traders interact to discover prices In so doing, they reflect a broad range of information that exists on upcoming market conditions Futures markets are actually designed as vehicles for establishing future prices and managing risk so you can avoid gambling if you want. For example, a wheat producer who plants a crop is, in effect, betting that the price of wheat won t drop so low that he would have been better not to have planted the crop at all This bet is inherent to the farming business, but the farmer may prefer not to make it The farmer can hedge this bet by selling a wheat futures contract. Futures contracts are sometimes confused with forward contracts While similar, they are not at all the same. A forward contract is an agreement between two parties such as a wheat farmer and a cereal manufacturer in which the seller the farmer agrees to deliver to the buyer cereal manufacturer a specified quantity and quality of wheat at a specified future date at an agreed-upon price It is a privately negotiated contract that is not conducted in an organized marketplace or exchange. Both parties to a forward contract expect to make or receive delivery of the commodity on the agreed-upon date It is difficult to get out of a forward contract unless the other party agrees. All forward contracts specify quantity, quality and delivery periods If any of these conditions are not met, the farmer will usually have to financially compensate the buyer It is essential you understand your legal obligations before entering into a forward contract in c ase you cannot meet the conditions of the contract. Futures contracts, while similar to forward contracts, have certain features that make them more useful for risk management These include being able to extinguish contract obligations through offsetting rather than actual delivery of the commodity In fact, very few futures contracts are ever delivered upon. Futures contracts are traded on organized exchanges in a variety of commodities including grains, livestock, bonds and currencies They are traded by open outcry where traders and brokers shout bids and offers from a trading pit at designated times and places This allows producers, users and processors to establish prices before commodities are traded Futures prices are forecasts that can and do change according to a variety of reasons, such as crop or weather reports. There are basically two types of traders hedgers and speculators. Hedgers are people who produce, process or use commodities and want to reduce their price risk or establ ish prices for commodities they will trade in the future. Speculators are people who attempt to profit through buying and selling, based on price changes, and have no economic interest in the underlying commodity. Futures contracts have standardized terms established by the exchange These include the volume of the commodity, delivery months, delivery location and accepted qualities and grades The contract specifications differ, depending on the commodity in question. This standardization makes it possible for large numbers of participants to trade the same commodity, which also makes the contract more useful for hedging. Trading Gains and Losses. It helps to study speculation first - trading futures without an interest in the underlying commodity - in order to understand hedging. September corn is trading at 3 50 bu, but you believe the price will be lower than this in September You might take a short position sell futures , and if the price falls, profit from offsetting with a long position buying back futures. Grain Price Hedging Basics. Updated July, 2015.The business of a crop producer is to raise and market grain at a profitable price As with any business, some years provide favorable profits and some years do not Profit uncertainty for crop producers arises from both variance in the cost of production per bushel especially from yield variability and uncertainty of crop prices. Many techniques are used by producers to reduce risk from production loss These may include adequate size of machinery, rotating crops, diversification of enterprises, planting several different hybrids, crop insurance, and many others. Crop producers also have marketing techniques which can reduce the financial risk from changing prices Rising prices generally are financially beneficial to producers and falling prices are generally harmful However, it is never known with certainty whether prices will rise or fall Futures hedging can help establish price either before or after harvest By establish ing a price, the producer protects against price declines, but also generally eliminates any potential gain if prices rise Thus, through hedging with futures, producers can greatly reduce the financial impact of changing prices. How Prices are Established. Prices of corn and soybeans are established in two separate but related markets The futures market trades contracts for future delivery These future contracts are traded at a commodity exchange and are for a specific time contract delivery month , place primarily Chicago, Illinois , grade 2 yellow shelled corn , and quantity 1,000 or 5,000 bushel contract sizes The cash market is where the physical grain is handled by firms such as country elevators, processors, and terminals. The term basis refers to the price difference between the local cash price and the futures price The basis is different at alternative marketing locations Thus, for effective marketing, it is important to be aware of the local basis at country elevators, as well a s at nearby processors or terminals. Local cash prices thus reflect two components the futures price and the local basis Figure 1 helps illustrate this point As an example, a local cash bid of 2 50 per bushel for corn may be derived from a futures price of 2 70 and a local basis of 20 cents It is helpful to think of local cash prices in terms of the futures component and the basis component when examining marketing alternatives. The Hedging Concept. Producer hedging involves selling corn futures contracts as a temporary substitute for selling corn in the local cash market Hedging is a temporary substitute, since the corn will eventually be sold in the cash market. Hedging is defined as taking equal but opposite positions in the cash and futures market For example, assume a producer who has harvested 10,000 bushels of corn and placed it in storage in a grain bin By selling 10,000 bushels of corn futures the producer is in a hedged position In this example, the producer is long owns 10,000 b ushels of cash corn and short sold 10,000 bushels of futures corn. Since the producer has sold futures, price has been established on the major component of the local cash price This can be seen in Figure 1, which illustrates that the futures component is the most substantial portion of the local cash price. Selling futures in a hedge leaves the local basis unpriced Thus, the final value of the corn is still subject to fluctuations in local basis However, basis risk variation is much less than futures price risk variation By selling futures, the producer has eliminated the financial loss which would occur on the cash grain from a futures price decline. The hedge position is removed or lifted when the producer is ready to sell the corn in the cash market It is lifted in a simultaneous two-step process The producer sells 10,000 bushels of corn to the local grain elevator and immediately buys back the futures position The purchase of futures offsets the original short sold position in future s, and selling the cash grain converts the position to the cash market. Producer Hedging Illustrations. Hedging involves taking opposite but equal positions in the cash and futures markets If you own 10,000 bushels of corn as discussed above, you are long cash corn If you sell 10,000 bushels of corn on the futures market you are short corn futures. If the price increases as shown in Figure 2, the value of the cash corn also increases However, the futures contract incurs a loss because you sold short corn futures and now have to buy corn futures at the higher price to close out the futures position If both the cash and futures prices increase by the same amount, the increase in the value of the corn will exactly offset the loss in the futures market The net price received from the hedge is exactly the same as the cash price when the hedge was initiated not including trading cost, interest on margin money, or storage costs. If the price decreases as shown in Figure 3, the value of the cash c orn also decreases However, the futures contract results in a gain because you sold short corn futures and now can buy corn futures back at a lower price to close out the futures position If both the cash and futures price decrease by the same amount, the decrease in the value of the corn will exactly offset the gain in the futures market The net price received from the hedge is exactly the same as the cash price when the hedge was initiated not including trading cost, interest on margin money, and storage costs. The difference between the cash price and the futures price is the basis The basis in the illustrations in Figure 2 and 3 is the same when the hedge is lifted as when it was initially placed However, if the basis is smaller when the hedge is lifted as shown in Figure 4, the gain in the cash market will be greater than the loss in the futures market and the net price received from the hedge will be slightly larger The outcome is the same if prices decline Figure 5 The loss in va lue of the cash grain will be less than the gain in the futures market resulting in a higher net price. Basis usually narrows from harvest into the winter, spring and summer resulting in a higher price However, a higher price is needed due to the cost of storing grain past harvest Whether the basis narrows and by how much is not known until the hedge is lifted Although hedgers can lock in the futures price when they hedge, they are vulnerable to basis changes. Hedging can also be used to establish a price for a crop before harvest Assume the hedge is placed before harvest but lifted at harvest The net price not including trading cost or interest on margin money is the futures price at the time the hedge is placed, less the expected harvest basis If prices are higher at harvest, the higher cash price is offset by the futures loss If prices are lower, the futures gain is added to the lower cash price. Processor Hedging Illustrations. If you are a grain processor or livestock producer needing grain for processing or feed, hedging can be used to protect against rising grain prices Once again hedging involves taking opposite but equal positions in the cash and futures markets But in this case, you dont have grain that you plan to sell but rather plan to buy grain at a future time period to fill your processing or feed needs Instead of selling futures at the time of placing the hedge, you buy futures So you own grain futures in the futures market but are short grain in the cash market will need grain but dont own any. If grain prices rise as shown in Figure 6, you make money in the futures market because you purchased futures and can now sell them at a higher price However, the grain for processing or feed needs now cost more So the gain in the futures market offsets the increase in the grain purchase price. If grain prices drop as shown in Figure 7, the futures you purchased at the beginning of the period must now be sold at a lower price However, the grain for your processing or feed needs now cost less So the loss in the futures market offsets the decrease in the grain purchase price. If the difference between the cash and futures prices remains the same over the hedging period, the loss in one market will exactly offset the gain in the other market not considering transaction and interest costs. Mechanics of Placing a Hedge. Once hedging principles are understood, a key decision in the hedging process is selecting the right commodity broker A producer or processor should expect the broker to accurately and quickly execute orders and serve as a source of market information Most brokerage firms have weekly market reports as well as periodic in-depth research reports on the market outlook which may be useful in formulating a marketing strategy Also, a commodity brokerage firm that is familiar with local cash market opportunities has some distinct advantages. It is extremely important that a broker understand how hedging and price risk management fit into the ma rketing program of the producer or processor The producer processor , and the broker must realize that hedging is a tool to reduce price risk However, producers processors sometimes use futures markets to speculate on price changes and thus are exposed to increase price risk Generally, speculation and hedging should be done in two separate accounts Inexperienced hedgers should seek a broker willing to help them increase their understanding of market mechanics. After selecting a broker, formulating a marketing plan, and opening a hedge account, the producer is ready to place trading orders The broker can supply information on the types of orders to place Once the broker receives the order, it will be phoned or wired to the floor of the commodity exchange The order is relayed to a pit broker who will execute it in the trading pit, provided it is within the current market range A confirmation of the executed order is then phoned or wired back to the local broker Many brokerage firms can ex ecute the order while the client waits on the phone for the confirmation price. To maintain a position in the futures market, producers processors must deposit margin money with the brokerage firm Initial margin requirements provide financial security to insure performance on the futures commitment If the producer processor sells buys a contract in the futures market and the futures price subsequently rises declines , this represents a loss of equity in the futures position These higher lower prices may require additional funds to maintain the hedge position If the futures price moves down up the producer processor who sold bought futures will have futures profits credited to his her account The producer processor can call for this excess margin to be paid to him her In the futures market the margin position is updated each day. Margin calls should not be viewed as a loss but rather as part of the cost of insuring against a major price decline increase In a producer hedged position, los ses on futures contracts are offset by the increasing value of the physical grain inventory In a processor livestock producer hedged position, losses on futures contracts are offset by lower priced cash grain purchases. Although margin calls should not be viewed as a loss, they complicate a producers cash flow If prices rise, the futures loss must be paid additional margin as the loss accrues However, the additional value of the grain is not realized until the grain is sold when the hedge is lifted For grain processors and livestock producers, falling grain prices can result in margin calls before the benefits of lower priced cash grain purchases are realized So, a cash flow problem may occur. Once the position is closed out, the producer is no longer required to maintain a margin account for that transaction Thus the producer processor can received his margin deposits, plus minus futures profits losses , less brokerage fees. Robert Wisner, retired economist Questions. Don Hofstrand retire d extension value added agriculture specialist. How to track your Umac Express Balikbayan Box. It is no brainer, really But I just want to share what I dug from my gazillion clicking of links Balikbayan box anyone Yes, yes, it is a very popular term for Filipino overseas Even old stuff we got from the thrift stores, we send it to the Philippines anyway If you are using Umac Express Cargo you are in luck This post is intended for that Again, no brainer Instead of waiting for the next business day or hour to call a Umacs Office, use your computer and your Internet connection It easy and convenient.1 Visit this link forexcargouk search index html This works for Balikbayan boxes originating from Canada, USA, London, Italy, Bahrain, Hongkong, Korea, Macau, Greece, Spain, New Zealand and Singapore.5 The results will be displayed at the lower portion of the same page If you find any discrepancy in the information, especially the destination or consignee address, better call your local Umacs Off ice Read not the agent. Start sending some love to the Philippines. 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If you ve ever wondered at the very weird names of options strategies, here s the perfect read for you Condors and Jelly Rolls Calls of the Options Game by Tennille Tracy of The Wall Street Journal I ve always loved the colorful terms options traders use to describe complex options trades, so I had a great time speaking with Tennille for this article - and an even better time reading the finished product. Some of these names aren t just fanciful they can help you remember how the trade works The building blocks of any options trade are the two options types, puts and calls When you buy a call, it gives you the right but not the obligation to buy the underlying stock at the strike price Expressed another way, it gives you the right to call stock away from a call seller, who must s ell stock to you at the strike price Similarly, when you buy a put, you re buying the right to put stock to someone, that is, sell the stock at the strike price The person you put that stock to would be a put seller who gets assigned and must fulfill their obligation to buy stock at the strike. As I explained in the article, There is a logic to naming trades Common names, such as verticals, horizontals or diagonals which involve two different sets of options developed because of the way they look when displayed on a trading floor s quote board Vertical trades, for example, involve two options in the same month, but different strike prices and appear in a column on the quote board, while horizontal trades involve options in two different months, but with the same strike price and appear side by side. I was really pleased to see that our own invented option name, the Fig Leaf, got some publicity at the end of the article As you may recall, we ran an informal contest on this blog to name a common but unnamed option play selling a near-term, out-of-the-money call option against a long-term, high-delta, in-the-money call position The concept is that the long term call would act as a surrogate for the long stock in a normal covered call trade You re not exactly as covered as you would be if you held long stock as the underlying, but you re not exactly naked either TradeKing client Weird Uncle Jesse coined the winning name, which I still love the Fig Leaf With the tag line you re kind of covered Nice work, WUJ. If you come across any interesting stories as to how certain strategies got their names, I m all ears For one, I ve always wondered if the iron butterfly owed anything to the 1970s rock band of the same name In fact, how about this we ll send a free Options Playbook to anyone who chimes in with a good options-naming story that s not already covered in the Journal article Have at it, folks. TradeKing s Options Guy. Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investo rs Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options available at tradeking ODD. Iron condors, iron butterflies, verticals, horizontals and diagonals are multiple-leg options strategies involving additional risks and multiple commissions and may result in complex tax treatments Keep the risk of early assignment in mind when constructing your own trades Consult with your tax advisor as to how taxes may affect the outcome of these strategies. Content, research, tools, and stock or option symbols are for educational and illustrative purposes only and do not imply a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell a particular security or to engage in any particular investment strategy The projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, are not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Supporting documentation for any claims made in th is post will be supplied upon request Send a private message to All-Stars using the link below the profile image. TradeKing provides self-directed investors with discount brokerage services, and does not make recommendations or offer investment, financial, legal or tax advice. Trading strategy generation Free Binary Signals ryfab se. Trading strategy generation top 5 binary options robot espaol. 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